Changes between Version 22 and Version 23 of SoC2010

Mar 13, 2010, 2:11:00 PM (13 years ago)
Andrew Sutton



  • SoC2010

    v22 v23  
    7272 * Computer Vision Algorithms - This project would be to implement computer vision algorithms based on max-flow problems on graphs using BGL.  Implementing a specialized graph type for grids would also be needed in order to avoid storing the graph topology explicitly.
    74  * Closures and Reductions - Implement a suite of generic graph algorithms that computer closures and reductions on graphs. The BGL already contains a `transitive_closure` algorithm, but not (yet) a `transitive_reduction`. Other kinds of computable closures and reductions include reflexive, symmetric, and congruence. This project can also include predicates to test whether or not a graph exhibits these properties (e.g., is_symmetric).
     74 * Closures and Reductions - Implement a suite of generic graph algorithms that computer closures and reductions on graphs. The BGL already contains a `transitive_closure` and a `transitive_reduction`. Other kinds of computable closures and reductions include reflexive, symmetric, and congruence. This project can also include predicates to test whether or not a graph exhibits these properties (e.g., is_symmetric).
    7676 * Bindings to Python (or Other Languages) - BGL has some bindings to Python and R, but they do not exist for all algorithms.  This project would be to either extend the Python or R bindings, or write a set of BGL bindings to another language.