
Version 2 (modified by Beman Dawes, 10 years ago) ( diff )

Add authentication hint

Getting Started with GitHub

Prerequisite: Install Git.

Modular Boost hosts all of our public Git repositories on GitHub.

The first step to get started is to open a GitHub account. Do that now if you haven't done so already.

Windows hint: If you choose SSL as your authentication method when installing Git, be sure to use "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\Git Bash" to generate SSH keys as described in GitHub help. Otherwise the .ssh directory may get generated in the wrong location, and GitHub authentication will fail.

Once you are logged into your GitHub account, will take you to your GitHub home page. The GitHub Bootcamp will be at the top, and you probably want to leave it in place there until you become familiar with each of its four activities.

Do not be shy about setting up a repository and experimenting a bit. You can delete it at any time - just select "Settings" and then "Delete this repository" near the bottom of the page.

GitHub has extensive training and help mechanisms, so there isn't any need for extensive Boost specific GitHub docs.

For those who like video training aids, there is a new series of GitHub videos on YouTube.

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.