Changes between Version 26 and Version 27 of StartModMaint

Dec 20, 2013, 12:46:39 PM (9 years ago)
Beman Dawes



  • StartModMaint

    v26 v27  
    156156== First post-svn conversion merge to {{{master}}} ==
    158 When you are ready to merge the {{{develop}}} branch to {{{master}}} (or better yet a release branch that's branched off {{{master}}}), there's a bit of housekeeping to be done
    159 the first time after the conversion from svn so that future merges proceed smoothly.  We're going to create a merge point between
    160 the develop and master branches so that Git knows the last point the two branches were in synch.  Once we've done that Git will perform a merge by
    161 replaying the commits on develop on top of master, starting from the last known merge: in other words Git will perform the tricky stuff of figuring
    162 out what to merge for us.
    164 * Navigate to the history for your library on Github, starting with branch master, for example the Config library
    165 [ can be seen here].
    166 * Looking down through the commit history, see
    167 that the last merge (In SVN land) was on October 25th 2013: make a note of that date.
    168 * Use the dropdown box to
    169 change the history to point to the develop branch, [ Config library can be seen here].
    170 * Find the last commit '''before the date noted above'''. Click on the
    171 commit message for that commit to go to the actual diff for that change, [ in our example here].  The SHA1 for that commit is shown below and to the right of the commit message, in this case it's
    172 {{{67f6b934f161dc5da2039004986a14d9217afae4}}}.
     158When you are ready to merge the {{{develop}}} branch to {{{master}}} (or better yet a release branch that's branched off {{{master}}}), there's a bit of housekeeping to be done the first time after the conversion from svn so that future merges proceed smoothly.  We're going to create a merge point between
     159the develop and master branches so that Git knows the last point the two branches were in synch.  Once we've done that Git will perform a merge by replaying the commits on develop on top of master, starting from the last known merge: in other words Git will perform the tricky stuff of figuring out what to merge for us.
     161* Navigate to the history for your library on !GitHub, starting with branch master, for example the Config library [ can be seen here].
     162* Looking down through the commit history, see that the last merge (In SVN land) was on October 25th 2013: make a note of that date.
     163* Use the dropdown box to change the history to point to the develop branch, [ Config library can be seen here].
     164* Find the last commit '''before the date noted above'''. Click on the commit message for that commit to go to the actual diff for that change, [ in our example here].  The SHA1 for that commit is shown below and to the right of the commit message, in this case it's {{{67f6b934f161dc5da2039004986a14d9217afae4}}}.
    174166Create a merge to that specific commit. Begin by changing your library to the master branch:
    180 Now create a merge to the specific commit above; since we don't really want to actually change the master branch we'll use the
    181 {{{-s ours}}} option to avoid any conflicts:
     172Now create a merge to the specific commit above; since we don't really want to actually change the master branch we'll use the {{{-s ours}}} option to avoid any conflicts:
    187 You can now use {{{git status}}} and {{{git diff}}} to check for modifications, in this case there are none.
    188 Now make the commit and push to !GitHub:
     178You can now use {{{git status}}} and {{{git diff}}} to check for modifications, in this case there are none. Now make the commit and push to !GitHub: