Changes between Version 12 and Version 13 of SoC2016

Feb 11, 2016, 1:32:53 PM (7 years ago)

minor improvements


  • SoC2016

    v12 v13  
    228228==== Project 2: Event Detection ====
    230 Currently, Boost.odeint does not offer specific functionality for event detection. However, this is a common use-case and has been discussed on the [ odeint Github page] in the past. Some examplary implementation of an event-detection algorithm was added recently as [ an example]. On the other hand, sophisticated event detection algorithms have been explored in the context of [ computing Poincare sections]. The fundamental task of this project, however, is to develop a clean, generic interface to incorporate event detection algorithms into the existing structure of Boost.odeint.
     230Currently, Boost.odeint does not offer specific functionality for event detection. However, this is a common use-case and has been discussed on the [ odeint Github page] in the past. Some examplary implementation of an event-detection algorithm was added recently as [ an example]. On the other hand, sophisticated event detection algorithms have been explored in the context of [ computing Poincare sections]. The first task of this project, however, is to develop a clean, generic interface to incorporate event detection algorithms into the existing structure of Boost.odeint.
    232232The project requires profound knowledge of C++ and generic programming, as well as a good understanding of Boost.odeint and ODE simulations and numerical algorithms.
    234234 * Design an interface to incorporate event detection into Boost.odeint
    235235 * Prototypical implementation and testing the usability of the design in several use cases
    236  * Implementation of sophisticated algorithms for event detection
     236 * Implementation of standard algorithm for event detection ([ bisection])
     237 * Implementation of sophisticated algorithms for event detection [ Poincare sections]
    237238 * Documentation and examples