Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of SoC2012

Feb 27, 2012, 2:55:29 PM (11 years ago)
Andrew Sutton



  • SoC2012

    v3 v4  
    2323Projects from previous years can be found [wiki:SoCPrevious here]. There are still a number of interesting projects found in these pages.
     25=== Boost Graph: Challenges and Feature Requests ===
     26The Boost.Graph library has a list of challenges and feature requests here:
     28=== Boost.Graph: Single Source Shortest Path with Turn Restrictions ===
     29Develop an algorithm or suite of algorithms to solve the SSSP problem when some turns are not possible (i.e., the algorithm cannot cross from edge `x` to edge `y`).
    2531=== Boost Polygon: Straight Skeleton of Polygons Algorithm Extension ===
    2632The straight skeleton is a well-known and very useful geometric operation. Specifically it provides the basis for a correct polygon resizing algorithm. To be most useful the straight skeleton algorithm implementation would need to be general enough to allow edge weighted straight skeleton (analogous to the relative pitch of the portion of the roofline related to that edge), handle multiple disjoint polygons with holes simultaneously, allow bounded skeleton computation as an optimization for resizing, be numerically robust and on the same order of computational complexity as polygon clipping in the common case (when bounded). As a simplifying assumption the input and output coordinate space can be assumed integer.
    3238Some project ideas might be culled from the [ Feature Requests] in the issue tracking system. Note that feature complexity varies per component and per issue. If you plan to submit a proposal for a Feature Request, you should //definitely// confer with the library maintainer for some initial ideas about complexity and feasibility. Proposals grouping a number of related Feature Requests might also be of interest.
     40=== Porting to C++11 ===
     41Boost would benefit from porting the many libraries from C++98/03 to C++11. Proposals for these projects should carefully consider the impact of new language features on the target library. Features like variadic templates, decltype, auto, uniform initialization, forwarding, move semantics, and the new Standard Library features may have a significant impact on the design of the new library.