Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of SoC2017

Jan 25, 2017, 10:21:22 AM (6 years ago)
Niall Douglas



  • SoC2017

    v3 v4  
    181181==== Programming competency test ====
    182 1. Persuade the toy static_map implementation at to generate the same minimum output
    183  under -O3 optimisation with GCC as it does with clang. Extra bonus points if you can persuade VS2017 to
    184  do the same. Super extra bonus points if you get it working with optimisation disabled! You may use C++ 17
    185  features if you find that helps.
    187 Submission of the programming test should be via copying and pasting the code you wrote into the end of the proposal you submit to Google Melange.
     1821. Study the toy static_map implementation at Note that with optimisation enabled,
     183 clang executes the non-constexpr statement `const char *foo=cmap[5];` entirely as a constant expression
     184 and we get our desired behaviour. '''HOWEVER''' neither GCC nor VS2017 RC1 do so (you can select GCC on godbolt using the dropdown menu).
     1862. Attempt to reimplement the toy static_map implementation so it executes the non-constexpr statement `const char *foo=cmap[5];`
     187 entirely as a constant expression under optimisation on one of GCC or VS2017.
     188  - Note it need not work well with clang.
     189  - You are allowed use C++ 17 only features if that helps you.
     190  - Hints: You will likely see the best success in this task if you completely ignore the toy static_map
     191    we showed you and start again fresh, testing each layer you add to ensure GCC or MSVC is optimising
     192    away your code entirely. Also be aware that MSVC will often do the right thing if you sprinkle forceinline
     193    around, its inliner gives up very early compared to clang or GCC.
     1953. Submission of the programming test should be via copying and pasting the code you wrote into the end of the
     196 proposal you submit to Google. Note that '''we do not expect''' you to succeed in the task, we are
     197 much more interested '''in how you approach the problem''', so please describe step by step how you
     198 approached the problem.
    189200'''[wiki:GSoCIdeaTemplate To any potential mentor adding a proposal HERE please use this template]'''