Changes between Version 37 and Version 38 of SoC2014

Feb 12, 2014, 10:25:25 PM (9 years ago)

Corrected fixed-point typo.


  • SoC2014

    v37 v38  
    213213=== Boost.Fixed-Point ===
    215 A fixed-point number is a finite-precision approximation of a real number with a fixed number of digits before the radix point and a fixed number of digits after the radix point. Fixed-point numbers are used in diverse technical fields ranging from optimized microcontroller programming through high-performance financial calculations and beyond. In microcontroller programming, fixed-point numbers can provide floating-point representations with near-integer performance even if a dedicated floating-point unit is not available. This is key because it allows the use of sophisticated mathematical calculations including transcendental functions, special functions, digital filters, power regulation methods, etc. in the regime of cost-sensitive devices and rounding-insensitive environments.
     215A fixed-point number is a finite-precision approximation of a real number with a fixed number of digits before the radix point and a fixed number of digits after the radix point. Fixed-point numbers are used in diverse technical fields ranging from optimized microcontroller programming through high-performance financial calculations and beyond. In microcontroller programming, fixed-point numbers can provide floating-point representations with near-integer performance even if a dedicated floating-point unit is not available. This is key because it allows the use of sophisticated mathematical calculations including transcendental functions, special functions, digital filters, power regulation methods, etc. in the regime of cost-sensitive devices and rounding-intolerant environments.
    217217In this project, we will provide an implementation of a fixed-point library based on []. The core work involves developing a series of templates and template specializations that embody the fixed-point numbers in various precision ranges. A prototype with a different interface is available at []. We will concentrate on radix-2 fixed-point representations. We will attempt to cover a wide range of precision and performance, ranging from tiny 8-bit and 16-bit fixed-point representations all the way up to 32-bit, 64-bit and beyond. As with all Boost projects, testing and documentation are mandatory and we will provide a rich test suite and legible documentation as we progress.