Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of SoC2014

Jan 12, 2014, 8:44:46 PM (9 years ago)

typos and clarity


  • SoC2014

    v6 v7  
    4343Even though the theory of hypergeometric functions is well-established,
    44 very few programs or libraries offer support for these fascinating and
     44very few programs or libraries support these fascinating and
    4545versatile functions.
    5858* Investigate calculation methods for hypergeometric_0f1, 1f0, 1f1, 1f2, 2f1.
    5959* Evaluate regions of parameter convergence for these.
    60 * Ensure that calculations are fast and accurate computation for all built-in types and multiple-precision types.
     60* Ensure that calculations are fast and accurate for all built-in types and some multiple-precision types.
    6161* Optional: Add support generalized Legendre functions of type-I to Boost.Math.
    6262* Optional: Replace certain internal calculations within Boost.Math with hypergemetric functions.
    64 This project requires strong interest in and dedication to serious mathematical programming
    65 and knowledge of C++, especially using templates which Boost.Math makes much
    66 use of to support not only built-in float, double and long double but also multiple-precision types.
    67 You will need to have experience using Boost libraries, including Boost.Test, and
    68 a rudimentary or working knowledge of GIT will be useful.
     64This project requires a passion for serious mathematical programming
     65and at least some knowledge of advanced C++. In particular, we will be using templates which Boost.Math
     66makes much use of to support not only built-in float, double and long double but also multiple-precision types.
     67It will be helpful to have experience using Boost libraries, including Boost.Test, and
     68a rudimentary knowledge of GIT.
    7070A preliminary investigation for this project can be found here:
    73 In this file, we are investigating Chebyshev expansions for multiple-precision calculations
    74 of hypergeometric functions.
    76 If this code leaves you utterly terrified, then this project is not for you.
    77 But if it only frightens you a little bit yet also piques your interest
    78 (and you have a passion for numerical programming), then you are the right
     73In the link above, we investigate Chebyshev expansions for multiple-precision calculations
     74of hypergeometric functions. If this code leaves you utterly terrified, then this project is not for you.
     75But if it only frightens you a little bit, yet also piques your interest,
     76and if you have a passion for numerical programming, then you are the right
    7977candidate for this project!