
Version 1 (modified by Beman Dawes, 9 years ago) ( diff )

Initial commit

Getting Started with Modular Boost Library Maintenance

This page describes the mechanics of maintaining a Boost library using Git and Modular Boost.

The intended audience is developers involved in the maintenance of existing Boost libraries.


  • Your favorite compiler and development environment installed and working smoothly.
  • Modular Boost installed as described in Getting Started with Modular Boost. Be sure to run the suggested libs/system/tests tests to be sure your installation and compiler are working together.
  • b2 is in your path. That allows most of the command line examples given here to work on both Windows and POSIX-like systems.

Verify Tests Working

Before making any changes to you library, which we will call "mylib", be sure the test suite is working in the modular Boost environment:

cd /modular-boost/libs/mylib
git checkout develop
cd test

The results should be the same as trunk tests before the conversion. If they aren't, you probably want to resolved that before proceeding.

Fix a simple bug

These commands are the same for any Git project, modular or not, so hopefully you are already familiar with them:

cd /modular-boost/libs/mylib  ''# if needed''
git checkout develop          ''# if needed''
''# make edits''
''# test''
git commit -m 'my bug fix'
git push origin develop

Simple bugs are usually fixed on the develop branch - there is no need to first create a bug-fix branch.

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.