Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of StartTestingLinuxOnWindows

Dec 15, 2013, 8:52:17 PM (9 years ago)
Beman Dawes

Initial commit


  • StartTestingLinuxOnWindows

    v1 v1  
     1= Getting Started Testing with Linux virtual machine on Windows host =
     3Boost developers using Windows as their development platform may occasionally wish to run local tests on Linux, too. A Linux virtual machine running on the developer's Windows host machine is an easy and free way to do just that. A Linux or Mac developer could do the reverse, although doing so would require a Windows license be purchased, but this article is limited to the Linux on Windows case because that's what I'm familiar with.
     5Likewise, the article is limited to [ VirtualBox] because that's the virtual machine manager I use. It was free, ease to install and use, and worked better for me than several similar packages. But that was some years ago and your mileage may vary.
     7== Initial installation ==
     9* [ Download the Ubuntu Desktop installer], choosing the 64-bit flavor unless you have less than 2GB of RAM. The {{{.iso}}} file downloaded will be used later.
     10* [ Download the installer for Windows hosts].
     11* Run the !VirtualBox installer, selecting the default when offered a choice.