Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of SoC2014

Jan 12, 2014, 8:34:59 PM (9 years ago)

typos and clarity


  • SoC2014

    v5 v6  
    6464This project requires strong interest in and dedication to serious mathematical programming
    6565and knowledge of C++, especially using templates which Boost.Math makes much
    66 use of to support not only built-in float, double and long double but also multiple precision types.
    67 You will need to have experience of using Boost libraries, including Boost.Test, and
     66use of to support not only built-in float, double and long double but also multiple-precision types.
     67You will need to have experience using Boost libraries, including Boost.Test, and
    6868a rudimentary or working knowledge of GIT will be useful.
    7070A preliminary investigation for this project can be found here:
    7273In this file, we are investigating Chebyshev expansions for multiple-precision calculations
    7374of hypergeometric functions.
    75 If this code leaves you terrified, then this project is not for you.
     76If this code leaves you utterly terrified, then this project is not for you.
    7677But if it only frightens you a little bit yet also piques your interest
    7778(and you have a passion for numerical programming), then you are the right
    7879candidate for this project!
    80 If you would like to demonstrate your skills, use the file in the
    81 link above such that hypergeometric_0f1 is used for multiple-precision
    82 calculations of cylindrical Bessel functions (i.e., cyl_bessel_j).
    83 Use Boost's cpp_dec_float_50 type, for example. Discuss the relation between
    84 hypergeometric_0f1 and cyl_bessel_j, investigate convergence properties,
    85 and take a peek at run-time characteristics.
     81If you would like to demonstrate your skills, use the functions in the file
     82in the link above for multiple-precision calculations of cylindrical
     83Bessel functions (i.e., cyl_bessel_j). Hint: Consider the relation between
     84hypergeometric_0f1 and cyl_bessel_j. Use Boost's cpp_dec_float_50 type.
     85Discuss convergence properties and document some run-time characteristics.
    8686You can use any platform, Linux, Mac or Microsoft with your IDE of choice,
    8787perhaps Visual Studio, Eclipse, Code Blocks, or Net Beans.