Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of StartTestingLinuxOnWindows

Dec 15, 2013, 11:11:42 PM (9 years ago)
Beman Dawes



  • StartTestingLinuxOnWindows

    v3 v4  
    3535At this point, the install starts to run. It does quite a bit of downloading files, and one or two times I have had hangs almost certainly related to network problems or overloaded servers. When that happened I verified the md5 checksum for the Ubuntu {{{.iso}}} file, removed the virtual machine from !VirtualBox and just started over. But usually everything goes smoothly.
    37 == Post installation restart and VirtualBox Additions install ==
     37== Post installation restart and !VirtualBox Additions install ==
     39The first thing to do after the install is to install the !VirtualBox Additions. These are helpers such as device drivers that markedly smooth integration between the Windows and Ubuntu desktops.
    3941* A Ubuntu restart is required after the install finishes. Sometimes the post-install shutdown requires hitting Return (aka Enter).
    4042* After the post-install shutdown, start the virtual machine again.
     43* When the Ubuntu Desktop appears again, from the virtual machines menu-bar select "Devices" and then "Insert Guest Additions CD Image...".
     44* When asked if you would like to run the VBOXADDITIONS, click "Run". A terminal window (Linux-speak for command line window) will open and the additions will build. When you see the "Press Return to close this windows..." message, hit return.
     45* Some of the additions don't become effective until a reboot, so click the vaguely gear-like icon in the upper right corner of the Ubuntu Desktop, and select: Shut down...
     47== Set up Ubuntu for Boost library maintenance ==
     49Now we set up Ubuntu for Boost library maintenance. These steps only have to be done once.
     51* Start the virtual machine.
     52* Verify that if the Windows window that the virtual machine runs in is resized, the Ubuntu Desktop within it is automatically resized. That's a sign the !VirtualBox Additions are installed properly.
     53* Click the vortex-like icon at the top of the launch bar on the left side of the Ubuntu Desktop window. Enter "terminal" (without quotes) in the search box that appears, and hit return. Drag and drop the Terminal icon that appears to the launch bar.
     54* Click the Terminal icon now on the launch bar. A terminal window (I.E. command line window) now appears running the {{{bash}}} shell.
     56Note: Your clipboard is being shared between Windows and the Ubuntu virtual machine, so you can copy-and-paste or drag-and-drop stuff between windows on the two machines, just like you do between windows on Windows.