Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of ReviewScheduleLibraries

Jan 20, 2011, 9:21:32 PM (12 years ago)

Update and reorganize


  • ReviewScheduleLibraries

    v7 v8  
    33WARNING: The contents of this page could be incomplete and outdated. Please help us to improve this page by modifying it directly or posting on the Boost mailing lists [] or [] with the prefix `[ReviewScheduleLibraries].
    7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    8 = Ready for review =
    10 This section contains an index for libraries that are scheduled.
    13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    14 = Date pending =
    16 This section contains an index of the libraries with a pending date.
    18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    19 == Boost.!AutoBuffer ==
    20  * '''Author(s):''' Thorsten Ottosen
    21  * '''Version:'''
    22  * '''State:'''
    23  * '''Last upload:''' 2009 Jan 13
    24  * '''Depends on:'''
    25  * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
    26      * Missing criteria
    27          * C1
    28  * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
    29  * '''Review Manager:''' Robert Stewart
    30  * '''Expected review date:''' ???
    31  * '''Links:''' [ Download]
    32  * '''Categories:''' [#DataStructures Data Structures]
    33  * '''Description:''' Boost.AutoBuffer provides a container for efficient dynamic, local buffers. Furthermore, the container may be used as an alternative to std::vector, offering greater flexibility and sometimes better performance.
    35 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    36 == Boost.Lexer ==
    37  * '''Author(s):''' Ben Hanson 
     6= Depends on not yet accepted libraries =
     9== Boost.Context ==
     10 * '''Author(s):'''  Oliver Kowalke
     11 * '''Version:''' 0.2
     12 * '''State:'''
     13 * '''Depends on:''' [#Boost.Atomic  Boost.Atomic]
     14 * '''Last upload:'''2010 August 23
     15 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault]
     16 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
     17 * '''Description:''' Boost.Context provides framework for user-context swapping/switching - has assembler for some platforms
     22== Boost.Fiber ==
     23 * '''Author(s):'''  Oliver Kowalke
     24 * '''Version:'''
     25 * '''State:'''
     26 * '''Last upload:'''2009
     27 * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
     28 * '''Depends on:''' [#Boost.Atomic  Boost.Atomic]
     29 * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
     30     * Missing criteria
     31         * C1
     32 * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
     33 * '''Review Manager:''' Needed
     34 * '''Expected review date:''' ???
     35 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault]
     36 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
     37 * '''Description:''' Boost.Fiber implements lightweight threads of execution - so called fibers
     40== Boost.!LockFree ==
     41 * '''Author(s):''' Tim Blechmann 
    3842 * '''Version:''' v0.2
    39  * '''State:'''
     43 * '''State:''' Ready
    4044 * '''Last upload:''' 2009 November 24
    4145 * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
    42  * '''Depends on:'''
    43  * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
    44      * Missing criteria
    45          * C1
    46  * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
    47  * '''Review Manager:''' Eric Niebler
    48  * '''Expected review date:''' ???
    49  * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault]
    50  * '''Categories:''' [#StringAndTextProcessing String And Text Processing]
    51  * '''Description:'''  A programmable lexical analyser generator inspired by 'flex'. Like flex, it is programmed by the use of regular expressions and outputs a state machine as a number of DFAs utilising equivalence classes for compression.
    53 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    54 == Boost.Process ==
    55  * '''Author(s):'''   Boris Schaeling, Ilya Sokolov, Felipe Tanus, Julio M. Merino Vidal
    56  * '''Version:''' v0.4
    57  * '''State:''' On going
    58  * '''Last upload:''' October 08, 2010
    59  * '''Review Manager:''' Marshall Clow
    60  * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox] [ Download]
    61  * '''Categories:''' [#System System]
    62  *
    64 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    65 == Boost.!TypeTraits.Extensions  ==
    66  * '''Author(s):''' Frédéric Bron
    67  * '''Version:''' ???
     46 * '''Depends on:''' Boost.Atomic
     47 * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
     48     * Missing criteria
     49         * C1
     50 * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
     51 * '''Review Manager:''' Needed
     52 * '''Expected review date:''' ???
     53 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault] [ Git] [ Documentation]
     54 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming] [#Containers Containers]
     55 * '''Description:'''  Provides implementations of lock-free data structures. Lock-free data structures can be accessed by multiple threads without the necessity of blocking synchronization primitives such as guards. Lock-free data structures can be used in real-time systems, where blocking algorithms may lead to high worst-case execution times, to avoid priority inversion, or to increase the scalability for multi-processor machines.
     57The following data structures are provided:
     59* boost::lockfree::fifo, a lock-free fifo queue
     60* boost::lockfree::stack, a lock-free stack
     61* boost::lockfree::atomic_int, an atomic integer class
     64== Boost.Task  ==
     65 * '''Author(s):''' Oliver Kowalke
     66 * '''Version:''' 0.2.1
    6867 * '''State:''' Quite Stable
    6968 * '''Last upload:''' 2009 June 25
    7069 * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
    71  * '''Depends on:'''
    72  * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
    73      * Missing criteria
    74          * C1
    75  * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
    76  * '''Review Manager:''' Joel Falcou
    77  * '''Expected review date:''' ???
    78  * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault] [ Boost Sandbox]
    79  * '''Categories:''' [#FunctionObjectsAndHigher-orderProgramming Function Objects And Higher-order Programming]
    80  * '''Description:''' The purpose of the addition is to add type traits to detect if types T and U are comparable in the sense of <, <=, >, >=, == or != operators, i.e. if t<u has a sens when t is of type T and u of type U (same for <=, >, >=, ==, !=).
    82 The following traits are added: is_equal_to_comparable<T,U> is_greater_comparable<T,U> is_greater_equal_comparable<T,U> is_less_comparable<T,U> is_less_equal_comparable<T,U> is_not_equal_to_comparable<T,U>
    84 The names are based on the corresponding names of the standard template library (<functional> header, section 20.3.3 of the standard).
    86 The code has the following properties: * returns true if t<u is meaningful and returns a value convertible to bool * returns false if t<u is meaningless. * fails with compile time error if t<u is meaningful and returns void (a possibility to avoid compile time error would be to return true with an operator, trick but this has little sens as returning false would be better)
    89 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    90 = Looking for a review manager =
     70 * '''Depends on:''' Boost.Fiber, Boost.Atomic
     71 * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
     72     * Missing criteria
     73         * C1
     74 * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
     75 * '''Review Manager:''' Vicente Botet
     76 * '''Expected review date:''' ???
     77 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault] [ Boost Sandbox]
     78 * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
     79 * '''Description:''' execute tasks in threadpool, in new thread or as sub-task and let the result be transfered via a future. support task interruption, work-stealing and fork/join semantics
     82= Unassigned review manager =
    116108 * '''Author(s):''' Emile Cormier, Vicente J. Botet Escribá
    117109 * '''Version:''' 0.2
    118  * '''State:''' Stable
     110 * '''State:''' Ready
    119111 * '''Inclusion date:''' 2009 May 4
    120112 * '''Last upload:''' 2009 October 15
    154146 * '''Author(s):''' Vicente J. Botet Escribá
    155147 * '''Version:''' 0.4
    156  * '''State:''' Stable - Formal review requested - Looking for a review manager
     148 * '''State:''' Ready
    157149 * '''Last upload:'''2009 October 27
    158150 * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
    194186 * '''Author(s):'''  Vladimir Batov
    195187 * '''Version:''' 0.36
    196  * '''State:''' Review Requested
     188 * '''State:''' Ready
    197189 * '''Last upload:''' 2009, Mars 02
    198190 * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
    241233 * '''Author(s):''' Vicente J. Botet Escribá
    242234 * '''Version:''' 0.1.3
    243  * '''State:''' Stable - Formal review requested - Looking for a review manager
     235 * '''State:''' Needs to cleanup
    244236 * '''Last upload:''' 2009 April 02
    245237 * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
    268 == Boost.!LockFree ==
    269  * '''Author(s):''' Tim Blechmann 
    270  * '''Version:''' v0.2
    271  * '''State:'''
    272  * '''Last upload:''' 2009 November 24
    273  * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
    274  * '''Depends on:'''
    275  * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
    276      * Missing criteria
    277          * C1
    278  * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
    279  * '''Review Manager:''' Needed
    280  * '''Expected review date:''' ???
    281  * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault] [ Git] [ Documentation]
    282  * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming] [#Containers Containers]
    283  * '''Description:'''  Provides implementations of lock-free data structures. Lock-free data structures can be accessed by multiple threads without the necessity of blocking synchronization primitives such as guards. Lock-free data structures can be used in real-time systems, where blocking algorithms may lead to high worst-case execution times, to avoid priority inversion, or to increase the scalability for multi-processor machines.
    285 The following data structures are provided:
    287 * boost::lockfree::fifo, a lock-free fifo queue
    288 * boost::lockfree::stack, a lock-free stack
    289 * boost::lockfree::atomic_int, an atomic integer class
    291 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    292260== Boost.Pimpl ==
    293261 * '''Author(s):''' Vladimir Batov
    294262 * '''Version:'''
    295  * '''State:'''
     263 * '''State:''' Ready
    296264 * '''Last upload:'''
    297265 * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
    307275 * '''Description:''' The Pimpl idiom is a simple yet robust technique to minimize coupling via the separation of interface and implementation and then implementation hiding. This library provides a convenient yet flexible and generic deployment technique for the Pimpl idiom. It's seemingly complete and broadly applicable, yet minimal, simple and pleasant to use.
    313278== Boost.!ShiftedPointer ==
    331 = Depends on not yet accepted libraries =
    333 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    334 == Boost.Context ==
    335  * '''Author(s):'''  Oliver Kowalke
    336  * '''Version:''' 0.2
    337  * '''State:'''
    338  * '''Depends on:''' [#Boost.Atomic  Boost.Atomic]
    339  * '''Last upload:'''2010 August 23
    340  * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault]
    341  * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
    342  * '''Description:''' Boost.Context provides framework for user-context swapping/switching - has assembler for some platforms
     296= Review Date pending =
     298This section contains an index of the libraries with a pending date.
     301== Boost.!AutoBuffer ==
     302 * '''Author(s):''' Thorsten Ottosen
     303 * '''Version:'''
     304 * '''State:'''
     305 * '''Last upload:''' 2009 Jan 13
     306 * '''Depends on:'''
     307 * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
     308     * Missing criteria
     309         * C1
     310 * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
     311 * '''Review Manager:''' Robert Stewart
     312 * '''Expected review date:''' ???
     313 * '''Links:''' [ Download]
     314 * '''Categories:''' [#DataStructures Data Structures]
     315 * '''Description:''' Boost.AutoBuffer provides a container for efficient dynamic, local buffers. Furthermore, the container may be used as an alternative to std::vector, offering greater flexibility and sometimes better performance.
    345318== Boost.Containers ==
    354327         * C1
    355328 * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
    356  * '''Review Manager:''' Needed
     329 * '''Review Manager:''' John Maddock
    357330 * '''Expected review date:''' ???
    358331 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox] [ Download] [ Documentation]
    360333 * '''Description:''' Containers of Movable objects emulation using [#Boost.Move Boost.Move] 
    363 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    364 == Boost.Fiber ==
    365  * '''Author(s):'''  Oliver Kowalke
    366  * '''Version:'''
    367  * '''State:'''
    368  * '''Last upload:'''2009
    369  * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
    370  * '''Depends on:''' [#Boost.Atomic  Boost.Atomic]
    371  * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
    372      * Missing criteria
    373          * C1
    374  * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
    375  * '''Review Manager:''' Needed
    376  * '''Expected review date:''' ???
    377  * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault]
    378  * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
    379  * '''Description:''' Boost.Fiber implements lightweight threads of execution - so called fibers
     336== Boost.Lexer ==
     337 * '''Author(s):''' Ben Hanson 
     338 * '''Version:''' v0.2
     339 * '''State:'''
     340 * '''Last upload:''' 2009 November 24
     341 * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
     342 * '''Depends on:'''
     343 * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
     344     * Missing criteria
     345         * C1
     346 * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
     347 * '''Review Manager:''' Eric Niebler
     348 * '''Expected review date:''' ???
     349 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault]
     350 * '''Categories:''' [#StringAndTextProcessing String And Text Processing]
     351 * '''Description:'''  A programmable lexical analyser generator inspired by 'flex'. Like flex, it is programmed by the use of regular expressions and outputs a state machine as a number of DFAs utilising equivalence classes for compression.
    385356 * '''Version:''' 0.1.0
    386357 * '''State:''' Stable
    387  * '''Depends on:''' [#Boost.Chrono  Boost.Chrono]
    388358 * '''Last upload:'''2010 September 7
     359 * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
     360 * '''Depends on:'''
     361 * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
     362     * Missing criteria
     363         * C1
     364 * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
     365 * '''Review Manager:''' Anthoni Williams
     366 * '''Expected review date:''' ???
    389367 * '''Links:''' [ Documentation] [ Download]  [ Boost Sandbox]
    390368 * '''Categories:''' [#System System]
    402 == Boost.Task  ==
    403  * '''Author(s):''' Oliver Kowalke
    404  * '''Version:''' 0.2.1
     380== Boost.!TypeTraits.Extensions  ==
     381 * '''Author(s):''' Frédéric Bron
     382 * '''Version:''' ???
    405383 * '''State:''' Quite Stable
    406384 * '''Last upload:''' 2009 June 25
    407385 * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
    408  * '''Depends on:''' Boost.Fiber, Boost.Atomic
    409  * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
    410      * Missing criteria
    411          * C1
    412  * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
    413  * '''Review Manager:''' Vicente Botet
    414  * '''Expected review date:''' ???
    415  * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault] [ Boost Sandbox]
    416  * '''Categories:''' [#ConcurrentProgramming Concurrent Programming]
    417  * '''Description:''' execute tasks in threadpool, in new thread or as sub-task and let the result be transfered via a future. support task interruption, work-stealing and fork/join semantics
     386 * '''Depends on:'''
     387 * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
     388     * Missing criteria
     389         * C1
     390 * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
     391 * '''Review Manager:''' Joel Falcou
     392 * '''Expected review date:''' ???
     393 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Vault] [ Boost Sandbox]
     394 * '''Categories:''' [#FunctionObjectsAndHigher-orderProgramming Function Objects And Higher-order Programming]
     395 * '''Description:''' The purpose of the addition is to add type traits to detect if types T and U are comparable in the sense of <, <=, >, >=, == or != operators, i.e. if t<u has a sens when t is of type T and u of type U (same for <=, >, >=, ==, !=).
     397The following traits are added: is_equal_to_comparable<T,U> is_greater_comparable<T,U> is_greater_equal_comparable<T,U> is_less_comparable<T,U> is_less_equal_comparable<T,U> is_not_equal_to_comparable<T,U>
     399The names are based on the corresponding names of the standard template library (<functional> header, section 20.3.3 of the standard).
     401The code has the following properties: * returns true if t<u is meaningful and returns a value convertible to bool * returns false if t<u is meaningless. * fails with compile time error if t<u is meaningful and returns void (a possibility to avoid compile time error would be to return true with an operator, trick but this has little sens as returning false would be better)
     404= Review Scheduled =
     406This section contains an index for libraries that are scheduled.
     409== Boost.Process ==
     410 * '''Author(s):'''   Boris Schaeling, Ilya Sokolov, Felipe Tanus, Julio M. Merino Vidal
     411 * '''Version:''' v0.4
     412 * '''State:''' On going
     413 * '''Last upload:''' October 08, 2010
     414 * '''Review Manager:''' Marshall Clow
     415 * '''Expected review date:''' February 7. 2011 - February 16, 2011
     416 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox] [ Download]
     417 * '''Categories:''' [#System System]
     418 *
    423421= Review on going =
     424= Review results pending =
    444 = Review results pending =
     445== Boost.Move ==
     446 * '''Author(s):'''  Ion Gaztañaga
     447 * '''Version:'''
     448 * '''State:''' Review Ongoing
     449 * '''Last upload:'''
     450 * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
     451 * '''Depends on:'''
     452 * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
     453     * Missing criteria
     454         * C1
     455 * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
     456 * '''Review Manager:''' OvermindDL1
     457 * '''Review Result:''' Pending
     458 * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox] [
     459 Documentation] [ Download]
     460 * '''Categories:''' [#GenericProgramming Generic Programming] [#LanguageFeaturesEmulation Language Features Emulation]
     461 * '''Description:''' Move semantics emulation library 
     464= Accepted Libraries =
     467== Boost.Log ==
     468 * '''Author(s):''' Andrey Semashev `[]
     469 * '''Version:''' RC3
     470 * '''State:''' [ Accepted Provisionally]
     471 * '''Review Manager:''' Vladimir Prus
     472 * '''Review dates:''' March 8, 2010 - March 17, 2010
     473 * '''Accepted date:''' ???
     474 * '''Expected completion date:''' ???
     475 * '''Included in trunk date:''' ???
     476 * '''Expected release date:''' ???
     477 * '''Last upload:''' ???
     478[ Home Page] [ Review Version]
     479 * '''Categories:''' [#InputOutput Input/Output]
     480 * '''Description:'''  This library aims to make logging significantly easier for the application developer. It provides a wide range of out-of-box tools, along with public interfaces ready to be used to extend the library. The main goals of the library are:
     481    * Simplicity. A small example code snippet should be enough to get the feel of the library and be ready to use its basic features.
     482    * Extensibility. A user should be able to extend functionality of the library with regard to collecting and storing information into logs.
     483    * Performance. The library should make as least performance impact on the user's application as possible.
     486= Included on Trunk =
    476518        * process_system_CPU_clocks, capturing system-CPU times.
    477519        * process_cpu_clock, tuple-like class capturing at once real, user-CPU, and system-CPU times.
    478     * Stopwatches:
    479         * stopwatch, capturing elapsed Clock times.
    480         * stopwatch_accumulator, capturing cumulated elapsed Clock times.
    481         * scoped helper classes allowing to pairwise start/stop operations, suspend/resume and resume/suspend a Stopwatch.
    482     * Stopclocks or Stopwatch reporters:
    483         * stopwatch_reporter, convenient reporting of models of Stopwatch results.
    484         * stopclock<Clock> shortcut of stopwatch_reporter<stopwatch<Clock>>.
    485         * Support for wide characters (strings and ostreams).
    487 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    488 == Boost.Move ==
    489  * '''Author(s):'''  Ion Gaztañaga
    490  * '''Version:'''
    491  * '''State:''' Review Ongoing
    492  * '''Last upload:'''
    493  * '''Inclusion date:''' ???
    494  * '''Depends on:'''
    495  * '''Fulfill review criteria checked by :''' ??? '''At:'''
    496      * Missing criteria
    497          * C1
    498  * '''Pre-reviewed by :''' ??? '''people'''
    499  * '''Review Manager:''' OvermindDL1
    500  * '''Review Result:''' Pending
    501  * '''Links:''' [ Boost Sandbox] [
    502  Documentation] [ Download]
    503  * '''Categories:''' [#GenericProgramming Generic Programming] [#LanguageFeaturesEmulation Language Features Emulation]
    504  * '''Description:''' Move semantics emulation library 
    509 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    510 = Accepted Libraries =
     520    * Thread clocks
    526536 * '''Categories:''' [#MathAndNumerics Math And Numerics]
    529 == Boost.Log ==
    530  * '''Author(s):''' Andrey Semashev `[]
    531  * '''Version:''' RC3
    532  * '''State:''' [ Accepted Provisionally]
    533  * '''Review Manager:''' Vladimir Prus
    534  * '''Review dates:''' March 8, 2010 - March 17, 2010
    535  * '''Accepted date:''' ???
    536  * '''Expected completion date:''' ???
    537  * '''Included in trunk date:''' ???
    538  * '''Expected release date:''' ???
    539  * '''Last upload:''' ???
    540 [ Home Page] [ Review Version]
    541  * '''Categories:''' [#InputOutput Input/Output]
    542  * '''Description:'''  This library aims to make logging significantly easier for the application developer. It provides a wide range of out-of-box tools, along with public interfaces ready to be used to extend the library. The main goals of the library are:
    543     * Simplicity. A small example code snippet should be enough to get the feel of the library and be ready to use its basic features.
    544     * Extensibility. A user should be able to extend functionality of the library with regard to collecting and storing information into logs.
    545     * Performance. The library should make as least performance impact on the user's application as possible.
    547 == Boost.ITL ==
    548  * '''Author(s):''' Joachim Faulhaber
    549  * '''Version:''' ???
    550  * '''State:''' [ Accepted On-trunk]
    551  * '''Review Manager:''' Hartmut Kaiser
    552  * '''Review dates:''' February 18, 2010 - February 27, 2010
    553  * '''Accepted date:''' ???
    554  * '''Expected completion date:''' ???
    555  * '''Included in trunk date:''' ???
    556  * '''Expected release date:''' ???
    557  * '''Last upload:''' ???
    558  * '''Links:''' [ Documentation] [ Boost Sandbox] [ Boost Vault]
    559  * '''Categories:''' Containers
    560  * '''Description:''' The Interval Template Library (ITL) provides '''intervals''' and two kinds of interval containers: '''interval_sets''' and '''interval_maps'''. Interval_sets and maps can be used just as the sets or maps of elements. Yet they are much more space and time efficient when the elements occur in contiguous chunks. This is obviously the case in many problem domains, particularly in fields that deal with problems related to date and time. In addition to common set and map semantics, interval containers are capable to compute with segmentation. A segmentation, e.g. a grid of months, can be intersected into other interval containers and then be iterated over. Finally interval_maps allow for aggregations on associated values, if added intervals overlap with intervals, that are stored in the interval_map. This feature is called '''aggregate on overlap'''.
    563539== Boost.Ratio==