Changes between Version 18 and Version 19 of ReviewScheduleLibraries

Feb 27, 2011, 6:51:20 PM (12 years ago)

Update dates


  • ReviewScheduleLibraries

    v18 v19  
    33WARNING: The contents of this page could be incomplete and outdated. Please help us to improve this page by modifying it directly or posting on the Boost mailing lists [] or [] with the prefix `[ReviewScheduleLibraries].
    4950* boost::lockfree::stack, a lock-free stack
    5051* boost::lockfree::atomic_int, an atomic integer class
    52 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    53 == Boost.Task  ==
    54  * '''Author(s):''' Oliver Kowalke
    55  * '''Version:''' 0.2.1
    56  * '''State:''' Quite Stable
    57  * '''Last upload:''' 2009 June 25
    58  * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
    59  * '''Depends on:''' Boost.Fiber, Boost.Atomic
    60  * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
    61      * Missing criteria
    62          * C1
    63  * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
    64  * '''Review Manager:''' Vicente Botet
    65  * '''Expected review date:''' ???
    66  * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault] [ Boost Sandbox] [ GitHub Sandbox]
    67  * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
    68  * '''Description:''' execute tasks in threadpool, in new thread or as sub-task and let the result be transfered via a future. support task interruption, work-stealing and fork/join semantics
    138 == Boost.Convert ==
    139  * '''Author(s):'''  Vladimir Batov
    140  * '''Version:''' 0.36
    141  * '''State:''' Ready
    142  * '''Last upload:''' 2009, Mars 02
    143  * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
    144  * '''Depends on:'''
    145  * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
    146      * Missing criteria
    147          * C1
    148  * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
    149  * '''Review Manager:''' Needed
    150  * '''Expected review date:''' ???
    151  * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault]
    152  * '''Categories:''' [#StringAndTextProcessing String And Text Processing]
    153  * '''Description:''' Extensible framework for a uniform approach to type-to-type conversions in general. It builds on the lexical_cast past experience, offers the already familiar conversion functionality and more:
    155    * simple and better/safe conversion-failure check;
    156    * throwing and non throwing conversion-failure behavior;
    157    * support for the default value to be returned when conversion fails;
    158    * formatting support based on the standard I/O Streams and the standard (or user-defined) manipulators (like std::hex, std::scientific, etc.);
    159    * locale support;
    160    * support for boost::range-compliant char and wchar_t-based string containers (std::string, std::wstring, char const*, wchar_t const*, char array[], std::vector<char>, etc.);
    161    * no DefaultConstructibility requirement for the Target type;
    162    * room to grow.
    165 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    166121== Boost.Creasing ==
    167122 * '''Author(s):''' Grant Erickson
    218173 * '''Description:''' Boost QVM defines a set of generic functions and operator overloads for working with quaternions, vectors and matrices of static size. The library also defines vector and matrix data types, however it allows users to introduce their own types by specializing the q_traits, v_traits and m_traits templates.
    225176== Boost.Pimpl ==
    239190 * '''Categories:''' [#Memory Memory]
    240191 * '''Description:''' The Pimpl idiom is a simple yet robust technique to minimize coupling via the separation of interface and implementation and then implementation hiding. This library provides a convenient yet flexible and generic deployment technique for the Pimpl idiom. It's seemingly complete and broadly applicable, yet minimal, simple and pleasant to use.
    242 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    243 == Boost.!ShiftedPointer ==
    244  * '''Author(s):''' Phil Bouchard
    245  * '''Version:'''
    246  * '''State:'''
    247  * '''Last upload:'''
    248  * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
    249  * '''Depends on:'''
    250  * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
    251      * Missing criteria
    252          * C1
    253  * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
    254  * '''Review Manager:''' Needed
    255  * '''Expected review date:''' ???
    256  * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault]
    257  * '''Categories:''' [#Memory Memory]
    258  * '''Description:''' Smart pointers are in general optimized for a specific resource (memory usage, CPU cycles, user friendliness, ...) depending on what the user need to make the most of. The purpose of this smart pointer is mainly to allocate the reference counter (or owner) and the object itself at the same time so that dynamic memory management is simplified thus accelerated and cheaper on the memory map.
    313246 * '''Categories:''' [#Container Container]
    314247 * '''Description:''' Containers of Movable objects emulation using [#Boost.Move Boost.Move] 
    316 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    317 == Boost.Lexer ==
    318  * '''Author(s):''' Ben Hanson 
    319  * '''Version:''' v0.2
    320  * '''State:''' Not ready. Seems Lexer is been rewritten.
    321  * '''Last upload:''' 2009 November 24
    322  * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
    323  * '''Depends on:'''
    324  * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
    325      * Missing criteria
    326          * C1
    327  * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
    328  * '''Review Manager:''' Eric Niebler
    329  * '''Expected review date:''' ???
    330  * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault]
    331  * '''Categories:''' [#StringAndTextProcessing String And Text Processing]
    332  * '''Description:'''  A programmable lexical analyser generator inspired by 'flex'. Like flex, it is programmed by the use of regular expressions and outputs a state machine as a number of DFAs utilising equivalence classes for compression.
    361 == Boost.!TypeTraits.Extensions  ==
    362  * '''Author(s):''' Frédéric Bron
    363  * '''Version:''' ???
    364  * '''State:''' Quite Stable but not yet Ready for review
    365  * '''Last upload:''' 2009 June 25
    366  * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
    367  * '''Depends on:'''
    368  * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
    369      * Missing criteria
    370          * C1
    371  * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
    372  * '''Review Manager:''' Joel Falcou
    373  * '''Expected review date:''' ???
    374  * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault] [ Boost Sandbox]
    375  * '''Categories:''' [#FunctionObjectsAndHigher-orderProgramming Function Objects And Higher-order Programming]
    376  * '''Description:''' The purpose of the addition is to add type traits to detect if types T and U are comparable in the sense of <, <=, >, >=, == or != operators, i.e. if t<u has a sens when t is of type T and u of type U (same for <=, >, >=, ==, !=).
    378 The following traits are added: is_equal_to_comparable<T,U> is_greater_comparable<T,U> is_greater_equal_comparable<T,U> is_less_comparable<T,U> is_less_equal_comparable<T,U> is_not_equal_to_comparable<T,U>
    380 The names are based on the corresponding names of the standard template library (<functional> header, section 20.3.3 of the standard).
    382 The code has the following properties: * returns true if t<u is meaningful and returns a value convertible to bool * returns false if t<u is meaningless. * fails with compile time error if t<u is meaningful and returns void (a possibility to avoid compile time error would be to return true with an operator, trick but this has little sens as returning false would be better)
    384 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    385276= Review Scheduled =
    399290 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
    400291 * '''Description:''' Boost.Context provides framework for user-context swapping/switching - has assembler for some platforms.
     294== Boost.Convert ==
     295 * '''Author(s):'''  Vladimir Batov
     296 * '''Version:''' 0.36
     297 * '''State:''' Ready
     298 * '''Last upload:''' 2009, Mars 02
     299 * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
     300 * '''Depends on:'''
     301 * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
     302     * Missing criteria
     303         * C1
     304 * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
     305 * '''Review Manager:''' Edward Diener
     306 * '''Expected review date:''' April 23, 2011 - May 2, 2011-
     307 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault]
     308 * '''Categories:''' [#StringAndTextProcessing String And Text Processing]
     309 * '''Description:''' Extensible framework for a uniform approach to type-to-type conversions in general. It builds on the lexical_cast past experience, offers the already familiar conversion functionality and more:
     311   * simple and better/safe conversion-failure check;
     312   * throwing and non throwing conversion-failure behavior;
     313   * support for the default value to be returned when conversion fails;
     314   * formatting support based on the standard I/O Streams and the standard (or user-defined) manipulators (like std::hex, std::scientific, etc.);
     315   * locale support;
     316   * support for boost::range-compliant char and wchar_t-based string containers (std::string, std::wstring, char const*, wchar_t const*, char array[], std::vector<char>, etc.);
     317   * no DefaultConstructibility requirement for the Target type;
     318   * room to grow.
    413333It uses std::locale, and std::locale facets in order to provide localization in transparent and
    414334C++ aware way to user..
     337== Boost.!TypeTraits.Extensions  ==
     338 * '''Author(s):''' Frédéric Bron
     339 * '''Version:''' ???
     340 * '''State:''' Quite Stable but not yet Ready for review
     341 * '''Last upload:''' 2009 June 25
     342 * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
     343 * '''Depends on:'''
     344 * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
     345     * Missing criteria
     346         * C1
     347 * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
     348 * '''Review Manager:''' Joel Falcou
     349 * '''Expected review date:''' March 14, 2011 - March 18, 2011
     350 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault] [ Boost Sandbox]
     351 * '''Categories:''' [#FunctionObjectsAndHigher-orderProgramming Function Objects And Higher-order Programming]
     352 * '''Description:''' The purpose of the addition is to add type traits to detect if types T and U are comparable in the sense of <, <=, >, >=, == or != operators, i.e. if t<u has a sens when t is of type T and u of type U (same for <=, >, >=, ==, !=).
     354The following traits are added: is_equal_to_comparable<T,U> is_greater_comparable<T,U> is_greater_equal_comparable<T,U> is_less_comparable<T,U> is_less_equal_comparable<T,U> is_not_equal_to_comparable<T,U>
     356The names are based on the corresponding names of the standard template library (<functional> header, section 20.3.3 of the standard).
     358The code has the following properties: * returns true if t<u is meaningful and returns a value convertible to bool * returns false if t<u is meaningless. * fails with compile time error if t<u is meaningful and returns void (a possibility to avoid compile time error would be to return true with an operator, trick but this has little sens as returning false would be better)
    432377= Review on going =
     380= Review results pending =
    451399        * wait for processes to exit (synchronously or asynchronously)
    452400        * terminate processes
    454 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    455 = Review results pending =