Changes between Version 29 and Version 30 of StartModMaint

Dec 21, 2013, 2:17:11 AM (9 years ago)
Beman Dawes



  • StartModMaint

    v29 v30  
    2424=== Getting ready to work on a library ===
    26 The preferred environment for working on a library is to have {{{develop}}} or some other development branch checked out, while other Boost libraries are as defined by the Boost super-project {{{master}}} branch. This causes local tests of your library to run against {{{master}}} for other Boost libraries at the point in time referenced by the Boost super-project.
     26The preferred environment library maintenance is to checkout the library's {{{develop}}} branch, or some other development branch, while other Boost libraries are as defined by the Boost super-project {{{master}}} branch. This causes local tests of your library to run against {{{master}}} for other Boost libraries at the point in time referenced by the Boost super-project.
    2727 This is a more realistic test environment in than testing against the possibly unstable {{{develop}}} branch of other Boost libraries or against the {{{master}}} branch of other libraries at a different point in time than that referenced by the super-project. Robert Ramey has advocated this approach to testing for years, and Git plus Modular Boost makes this approach relatively easy and fast.
    3131git checkout master
    3232git pull
     33git submodule update
     36If for some reason you wanted to test against the current head of {{{master}}} for all libraries, disregarding the super-project state, the {{{git submodule update}}} command would be changed to:
    3339git submodule foreach --recursive "git checkout master; git pull"