Changes between Version 21 and Version 22 of SoC2010

Mar 12, 2010, 6:02:05 PM (13 years ago)
Andrew Sutton



  • SoC2010

    v21 v22  
    129129== Boost.Phoenix ==
    130 Boost.Phoenix is currently living his life inside the internals of Boost.Spirit. Meanwhile it has been accepted as a main citizen of Boost under the condition it gets rewritten in term of Boost.Proto. Currently, I developed a few prototypes of such a version but they still expose a lot of Proto internals themselves to the user, thus making the extension of Phoenix cumbersome for advanced users. This project aims at exploring the various existing prototype, propose a proper interface and defines an easy-to-use extension mechanism on top of these so Phoenix v3.0 can starts its own life.
     130Boost.Phoenix is currently living inside the internals of Boost.Spirit. Meanwhile it has been accepted as a main citizen of Boost under the condition it gets rewritten in term of Boost.Proto. Currently, I developed a few prototypes of such a version but they still expose a lot of Proto internals themselves to the user, thus making the extension of Phoenix cumbersome for advanced users. This project aims at exploring the various existing prototype, propose a proper interface and defines an easy-to-use extension mechanism on top of these so Phoenix v3.0 can starts its own life.
    132132Student should have a strong background in C++ and experience with Expression Templates with or without Boost.Proto. Base knowledge in functional programming could be an advantage.