Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of StartModWorkflow

Dec 13, 2013, 10:00:28 PM (9 years ago)
Beman Dawes



  • StartModWorkflow

    v13 v14  
    2727* {{{develop}}} is always the main development branch. Whether it is always stable or not is up to the individual library.
    29  These branches are require so that Boost's release management and other scripts can use known branch names.
     29 These branches are required so that Boost release management and other scripts know the branch names.
    31 While Boost libraries are not required to use the following branches, it is strongly encouraged that these naming conventions are followed if the branches are present.
     31While Boost libraries are not required to use the following branches, these naming conventions are recommended if the branches are present.
    3333* {{{feature/descriptive-name}}} for feature branches. For example, {{{feature/add-roman-numeral-math}}}.
    3535* {{{hotfix/descriptive-name}}} for problem fix branches of {{{master}}} that will be merged back to {{{master}}} and also to {{{develop}}} after the fix. For example, {{{hotfix/ticket-5678-crash-if-result-negative}}}
    3636* {{{release.n.n.n}}} for release staging branches. For example, {{{release.1.56.2}}}.
     38== Release names ==
     40Individual Boost libraries are free to choose their own release numbers, and these library release numbers are normally unrelated to the release numbers for the Boost super-project. The recommended release naming convention is the traditional three unsigned integers separated by periods (I.E. 1.2.3) where:
     41 * The first integer is the major version number, with each major version, with 0 being used for initial development and 1 for the first production-usable version.
     42 * The middle integer is the release number, reset to 0 with each version update and otherwise increasing monotonically.
     43 * The last integer is the patch level, reset to 0 with each revision and otherwise increasing monotonically. A patch level greater than 1 indicates a so-called point releases, normally containing bug fixes but not new features.
     45== Release tags ==
     47A release tag is simply the release number, possibly followed by "beta #" or "rc #" if applicable. Thus the second release candidate for release 1.2.3 would be "1.2.3 rc 2".
    3849== Rationale for choice of Git Flow ==