Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of StartModDev

Nov 29, 2012, 12:46:58 AM (10 years ago)
Beman Dawes

Tweak wording and add Creating the foo library


  • StartModDev

    v4 v5  
    11= Getting Started with Modularized Boost Library Development =
    3 || This is a work in process ||
     3|| This is a work in progress ||
    55== Prerequisites ==
    1414== Overview ==
    16  * The Boost repository itself treats your library as a sub-module, i.e. a link to a particular release in your library's public GitHub repository.
    17  * Your library has a "master" branch for development work, and a "release" branch for your releases, which occur asynchronously from Boost releases. You may also have other branches, but that's up to you.
    18  * You (and the rest of your team) do day-to-day development using private repositories on your local machines. You push changes from these local private repos up to the public repo whenever you want. The local repos may have private branches that are never pushed to the public repo.
     16 * Your library has its own public repository that has a "develop" branch for development work, and a "master" branch for your releases, which occur asynchronously from Boost releases. You may also have other branches, but that's up to you.
     17 * The Boost super project has its own public repository. It treats your library as a sub-module, i.e. a link to a particular release in your library's public GitHub repository.
     18 * You (and the rest of your team) do day-to-day development using private repositories on your local machines. You push changes from these local private repos up to your library's public repo whenever you want. The local repos may also have private branches that are never pushed to the public repo.
    1919 * Your library's directory structure conforms to [ Boost directory structure conventions], so both users and automatic processes can find header files, test files, build configurations, and the like. Beyond the conventions, your library's directory structure is up to you.
    21 == Header Directories ==
     21== Directory Structure ==
    23 For Modularized Boost, header files are placed in a {{{include/boost}}} header hierarchy within your main directory. Here is what a very simple library named foo would look like:
     23For Modularized Boost, header files are placed in a {{{include/boost}}} header hierarchy within your main directory. Here is what a very simple header-only library named {{{simple}}} would look like:
    27      foo
     27     simple
    2828       include
    2929         boost
    30            foo
    31              foo.hpp
     30           simple
     31             twice.hpp
    3232       test
    33          foo_test.cpp
     33         twice_test.cpp
    3434         Jamfile.v2
    3535       index.html   
     38== Creating the {{{simple}}} library ==