Change History for SoC2013

Version Date Author Comment
34 9 years viboes Added "Moving Boost to Boost.Move"
33 10 years Niall Douglas Added proposal for extending Boost.ASIO with async file i/o
32 10 years viboes
31 10 years viboes
30 10 years viboes
29 10 years viboes
28 10 years christopher_kormanyos Add improved description for multiprecision
27 10 years christopher_kormanyos
26 10 years mariomulansky
25 10 years viboes
24 10 years viboes
23 10 years viboes
22 10 years viboes
21 10 years mariomulansky deleted benchmark from ideas
20 10 years mariomulansky
19 10 years viboes
18 10 years viboes
17 10 years christopher_kormanyos Corrected typos in Multiprecision
16 10 years christopher_kormanyos Corrected typo in Multiprecision
15 10 years christopher_kormanyos Corrected multiprecision links
14 10 years christopher_kormanyos Added Boost.Multiprecision radix-2 float back-end
13 10 years awulkiew added algorithm under Memory section
12 10 years bschaeling Added ideas section
11 10 years mariomulansky
10 10 years mariomulansky
9 10 years mariomulansky
8 10 years mariomulansky
7 10 years mariomulansky
6 10 years Paul A. Bristow Additions from Christopher Kormanyos
5 10 years Paul A. Bristow
4 10 years Paul A. Bristow Added Bernoulli numbers project
3 10 years David Bellot
2 10 years David Bellot
1 10 years bschaeling