Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of SoCSubmissionTemplate

Mar 9, 2010, 1:46:39 AM (13 years ago)
Andrew Sutton



  • SoCSubmissionTemplate

    v1 v1  
     1= Submission Template =
     2All Google Summer of Code Submissions should include the following information. Submissions without all of the following information may be excluded from review. For more information about writing SoC proposals see [wiki:SoCWritingProposals this page].
     4== Personal Details ==
     8Degree Program: B.Sc., M, Sc., PhD, etc.
     12  How much time do you plan to spend on your GSoC?
     13  What are your intended start and end dates?
     14  What other factors affect your availability (exams, courses, moving, work, etc.)?
     16== Background Information ==
     17Please summarize your educational background (degrees earned, courses taken, etc.).
     19Please summarize your programming background (OSS projects, internships, jobs, etc.).
     21Please tell us a little about your programming interests? What kinds of projects interest you the most?
     23Please tell us why you are interested in contributing to the Boost C++ Libraries.
     25Please rate, from 0 to 5 (0 being no experience, 5 being expert), your knowledge of the following languages, technologies, or tools:
     26  - C++
     27  - C++ Standard Library
     28  - Boost C++ Libraries
     29  - Subversion
     31What software development environments are you most familiar with?
     33== Project Proposal ==
     34Please provide a description of your proposed work.
     36== Proposed Milestones and Schedule ==
     37Please provide estimated milestones and schedule for completing the proposed work.