Changes between Version 43 and Version 44 of StartModMaint

Dec 22, 2013, 4:24:08 PM (9 years ago)
Beman Dawes



  • StartModMaint

    v43 v44  
    3838The {{{git submodule update}}} may switch submodules back to the detached state, depending on the working copy's exact situation.
    40 The following table, based on actual tests run using git version 1.8.4.msysgit.0, shows the effects on a submodule of the above commands.
     40See {wiki:#Effectsofgitsubmoduleupdate Effects of {{{git submodule update}}}] for details.
     42To get more information about a submodule:
     45cd modular-boost
     46git submodule summary
     49If for some reason you wanted to test against the current head of {{{master}}} for all libraries, disregarding the super-project state, the {{{git submodule update}}} command would be changed to:
     52git submodule foreach --recursive "git checkout master; git pull"
     55=== Check out the development branch of your library ===
     57You can see what branch {{{mylib}}} is currently on like this:
     60cd modular-boost/libs/mylib
     61git branch
     64Then if you need to change the branch to a development branch such as {{{develop}}}, do this:
     67cd modular-boost/libs/mylib
     68git checkout develop
     71You only have to do that once; your local repo working copy will sit on the branch until it is explicitly changed by a command you give.
     73  Of course, you don't have to change the directory before every command, and from here on this tutorial will assume the directory has not been changed since the prior example.
     75If there is any possibility the branch head content in the public upstream repo has changed, you also will want to update content:
     78cd modular-boost/libs/mylib
     79git pull
     82From this point on, it is assumed you have already done a {{{cd modular-boost/libs/mylib}}}.
     84=== Testing locally ===
     86Unless you are 100% sure of the state of your library's regression tests, it is a good idea to run the regression tests before making any changes to the library:
     89pushd test
     94=== Checking status  ===
     96Before making changes, it is a good idea to check status. Here is what that looks like on Windows; the
     97message you get may vary somewhat:
     100>git status
     101# On branch develop
     102nothing to commit, working directory clean
     105=== Fix a simple bug directly on {{{develop}}} ===
     107For simple bugs, particularly in projects with a single maintainer, it is common practice to fix bugs directly in the {{{develop}}} branch. Creating a test case with your favorite editor, testing the test case, fixing the bug, testing the fix, and then iterating if necessary is no different than with any programming environment.
     109Once the fix is complete, you then commit the fix locally and push from your local repo up to your public boostorg repo on GitHub. These same commands would be used for any Git project, modular or not, so hopefully you are already somewhat familiar with them:
     112cd modular-boost/libs/mylib
     113git commit -a -m "my bug fix"
     114git push
     117There are some significant disadvantages to this simple approach:
     118* The fix is now made to {{{develop}}} but you must remember to merge it to a release branch or directly to {{{master}}}. It is very easy to forget to do that merge, particularly if this is a mature library you are not working with very often.
     119* Users who need the bug fix right away are forced to jump through hoops to retrieve the fix from {{{develop}}}.
     121Putting out a point release solves both of those problems. Read on...
     123=== Fix a bug using a hot-fix branch ===
     125Fixing a bug directly on the {{{develop}}} branch is fine, if that's the library's policy, but if the bug is messy, multiple maintainers are involved, interruptions are expected, or other complexities are present, then it is better practice to work on the bug in a separate branch. And doing that on a hot-fix branch solves the problems mentioned at the end of the prior section.
     127The operational distinction between a bug-fix branch and a hot-fix branch is that a bug-fix branch is branched from {{{develop}}} and then at completion merged back to {{{develop}}}, while a hot-fix branch is branched from {{{master}}} and then at completion is merged to both {{{master}}} and {{{develop}}}. With either approach, the branch is deleted after it has been merged.
     130git checkout master
     131git checkout -b hotfix/complex-boo-boo
     134This creates the branch {{{hotfix/complex-boo-boo}}}, and switches to it. Incidentally, {{{hotfix/}}} is part of the name, not a directory specifier. The new branch is based on branch {{{master}}} because the working copy was on branch {{{master}}} at the time of the branch.
     136Since the bug is complex, it may take some time to fix and may go through several cycles of fixes, tests, and commits.
     138Once the bug is fixed and a final commit is done, then it is time to merge the {{{hotfix/complex-boo-boo}}} branch into {{{master}}} and {{{develop}}}:
     141git checkout master
     142git merge hotfix/complex-boo-boo
     143git push
     144git checkout develop
     145git merge hotfix/complex-boo-boo
     146git push
     147git branch -d hotfix/complex-boo-boo
     150=== Start work on a new feature ===
     152Developers are encouraged to create a (possibly private) branch to work on new features, even simple ones, since development of new features on the {{{develop}}} branch might leave it unstable for longer that expected. Using the Git Flow convention, the branch will be named {{{feature/add-checksum-option}}}.
     155git checkout develop
     156git checkout -b feature/add-checksum-option
     159When you create the branch, or perhaps later, you may decide the branch should be public (i.e. be present in the library's public boostorg repo) so that you can share the branch with others or just to back it up. If so, set that up by running:
     162git push --set-upstream origin feature/add-checksum-option
     165 Whether or not {{{--set-upstream origin bugfix/complex-boo-boo}}} is actually needed depends on the {{{branch.autosetupmerge}}} configuration variable that isn't discussed here. If you don't supply {{{--set-upstream origin bugfix/complex-boo-boo}}} on your first {{{push}}} and it turns out to be needed, you will get an error message explaining that.
     168The usual cycle of coding, testing, commits, and pushes (if public) then begins. If other work needs to be done, a {{{stash}}} or {{{commit}}} may be done to save work-in-progress, and the working copy switched to another branch for awhile. If significant fixes or other enhancements have been made to {{{develop}}} over time, it may be useful to merge {{{develop}}} into the feature branch so that the eventual merge back to {{{develop}}} has less conflicts. Here is how the merge from {{{develop}}} to {{{feature/add-checksum-option}}} is done:
     171git checkout feature/add-checksum-option
     172git merge develop
     175== First post-svn conversion merge to {{{master}}} ==
     177When you are ready to merge the {{{develop}}} branch to {{{master}}} (or better yet a release branch that's branched off {{{master}}}), there's a bit of housekeeping to be done the first time after the conversion from svn so that future merges proceed smoothly.  We're going to create a merge point between
     178the develop and master branches so that Git knows the last point the two branches were in synch.  Once we've done that Git will perform a merge by replaying the commits on develop on top of master, starting from the last known merge: in other words Git will perform the tricky stuff of figuring out what to merge for us.
     180* Navigate to the history for your library on !GitHub, starting with branch master. For example the Config library [ can be seen here].
     181* Look down through the commit history and make a note of the last merge in svn land. In our example, it was on October 25th 2013.
     182* Use the dropdown box to change the history to point to the develop branch. [ Config library can be seen here].
     183* Find the last commit '''before the date noted above'''. Click on the commit message for that commit to go to the actual diff for that change, [ in our example here].  The SHA1 for that commit is shown below and to the right of the commit message, in this case it's {{{67f6b934f161dc5da2039004986a14d9217afae4}}}. Copy that SHA1 to your clipboard.
     185Create a merge to that specific commit. Begin by changing your library to the master branch:
     188git checkout master
     191Now create a merge to the specific commit above; since we don't really want to actually change the master branch we'll use the {{{-s ours}}} option to avoid any conflicts:
     194git merge --no-ff --no-commit -s ours 67f6b934f161dc5da2039004986a14d9217afae4
     197You can now use {{{git status}}} and {{{git diff}}} to check for modifications, in this case there are none. Now make the commit and push to !GitHub:
     200git commit -am "Create first merge point for Git"
     201git push
     204Then navigate to your libraries history again, and check that the merge shows up, [ our config example is here].
     205You're now ready for "routine" merges to proceed as per Git Flow (or whatever other strategy you wish to use).
     207=== Lightweight library release ===
     209Small, simple libraries and simple releases just merge {{{develop}}} into {{{master}}}, tag {{{master}}}, and declare victory.
     212git checkout master
     213git merge --no-ff develop
     214git tag -a 1.56.1
     217=== Heavyweight library release ===
     219Large, complex libraries, particularly those with multiple developers working in parallel, need to use a release procedure that scales up better than the lightweight procedure. The Git Flow approach is recommended. Find out more at [wiki:StartModWorkflow Modular Boost Library Workflow Overview] and be sure to study the examples given in [ Vincent Driessen's original blog posting].
     221== Effects of {{{git submodule update}}}==
     223The following table, based on actual tests run using git version 1.8.4.msysgit.0, shows the effects on a submodule of:
     226cd modular-boost
     227git checkout master
     228git pull
     229git submodule update
    42232|| '''Submodule Branch''' || '''Submodule Contents''' || '''Submodule relative to super-project''' || '''Effects on Submodule''' ||
    60250|| {{{develop}}} || Committed change || Behind || {{{git checkout --detach; git pull}}} ||
    62 To get more information about submodules:
    64 {{{
    65 cd modular-boost
    66 git submodule summary
    67 }}}
    69 If for some reason you wanted to test against the current head of {{{master}}} for all libraries, disregarding the super-project state, the {{{git submodule update}}} command would be changed to:
    71 {{{
    72 git submodule foreach --recursive "git checkout master; git pull"
    73 }}}
    75 === Check out the development branch of your library ===
    77 You can see what branch {{{mylib}}} is currently on like this:
    79 {{{
    80 cd modular-boost/libs/mylib
    81 git branch
    82 }}}
    84 Then if you need to change the branch to a development branch such as {{{develop}}}, do this:
    86 {{{
    87 cd modular-boost/libs/mylib
    88 git checkout develop
    89 }}}
    91 You only have to do that once; your local repo working copy will sit on the branch until it is explicitly changed by a command you give.
    93   Of course, you don't have to change the directory before every command, and from here on this tutorial will assume the directory has not been changed since the prior example.
    95 If there is any possibility the branch head content in the public upstream repo has changed, you also will want to update content:
    97 {{{
    98 cd modular-boost/libs/mylib
    99 git pull
    100 }}}
    102 From this point on, it is assumed you have already done a {{{cd modular-boost/libs/mylib}}}.
    104 === Testing locally ===
    106 Unless you are 100% sure of the state of your library's regression tests, it is a good idea to run the regression tests before making any changes to the library:
    108 {{{
    109 pushd test
    110 b2
    111 popd
    112 }}}
    114 === Checking status  ===
    116 Before making changes, it is a good idea to check status. Here is what that looks like on Windows; the
    117 message you get may vary somewhat:
    119 {{{
    120 >git status
    121 # On branch develop
    122 nothing to commit, working directory clean
    123 }}}
    125 === Fix a simple bug directly on {{{develop}}} ===
    127 For simple bugs, particularly in projects with a single maintainer, it is common practice to fix bugs directly in the {{{develop}}} branch. Creating a test case with your favorite editor, testing the test case, fixing the bug, testing the fix, and then iterating if necessary is no different than with any programming environment.
    129 Once the fix is complete, you then commit the fix locally and push from your local repo up to your public boostorg repo on GitHub. These same commands would be used for any Git project, modular or not, so hopefully you are already somewhat familiar with them:
    131 {{{
    132 cd modular-boost/libs/mylib
    133 git commit -a -m "my bug fix"
    134 git push
    135 }}}
    137 There are some significant disadvantages to this simple approach:
    138 * The fix is now made to {{{develop}}} but you must remember to merge it to a release branch or directly to {{{master}}}. It is very easy to forget to do that merge, particularly if this is a mature library you are not working with very often.
    139 * Users who need the bug fix right away are forced to jump through hoops to retrieve the fix from {{{develop}}}.
    141 Putting out a point release solves both of those problems. Read on...
    143 === Fix a bug using a hot-fix branch ===
    145 Fixing a bug directly on the {{{develop}}} branch is fine, if that's the library's policy, but if the bug is messy, multiple maintainers are involved, interruptions are expected, or other complexities are present, then it is better practice to work on the bug in a separate branch. And doing that on a hot-fix branch solves the problems mentioned at the end of the prior section.
    147 The operational distinction between a bug-fix branch and a hot-fix branch is that a bug-fix branch is branched from {{{develop}}} and then at completion merged back to {{{develop}}}, while a hot-fix branch is branched from {{{master}}} and then at completion is merged to both {{{master}}} and {{{develop}}}. With either approach, the branch is deleted after it has been merged.
    149 {{{
    150 git checkout master
    151 git checkout -b hotfix/complex-boo-boo
    152 }}}
    154 This creates the branch {{{hotfix/complex-boo-boo}}}, and switches to it. Incidentally, {{{hotfix/}}} is part of the name, not a directory specifier. The new branch is based on branch {{{master}}} because the working copy was on branch {{{master}}} at the time of the branch.
    156 Since the bug is complex, it may take some time to fix and may go through several cycles of fixes, tests, and commits.
    158 Once the bug is fixed and a final commit is done, then it is time to merge the {{{hotfix/complex-boo-boo}}} branch into {{{master}}} and {{{develop}}}:
    160 {{{
    161 git checkout master
    162 git merge hotfix/complex-boo-boo
    163 git push
    164 git checkout develop
    165 git merge hotfix/complex-boo-boo
    166 git push
    167 git branch -d hotfix/complex-boo-boo
    168 }}}
    170 === Start work on a new feature ===
    172 Developers are encouraged to create a (possibly private) branch to work on new features, even simple ones, since development of new features on the {{{develop}}} branch might leave it unstable for longer that expected. Using the Git Flow convention, the branch will be named {{{feature/add-checksum-option}}}.
    174 {{{
    175 git checkout develop
    176 git checkout -b feature/add-checksum-option
    177 }}}
    179 When you create the branch, or perhaps later, you may decide the branch should be public (i.e. be present in the library's public boostorg repo) so that you can share the branch with others or just to back it up. If so, set that up by running:
    181 {{{
    182 git push --set-upstream origin feature/add-checksum-option
    183 }}}
    185  Whether or not {{{--set-upstream origin bugfix/complex-boo-boo}}} is actually needed depends on the {{{branch.autosetupmerge}}} configuration variable that isn't discussed here. If you don't supply {{{--set-upstream origin bugfix/complex-boo-boo}}} on your first {{{push}}} and it turns out to be needed, you will get an error message explaining that.
    188 The usual cycle of coding, testing, commits, and pushes (if public) then begins. If other work needs to be done, a {{{stash}}} or {{{commit}}} may be done to save work-in-progress, and the working copy switched to another branch for awhile. If significant fixes or other enhancements have been made to {{{develop}}} over time, it may be useful to merge {{{develop}}} into the feature branch so that the eventual merge back to {{{develop}}} has less conflicts. Here is how the merge from {{{develop}}} to {{{feature/add-checksum-option}}} is done:
    190 {{{
    191 git checkout feature/add-checksum-option
    192 git merge develop
    193 }}}
    195 == First post-svn conversion merge to {{{master}}} ==
    197 When you are ready to merge the {{{develop}}} branch to {{{master}}} (or better yet a release branch that's branched off {{{master}}}), there's a bit of housekeeping to be done the first time after the conversion from svn so that future merges proceed smoothly.  We're going to create a merge point between
    198 the develop and master branches so that Git knows the last point the two branches were in synch.  Once we've done that Git will perform a merge by replaying the commits on develop on top of master, starting from the last known merge: in other words Git will perform the tricky stuff of figuring out what to merge for us.
    200 * Navigate to the history for your library on !GitHub, starting with branch master. For example the Config library [ can be seen here].
    201 * Look down through the commit history and make a note of the last merge in svn land. In our example, it was on October 25th 2013.
    202 * Use the dropdown box to change the history to point to the develop branch. [ Config library can be seen here].
    203 * Find the last commit '''before the date noted above'''. Click on the commit message for that commit to go to the actual diff for that change, [ in our example here].  The SHA1 for that commit is shown below and to the right of the commit message, in this case it's {{{67f6b934f161dc5da2039004986a14d9217afae4}}}. Copy that SHA1 to your clipboard.
    205 Create a merge to that specific commit. Begin by changing your library to the master branch:
    207 {{{
    208 git checkout master
    209 }}}
    211 Now create a merge to the specific commit above; since we don't really want to actually change the master branch we'll use the {{{-s ours}}} option to avoid any conflicts:
    213 {{{
    214 git merge --no-ff --no-commit -s ours 67f6b934f161dc5da2039004986a14d9217afae4
    215 }}}
    217 You can now use {{{git status}}} and {{{git diff}}} to check for modifications, in this case there are none. Now make the commit and push to !GitHub:
    219 {{{
    220 git commit -am "Create first merge point for Git"
    221 git push
    222 }}}
    224 Then navigate to your libraries history again, and check that the merge shows up, [ our config example is here].
    225 You're now ready for "routine" merges to proceed as per Git Flow (or whatever other strategy you wish to use).
    227 === Lightweight library release ===
    229 Small, simple libraries and simple releases just merge {{{develop}}} into {{{master}}}, tag {{{master}}}, and declare victory.
    231 {{{
    232 git checkout master
    233 git merge --no-ff develop
    234 git tag -a 1.56.1
    235 }}}
    237 === Heavyweight library release ===
    239 Large, complex libraries, particularly those with multiple developers working in parallel, need to use a release procedure that scales up better than the lightweight procedure. The Git Flow approach is recommended. Find out more at [wiki:StartModWorkflow Modular Boost Library Workflow Overview] and be sure to study the examples given in [ Vincent Driessen's original blog posting].
    241253== Acknowledgements ==