Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of ReviewScheduleLibraries

Dec 2, 2010, 5:46:45 PM (12 years ago)



  • ReviewScheduleLibraries

    v4 v5  
    8787== Boost.Chrono ==
    8888 * '''Author(s):''' Howard Hinnant, Beman Dawes and Vicente J. Botet Escribá
    89  * '''Version:''' 0.3.1
     89 * '''Version:''' 0.6
    9090 * '''State:''' Stable
    9191 * '''Inclusion date:''' 2009 Dec 14
    9292 * '''Last upload:'''2010 January 17
    93  * '''Depends on:''' None
    94  * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
    95      * Missing criteria
    96          * C1
    97  * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
    98  * '''Review Manager:''' Needed
    99  * '''Expected review date:''' ???
     93 * '''Depends on:''' Ratio, TypeTraits, ...
     94 * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
     95     * Missing criteria
     96         * C1
     97 * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
     98 * '''Review Manager:''' Anthony Williams
     99 * '''Review Result:''' Pending
    100100 * '''Links:''' [ Documentation] [ Download]  [ Boost Sandbox]
    101101 * '''Categories:''' [#System System]
    261261 * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
    262262 * '''Review Manager:''' Mateusz Loskot
    263  * '''Expected review date:''' ???
     263 * '''Review result:''' On going
    264264 * '''Links:''' [ svn repository ]
    265265 * '''Categories:''' [#ImageProcessing Image Processing]
    350350 * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
    351351 * '''Review Manager:''' OvermindDL1
    352  * '''Expected review date:''' ???
     352 * '''Review Result:''' Pending
    353353 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox] [
    354354 Documentation] [ Download]
    479479 * '''Author(s):''' Joachim Faulhaber
    480480 * '''Version:''' ???
    481  * '''State:''' [ Accepted]
     481 * '''State:''' [ Accepted On-trunk]
    482482 * '''Review Manager:''' Hartmut Kaiser
    483483 * '''Review dates:''' February 18, 2010 - February 27, 2010
    491491 * '''Description:''' The Interval Template Library (ITL) provides '''intervals''' and two kinds of interval containers: '''interval_sets''' and '''interval_maps'''. Interval_sets and maps can be used just as the sets or maps of elements. Yet they are much more space and time efficient when the elements occur in contiguous chunks. This is obviously the case in many problem domains, particularly in fields that deal with problems related to date and time. In addition to common set and map semantics, interval containers are capable to compute with segmentation. A segmentation, e.g. a grid of months, can be intersected into other interval containers and then be iterated over. Finally interval_maps allow for aggregations on associated values, if added intervals overlap with intervals, that are stored in the interval_map. This feature is called '''aggregate on overlap'''.
    493 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    494 == Boost.Msm ==
    495  * '''Author(s):'''  Christophe Henry
    496  * '''Version:''' 1.10
    497  * '''State:''' [ Accepted]
    498  * '''Review Manager:''' Dave Abrahams
    499  * '''Review dates:''' November 23, 2009 - December 13, 2009
    500  * '''Accepted date:''' ???
    501  * '''Expected completion date:''' ???
    502  * '''Included in trunk date:''' ???
    503  * '''Expected release date:''' ???
    504  * '''Last upload:'''
    505  * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault][ Boost Sandbox]
    506  * '''Categories:''' [#DataStructures Data Structures]
    507  * '''Description:''' Msm is a framework which enables you to build a Finite State Machine in a straightforward, descriptive and easy-to-use manner . It requires minimal effort to generate a working program from an UML state machine diagram. This work was inspired by the state machine described in the book of David Abrahams and Aleksey Gurtovoy “C++ Template Metaprogramming” and adds most of what UML Designers are expecting from an UML State Machine framework(entry/exit actions, guards, composite states, orthogonal zones, history...).
    509 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    510 == Boost.Polygon ==
    511  * '''Author(s):''' Simonson, Lucanus J
    512  * '''Version:''' v0.1
    513  * '''State:''' [ Accepted]
    514  * '''Review Manager:''' Fernando Cacciola
    515  * '''Review dates:''' August 24, 2009 - September 2, 2009
    516  * '''Accepted date:''' ???
    517  * '''Expected completion date:''' ???
    518  * '''Included in trunk date:''' ???
    519  * '''Expected release date:''' ???
    520  * '''Last upload:'''
    521  * '''Last upload:''' 2009 February 17
    522  * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sanbox]
    523  * '''Categories:''' [#MathAndNumerics Math And Numerics]
    524  * '''Description:''' The boost polygon library provides algorithms focused on manipulating planar polygon geometry data.  Specific algorithms provided are the polygon set operations (intersection, union, difference, disjoint-union) and related algorithms such as polygon connectivity graph extraction, offsetting and map-overlay.  An example of the disjoint-union (XOR) of figure a and figure b is shown below in figure c.  These so-called Boolean algorithms are of significant interest in GIS (Geospatial Information Systems), VLSI CAD as well al other fields of CAD, and many more application areas, and providing them is the primary focus of this library.  The polygon library is not intended to cover all of computational geometry in its scope, and provides a set of capabilities for working with coordinates, points, intervals and rectangles that are needed to support implementing and interacting with polygon data structures and algorithms.  Specifically, 3d and non-Cartesian/non-planar geometry is outside of the scope of the polygon library.