Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of SoC2015

Dec 21, 2014, 8:53:32 PM (8 years ago)
Niall Douglas



  • SoC2015

    v3 v4  
    1919== Requirements ==
    20 Students must submit a proposal. A template for the proposal can be found here [wiki:SoCSubmissionTemplate here]. Hints for writing a good proposal can be found [wiki:SoCHints here].
     20Students must submit a proposal. A template for the proposal can be found [wiki:SoCSubmissionTemplate here]. Hints for writing a good proposal can be found [wiki:SoCHints here].
    2222We strongly suggest that students interested in developing a proposal for Boost discuss their ideas on the mailing list in order to help refine the requirements and goals. Students who actively discuss projects on the mailing list are also ranked before those that do not.
    3838== Self-contained standalone GSoC Projects with programming competency test ==
    39 The following projects and programming competency test have been suggested by potential mentors. Selecting one of these, in consultation with the [ Boost developers mailing list], provides the highest chance that a mentor can be found for your GSoC project proposal and that your proposal will be preferentially ranked (see above).
     39The following projects and programming competency test have been suggested by potential mentors. Selecting one of these, in consultation with the [ Boost developers mailing list], provides the highest chance that a mentor can be found for your GSoC project proposal and that your proposal will be preferentially ranked (see above). A template for the proposal can be found [wiki:SoCSubmissionTemplate here].
    4141=== 1. Concurrent hash tables (boost::concurrent_unordered_[multi]set|[multi]map) ===
    7575== Self-contained standalone GSoC Projects (no competency test) ==
    76 The following projects have been suggested by potential mentors. Selecting one of these, in consultation with the [ Boost developers mailing list], provides the highest chance that a mentor can be found for your GSoC project proposal. You should only choose one of these proposals if you already have at least 1,000 lines of C++ library code out there we can examine for your programming competency, otherwise your proposal cannot be preferentially ranked (see above). Make SURE you provide a link to your existing C++ code base in the proposal you submit to Melange.
     76The following projects have been suggested by potential mentors. Selecting one of these, in consultation with the [ Boost developers mailing list], provides the highest chance that a mentor can be found for your GSoC project proposal. You should only choose one of these proposals if you already have at least 1,000 lines of C++ library code out there we can examine for your programming competency, otherwise your proposal cannot be preferentially ranked (see above). Make SURE you provide a link to your existing C++ code base in the proposal you submit to Melange. A template for the proposal can be found [wiki:SoCSubmissionTemplate here].
    7878(Insert proposals here)