Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of ReviewScheduleLibraries

Dec 2, 2010, 10:07:49 PM (12 years ago)



  • ReviewScheduleLibraries

    v5 v6  
     146== Boost.Context ==
     147 * '''Author(s):'''  Oliver Kowalke
     148 * '''Version:''' 0.2
     149 * '''State:'''
     150 * '''Last upload:'''2010 August 23
     151 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault]
     152 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
     153 * '''Description:''' Boost.Context provides framework for user-context swapping/switching - has assembler for some platforms
    146157== Boost.Conversion ==
     389== Boost.Process ==
     390 * '''Author(s):'''   Boris Schaeling, Ilya Sokolov, Felipe Tanus, Julio M. Merino Vidal
     391 * '''Version:''' v0.4
     392 * '''State:''' On going
     393 * '''Last upload:''' October 08, 2010
     394 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox] [ Download]
     395 * '''Categories:''' [#System System]
     396 *
    378398== Boost.!ShiftedPointer ==
    379399 * '''Author(s):''' Phil Bouchard
    393413 * '''Description:''' Smart pointers are in general optimized for a specific resource (memory usage, CPU cycles, user friendliness, ...) depending on what the user need to make the most of. The purpose of this smart pointer is mainly to allocate the reference counter (or owner) and the object itself at the same time so that dynamic memory management is simplified thus accelerated and cheaper on the memory map.
     416== Boost.Stopwatches ==
     417 * '''Author(s):''' Vicente J. Botet Escribá
     418 * '''Version:''' 0.1.0
     419 * '''State:''' Stable
     420 * '''Last upload:'''2010 September 7
     421 * '''Links:''' [ Documentation] [ Download]  [ Boost Sandbox]
     422 * '''Categories:''' [#System System]
     423 * '''Description:''' The Boost Ratio library provides:
     424    * Stopwatches:
     425        * stopwatch, capturing elapsed Clock times.
     426        * stopwatch_accumulator, capturing cumulated elapsed Clock times.
     427        * scoped helper classes allowing to pairwise start/stop operations, suspend/resume and resume/suspend a Stopwatch.
     428    * Stopwatch reporters:
     429        * stopwatch_reporter, convenient reporting of models of Stopwatch results.
     430        * stopclock<Clock> shortcut of stopwatch_reporter<stopwatch<Clock>>.
     431        * Support for wide characters (strings and ostreams).
    396433== Boost.Task  ==
    415 == Boost.TypeTraits.Extensions  ==
     452== Boost.!TypeTraits.Extensions  ==
    416453 * '''Author(s):''' Frédéric Bron
    417454 * '''Version:''' ???
    491528 * '''Description:''' The Interval Template Library (ITL) provides '''intervals''' and two kinds of interval containers: '''interval_sets''' and '''interval_maps'''. Interval_sets and maps can be used just as the sets or maps of elements. Yet they are much more space and time efficient when the elements occur in contiguous chunks. This is obviously the case in many problem domains, particularly in fields that deal with problems related to date and time. In addition to common set and map semantics, interval containers are capable to compute with segmentation. A segmentation, e.g. a grid of months, can be intersected into other interval containers and then be iterated over. Finally interval_maps allow for aggregations on associated values, if added intervals overlap with intervals, that are stored in the interval_map. This feature is called '''aggregate on overlap'''.
     531== Boost.Ratio==
     532 * '''Author(s):''' Howard Hinnant, Beman Dawes and Vicente J. Botet Escribá
     533 * '''Version:''' 0.2.0
     534 * '''State:''' Stable
     535 * '''Last upload:'''2010 September 22
     536 * '''Links:''' [ Documentation] [ PDF] [ Download]  [ Boost Sandbox]
     537 * '''Categories:''' [#MathAndNumerics Math And Numerics]
     538 * '''Description:''' The Boost Ratio library provides:
     539    * The C++0x Standard Library's compile-time rational arithmetic.
     541 The Boost.Ratio library provides:
     543    * A class template, ratio, for specifying compile time rational constants such as 1/3 of a nanosecond or the number of inches per meter. ratio represents a compile time ratio of compile time constants with support for compile time arithmetic with overflow and division by zero protection
     544    * It provides a textual representation of boost::ratio<N, D> in the form of a std::basic_string. Other types such as boost::duration can use these strings to aid in their I/O.