Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of SuperProjectWorkflow

Jan 18, 2014, 4:45:12 PM (9 years ago)
Daniel James

Trying to make sense of how submodule updates are handled after branching.


  • SuperProjectWorkflow

    v10 v11  
    3030The release preparation branch follows the Git Flow model. It is branched from "develop" and merged with "release" once complete. If a module isn't considered ready for release (such as a new library that hasn't been fully approved) it may be reverted to an earlier version. The appropriate files are updated for the release, such as 'index.html'. It might also be necessary to update `<boost/version.hpp>` in Boost.Config.
    32 When a submodule does a release, the super-project's "develop" for the submodule is updated to the new version, and merged (without committing) to the release branch. Release management scripts then run local tests.
     32When a submodule updates "master" after branching for release, the super-project's "develop" branch is updated. This is merged //(Daniel James: cherry-picked? in case an earlier change was rejected)// locally (without committing) to the release branch. Release management scripts then run local tests. //(Daniel James: rather than not committing it might be committed locally and then reset if the tests fail)//.
    3434The platforms used for local tests and whether the tests run against just the submodule or all of Boost will be determined by release managers based on resources available.