Changes between Version 21 and Version 22 of ReviewScheduleLibraries

May 15, 2011, 7:27:02 AM (11 years ago)



  • ReviewScheduleLibraries

    v21 v22  
    7070 * '''Categories:''' [#Memory Memory]
    7171 * '''Description:''' Smart pointers are in general optimized for a specific resource (memory usage, CPU cycles, user friendliness, ...) depending on what the user need to make the most of. The purpose of this smart pointer is mainly to allocate the reference counter (or owner) and the object itself at the same time so that dynamic memory management is simplified thus accelerated and cheaper on the memory map.
     74== Boost.Local ==
     75 * '''Author(s):''' Lorenzo Caminiti
     76 * '''Version:''' 0.1.0
     77 * '''State:''' Review Ready
     78 * '''Last upload:''' January 03, 2011
     79 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox] [ Boost Vault] [ Documentation]
     80 * '''Categories:''' [#FunctionObjectsAndHigher-orderProgramming Function Objects And Higher-order Programming]
     81 * '''Description:''' Local functions, local blocks, and local exits.
     83Local functions are a form of information hiding and are useful for dividing procedural tasks into subtasks which are only meaningful locally, avoiding cluttering other parts of the program with functions, variables, etc unrelated to those parts. Local functions therefore complement other structuring possibilities such as namespaces and classes.
     85* Local functions can access, or better bind, any of the variables from the enclosing scope. Furthermore, local functions defined within a member function can bind the enclosing object this.
     86* The local function body is programmed using the usual C++ syntax.
     87* Local functions can be passed as template parameters (so they can be conveniently passed to STL algorithms, etc).
     88* However, local functions must be defined within a declarative context (e.g., at a point in the code where local variables can be declared) thus they cannot be defined within an expression.
     90In addition to local functions, this library also supports the following features:
     92* Local blocks which define blocks of code that bind variables from the enclosing scope. Local blocks allow programmers to bind variables as constants (constant binding) so to prevent local chunks of code from modifying selected variables.
     93* Local exits which define blocks of code that are executed when the enclosing scope is exited (again with support for constant binding and binding of the object this).
     96== Boost.Network ==
     97 * '''Author(s):'''  Dean Michael Berris
     98 * '''Version:''' 0.7
     99 * '''State:''' Under development but usable
     100 * '''Last upload:''' 2010, October 10
     101 * '''Links:''' [
     102 Downloads] [ Documentation]
     103 * '''Categories:''' [#DataCommunications DataCommunication]
     104 * '''Description:'''The cpp-netlib is a library that provides application layer protocol support using modern C++ techniques. It is light-weight, fast, cross-platform and is intended to be as easy to configure as possible.
     107== Boost.QVM ==
     108 * '''Author(s):''' Emil Dotchevski
     109 * '''Version:'''
     110 * '''State:'''
     111 * '''Last upload:''' 2011 Feb 07
     112 * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
     113 * '''Depends on:'''
     114 * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
     115     * Missing criteria
     116         * C1
     117 * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
     118 * '''Review Manager:''' Needed
     119 * '''Expected review date:''' ???
     120 * '''Links:''' [ Web Page]
     121 * '''Categories:''' [#MathAndNumerics Math And Numerics]
     122 * '''Description:''' Boost QVM defines a set of generic functions and operator overloads for working with quaternions, vectors and matrices of static size. The library also defines vector and matrix data types, however it allows users to introduce their own types by specializing the q_traits, v_traits and m_traits templates.
     125== Boost.Pimpl ==
     126 * '''Author(s):''' Vladimir Batov
     127 * '''Version:'''
     128 * '''State:''' Ready
     129 * '''Last upload:'''
     130 * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
     131 * '''Depends on:'''
     132 * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
     133     * Missing criteria
     134         * C1
     135 * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
     136 * '''Review Manager:''' Needed
     137 * '''Expected review date:''' ???
     138 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault] [ Documentation]
     139 * '''Categories:''' [#Memory Memory]
     140 * '''Description:''' The Pimpl idiom is a simple yet robust technique to minimize coupling via the separation of interface and implementation and then implementation hiding. This library provides a convenient yet flexible and generic deployment technique for the Pimpl idiom. It's seemingly complete and broadly applicable, yet minimal, simple and pleasant to use.
     145== Boost.!VariadicMacrosData ==
     146 * '''Author(s):'''  Edward Diener 
     147 * '''Version:''' 1.3 
     148 * '''State:''' 
     149 * '''Last upload:''' Feb 6, 2011
     150 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox]
     151 * '''Categories:''' [#PreprocessorMetaprogramming Preprocessor Metaprogramming] 
     152 * '''Description:'''  The variadic macro data library, or VMD for short, is a library of macros which provide important functionality for variadic macros as well as integrating variadic macros with the Boost preprocessor library ( Boost PP ). It integrates with Boost PP without changing the latter library in any way.
     154The functionality of the library may be summed up as:
     1561. Providing the means to extract any single token from the comma-separated data which makes up variadic macro data, as well as to calculate the number of tokens.
     1572. Convert variadic macro data to and from Boost PP data types.
     1583. Enhance the tuple functionality of Boost PP by providing a means of calculating the size of a tuple as well as by providing equivalent macros to Boost PP tuple macros which do not require the size of the tuple to be explicitly passed.
     161= Review Date pending =
     163This section contains an index of the libraries with a pending date.
     166== Boost.!AutoBuffer ==
     167 * '''Author(s):''' Thorsten Ottosen
     168 * '''Version:'''
     169 * '''State:''' Stable.
     170 * '''Last upload:''' 2009 Jan 13
     171 * '''Depends on:'''
     172 * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
     173     * Missing criteria
     174         * C1
     175 * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
     176 * '''Review Manager:''' Robert Stewart
     177 * '''Expected review date:''' ???
     178 * '''Links:''' [ Download]
     179 * '''Categories:''' [#DataStructures Data Structures]
     180 * '''Description:''' Boost.AutoBuffer provides a container for efficient dynamic, local buffers. Furthermore, the container may be used as an alternative to std::vector, offering greater flexibility and sometimes better performance.
     184== Boost.Stopwatches ==
     185 * '''Author(s):''' Vicente J. Botet Escribá
     186 * '''Version:''' 0.1.0
     187 * '''State:''' Not ready. Needs adaptation to new Chrono steady_clock interface.
     188 * '''Last upload:'''2010 September 7
     189 * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
     190 * '''Depends on:'''
     191 * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
     192     * Missing criteria
     193         * C1
     194 * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
     195 * '''Review Manager:''' Anthoni Williams
     196 * '''Expected review date:''' ???
     197 * '''Links:''' [ Documentation] [ Download]  [ Boost Sandbox]
     198 * '''Categories:''' [#System System]
     199 * '''Description:''' The Boost Ratio library provides:
     200    * Stopwatches:
     201        * stopwatch, capturing elapsed Clock times.
     202        * stopwatch_accumulator, capturing cumulated elapsed Clock times.
     203        * scoped helper classes allowing to pairwise start/stop operations, suspend/resume and resume/suspend a Stopwatch.
     204    * Stopwatch reporters:
     205        * stopwatch_reporter, convenient reporting of models of Stopwatch results.
     206        * stopclock<Clock> shortcut of stopwatch_reporter<stopwatch<Clock>>.
     207        * Support for wide characters (strings and ostreams).
     210= Review Scheduled =
     212This section contains an index for libraries that are scheduled.
     215== Boost.Assign.V2 ==
     216 * '''Author(s):''' Ottosen Thorsten, Erwann Rogard   
     217 * '''Version:''' 2.0
     218 * '''State:''' On going
     219 * '''Last upload:''' 2011 Jan 28
     220 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox]
     221 * '''Categories:''' [#Containers Containers]
     222 * '''Review Manager:''' John Bytheway
     223 * '''Expected review date:''' June 15, 2011 - June 24, 2011
     224 * '''Description:''' This library has grown out of Boost.Assign 1.0 but is functionally independent of it. It provides a small set of tools for carrying out operations that can be characterized as either putting a set of values in a container, in simple or complex ways, or manipulating references through a range-like interface. These are referred to as the put and ref frameworks, respectively. Each allows to code in one sweep, what would ordinarily require repetitive statements, and integrates nicely with range algorithms. Utilities bridging the above with other container or range functionality are provided. The library is open for extension with the help of macros.
     227== Boost.Containers ==
     228 * '''Author(s):'''  Ion Gaztañaga
     229 * '''Version:'''
     230 * '''State:''' stable. Ready for review.
     231 * '''Last upload:'''
     232 * '''Inclusion date:''' 2009 Dec 14
     233 * '''Depends on:''' [#Boost.Move Boost.Move]
     234 * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
     235     * Missing criteria
     236         * C1
     237 * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
     238 * '''Review Manager:''' John Maddock
     239 * '''Expected review date:''' August 3, 2011 - August 12, 2011
     240 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox] [ Download] [ Documentation]
     241 * '''Categories:''' [#Container Container]
     242 * '''Description:''' Containers of Movable objects emulation using [#Boost.Move Boost.Move] 
    85256         * C1
    86257 * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
    87  * '''Review Manager:''' Needed
    88  * '''Expected review date:''' ???
     258 * '''Review Manager:''' Gordon Woodhull
     259 * '''Expected review date:''' August 20, 2011 - August 29, 2011
    89260 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault] [ Boost Sandbox] [ Documentation]
    90261 * '''Categories:''' [#Utilities Utilities]
    116 == Boost.Creasing ==
    117  * '''Author(s):''' Grant Erickson
    118  * '''Version:'''
    119  * '''State:'''
    120  * '''Last upload:'''
    121  * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
    122  * '''Depends on:'''
    123  * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
    124      * Missing criteria
    125          * C1
    126  * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
    127  * '''Review Manager:''' Needed
    128  * '''Expected review date:''' ???
    129  * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault]
    130  * '''Categories:''' [#Algorithms Algorithms]
    131  * '''Description:'''
    133 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    134 == Boost.QVM ==
    135  * '''Author(s):''' Emil Dotchevski
    136  * '''Version:'''
    137  * '''State:'''
    138  * '''Last upload:''' 2011 Feb 07
    139  * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
    140  * '''Depends on:'''
    141  * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
    142      * Missing criteria
    143          * C1
    144  * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
    145  * '''Review Manager:''' Needed
    146  * '''Expected review date:''' ???
    147  * '''Links:''' [ Web Page]
    148  * '''Categories:''' [#MathAndNumerics Math And Numerics]
    149  * '''Description:''' Boost QVM defines a set of generic functions and operator overloads for working with quaternions, vectors and matrices of static size. The library also defines vector and matrix data types, however it allows users to introduce their own types by specializing the q_traits, v_traits and m_traits templates.
    151 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    152 == Boost.Pimpl ==
    153  * '''Author(s):''' Vladimir Batov
    154  * '''Version:'''
    155  * '''State:''' Ready
    156  * '''Last upload:'''
    157  * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
    158  * '''Depends on:'''
    159  * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
    160      * Missing criteria
    161          * C1
    162  * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
    163  * '''Review Manager:''' Needed
    164  * '''Expected review date:''' ???
    165  * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault] [ Documentation]
    166  * '''Categories:''' [#Memory Memory]
    167  * '''Description:''' The Pimpl idiom is a simple yet robust technique to minimize coupling via the separation of interface and implementation and then implementation hiding. This library provides a convenient yet flexible and generic deployment technique for the Pimpl idiom. It's seemingly complete and broadly applicable, yet minimal, simple and pleasant to use.
    169 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    170 == Boost.TTI==
    171  * '''Author(s):'''  Edward Diener
    172  * '''Version:''' 1.0
    173  * '''State:'''
    174  * '''Last upload:''' 2011 Feb 6
    175  * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox]
    176  * '''Categories:''' [#GenericProgramming Generic Programming]
    177  * '''Description:''' The Type Traits Introspection library, or TTI for short, is a library of macros generating metafunctions, and a set of parallel nullary type metafunctions, which provide the ability to introspect by name the elements of a type at compile time.
    179 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    180 == Boost.!VariadicMacrosData ==
    181  * '''Author(s):'''  Edward Diener 
    182  * '''Version:''' 1.3 
    183  * '''State:''' 
    184  * '''Last upload:''' Feb 6, 2011
    185  * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox]
    186  * '''Categories:''' [#PreprocessorMetaprogramming Preprocessor Metaprogramming] 
    187  * '''Description:'''  The variadic macro data library, or VMD for short, is a library of macros which provide important functionality for variadic macros as well as integrating variadic macros with the Boost preprocessor library ( Boost PP ). It integrates with Boost PP without changing the latter library in any way.
    189 The functionality of the library may be summed up as:
    191 1. Providing the means to extract any single token from the comma-separated data which makes up variadic macro data, as well as to calculate the number of tokens.
    192 2. Convert variadic macro data to and from Boost PP data types.
    193 3. Enhance the tuple functionality of Boost PP by providing a means of calculating the size of a tuple as well as by providing equivalent macros to Boost PP tuple macros which do not require the size of the tuple to be explicitly passed.
    195 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    196 = Review Date pending =
    198 This section contains an index of the libraries with a pending date.
    200 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    201 == Boost.!AutoBuffer ==
    202  * '''Author(s):''' Thorsten Ottosen
    203  * '''Version:'''
    204  * '''State:''' Stable.
    205  * '''Last upload:''' 2009 Jan 13
    206  * '''Depends on:'''
    207  * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
    208      * Missing criteria
    209          * C1
    210  * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
    211  * '''Review Manager:''' Robert Stewart
    212  * '''Expected review date:''' ???
    213  * '''Links:''' [ Download]
    214  * '''Categories:''' [#DataStructures Data Structures]
    215  * '''Description:''' Boost.AutoBuffer provides a container for efficient dynamic, local buffers. Furthermore, the container may be used as an alternative to std::vector, offering greater flexibility and sometimes better performance.
    217 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    218 == Boost.Containers ==
    219  * '''Author(s):'''  Ion Gaztañaga
    220  * '''Version:'''
    221  * '''State:''' stable. Ready for review.
    222  * '''Last upload:'''
    223  * '''Inclusion date:''' 2009 Dec 14
    224  * '''Depends on:''' [#Boost.Move Boost.Move]
    225  * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
    226      * Missing criteria
    227          * C1
    228  * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
    229  * '''Review Manager:''' John Maddock
    230  * '''Expected review date:''' ???
    231  * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox] [ Download] [ Documentation]
    232  * '''Categories:''' [#Container Container]
    233  * '''Description:''' Containers of Movable objects emulation using [#Boost.Move Boost.Move] 
    235 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    236287== Boost.Endian ==
    237288 * '''Author(s):''' Beman Dawes
    246297 * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
    247298 * '''Review Manager:''' Joel Falcou
    248  * '''Expected review date:''' ???
     299 * '''Expected review date:''' September 5, 2011 - September 14, 2011
    249300 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox]
    250301 * '''Categories:''' [#Portability Portability]
    251302 * '''Description:''' Provides integer-like byte-holder binary types with explicit control over byte order, value type, size, and alignment. Typedefs provide easy-to-use names for common configurations.
    252303These types provide portable byte-holders for integer data, independent of particular computer architectures. Use cases almost always involve I/O, either via files or network connections. Although portability is the primary motivation, these integer byte-holders may also be used to reduce memory use, file size, or network activity since they provide binary integer sizes not otherwise available.
    254 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    255 == Boost.Stopwatches ==
    256  * '''Author(s):''' Vicente J. Botet Escribá
    257  * '''Version:''' 0.1.0
    258  * '''State:''' Not ready. Needs adaptation to new Chrono steady_clock interface.
    259  * '''Last upload:'''2010 September 7
    260  * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
    261  * '''Depends on:'''
    262  * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
    263      * Missing criteria
    264          * C1
    265  * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
    266  * '''Review Manager:''' Anthoni Williams
    267  * '''Expected review date:''' ???
    268  * '''Links:''' [ Documentation] [ Download]  [ Boost Sandbox]
    269  * '''Categories:''' [#System System]
    270  * '''Description:''' The Boost Ratio library provides:
    271     * Stopwatches:
    272         * stopwatch, capturing elapsed Clock times.
    273         * stopwatch_accumulator, capturing cumulated elapsed Clock times.
    274         * scoped helper classes allowing to pairwise start/stop operations, suspend/resume and resume/suspend a Stopwatch.
    275     * Stopwatch reporters:
    276         * stopwatch_reporter, convenient reporting of models of Stopwatch results.
    277         * stopclock<Clock> shortcut of stopwatch_reporter<stopwatch<Clock>>.
    278         * Support for wide characters (strings and ostreams).
    280 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    281 = Review Scheduled =
    283 This section contains an index for libraries that are scheduled.
    326346* boost::lockfree::atomic_int, an atomic integer class
     350== Boost.TTI==
     351 * '''Author(s):'''  Edward Diener
     352 * '''Version:''' 1.0
     353 * '''State:'''
     354 * '''Last upload:''' 2011 Feb 6
     355 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox]
     356 * '''Categories:''' [#GenericProgramming Generic Programming]
     357 * '''Review Manager:''' Joel Falcou
     358 * '''Expected review date:''' July 1, 2011 - July 10, 2011
     359 * '''Description:''' The Type Traits Introspection library, or TTI for short, is a library of macros generating metafunctions, and a set of parallel nullary type metafunctions, which provide the ability to introspect by name the elements of a type at compile time.