Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of StartTestingLinuxOnWindows

Dec 17, 2013, 2:10:58 PM (9 years ago)
Beman Dawes



  • StartTestingLinuxOnWindows

    v10 v11  
    33Boost developers using Windows as their development platform may occasionally wish to run local tests on Linux, too. A Linux virtual machine running on the developer's Windows host machine is an easy and free way to do just that. A Linux or Mac developer could do the reverse, although doing so would require a Windows license be purchased, but this article is limited to the Linux on Windows case because that's what I'm familiar with.
    5 Likewise, the article is limited to [ VirtualBox] because that's the virtual machine manager I use. It was free, ease to install and use, and worked better for me than several similar packages. But that was some years ago and your mileage may vary.
     5I use the [ Ubuntu] Linux distribution because it is popular and works for me. I'm not a Linux expert, however, and other Linux distros would certainly work. Michael Cox reports he runs Fedora Linux in VirtualBox mainly because it tends to be one of the first distributions to release the latest g++/clang++ compilers.
     7Likewise, the article is limited to [ VirtualBox] because that's the virtual machine manager I use. It is free, ease to install and use, and worked better for me than several similar packages. But that comparison was some years ago and your mileage may vary.
    79!VirtualBox and Ubuntu both have excellent installation instructions, but if they are new to you it still takes a while to figure out the various choices. The hope in documenting my personal installation process is to get you started quickly.
    154156$ ./
    156 $ sudo mv b2 /usr/bin
     158$ sudo mv b2 /usr/local/bin