Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of TracStandalone

Apr 28, 2017, 12:06:12 AM (5 years ago)



  • TracStandalone

    v3 v4  
    6060The spacing here is important.
     63Once the service is installed, it might be simpler to run the Registry Editor rather than use the `reg add` command documented above.  Navigate to:[[BR]]
     66Three (string) parameters are provided:
     67||!AppDirectory ||C:\Python26\ ||
     68||Application ||python.exe ||
     69||!AppParameters ||scripts\ -p 8080 ... ||
     71Note that, if the !AppDirectory is set as above, the paths of the executable ''and'' of the script name and parameter values are relative to the directory.  This makes updating Python a little simpler because the change can be limited, here, to a single point.
     72(This is true for the path to the .htpasswd file, as well, despite the documentation calling out the /full/path/to/htpasswd; however, you may not wish to store that file under the Python directory.)
    6275For Windows 7 User, srvany.exe may not be an option, so you can use [ WINSERV] utility and run:
    7184Use [ WindowsServiceScript], available at [ Trac Hacks]. Installs, removes, starts, stops, etc. your Trac service.
     86=== Option 3 ===
     88also cygwin's cygrunsrv.exe can be used:
     90$ cygrunsrv --install tracd --path /cygdrive/c/Python27/Scripts/tracd.exe --args '--port 8000 --env-parent-dir E:\IssueTrackers\Trac\Projects'
     91$ net start tracd
    7394== Using Authentication ==
    75 Using tracd with Apache .htpasswd files:
    77 To create a .htpasswd file using htpasswd:
    79 {{{
    80  $ htpasswd -c /path/to/env/.htpasswd username
    81 }}}
    82 then for additional users:
    83 {{{
    84  $ htpasswd /path/to/env/.htpasswd username2
    85 }}}
    86 then for starting the tracd (on windows skip the "=" after --basic-auth):
    87 {{{
    88 tracd -p 8080 --basic-auth=environmentname,/fullpath/environmentname/.htpasswd,/fullpath/environmentname /fullpath/environmentname
    89 }}}
    91  `environmentname` is the directory name of the Trac project folder, as opposed to `/fullpath/environmentname` which is the full path to the Trac project folder. See below for another example.
    93 Tracd provides support for both Basic and Digest authentication. The default is to use Digest; to use Basic authentication, replace `--auth` with `--basic-auth` in the examples below. (You must still specify a dialogic "realm", which can be an empty string by trailing the BASICAUTH with a comma.)
    95   ''Support for Basic authentication was added in version 0.9.''
    97 The general format for using authentication is (replace `--auth` with `--basic-auth` if you want to use Basic auth):
     96Tracd provides support for both Basic and Digest authentication. Digest is considered more secure. The examples below use Digest; to use Basic authentication, replace `--auth` with `--basic-auth` in the command line.
     98The general format for using authentication is:
    100100 $ tracd -p port --auth="base_project_dir,password_file_path,realm" project_path
    105103 * '''base_project_dir''': the base directory of the project specified as follows:
    106104   * when serving multiple projects: ''relative'' to the `project_path`
    111109 * '''project_path''': path of the project
     111 * **`--auth`** in the above means use Digest authentication, replace `--auth` with `--basic-auth` if you want to use Basic auth.  Although Basic authentication does not require a "realm", the command parser does, so the second comma is required, followed directly by the closing quote for an empty realm name.
    135 === Using a htpasswd password file ===
     135=== Basic Authorization: Using a htpasswd password file ===
    136136This section describes how to use `tracd` with Apache .htpasswd files.
     138  Note: It is necessary (at least with Python 2.6) to install the fcrypt package in order to
     139  decode the htpasswd format.  Trac source code attempt an `import crypt` first, but there
     140  is no such package for Python 2.6.
    138142To create a .htpasswd file use Apache's `htpasswd` command (see [#GeneratingPasswordsWithoutApache below] for a method to create these files without using Apache):
    141144 $ sudo htpasswd -c /path/to/env/.htpasswd username
    148151Then to start `tracd` run something like this:
    151153 $ tracd -p 8080 --basic-auth="projectdirname,/fullpath/environmentname/.htpasswd,realmname" /fullpath/environmentname
    154156For example:
    157158 $ tracd -p 8080 --basic-auth="testenv,/srv/tracenv/testenv/.htpasswd,My Test Env" /srv/tracenv/testenv
    160160''Note:'' You might need to pass "-m" as a parameter to htpasswd on some platforms (OpenBSD).
    162 === Using a htdigest password file ===
     162=== Digest authentication: Using a htdigest password file ===
    164164If you have Apache available, you can use the htdigest command to generate the password file. Type 'htdigest' to get some usage instructions, or read [ this page] from the Apache manual to get precise instructions.  You'll be prompted for a password to enter for each user that you create.  For the name of the password file, you can use whatever you like, but if you use something like `users.htdigest` it will remind you what the file contains. As a suggestion, put it in your <projectname>/conf folder along with the [TracIni trac.ini] file.
    168168=== Generating Passwords Without Apache ===
    170 If you don't have Apache available, you can use this simple Python script to generate your passwords:
     170Basic Authorization can be accomplished via this [ online HTTP Password generator].  Copy the generated password-hash line to the .htpasswd file on your system. Note that Windows Python lacks the "crypt" module that is the default hash type for htpasswd ; Windows Python can grok MD5 password hashes just fine and you should use MD5.
     172You can use this simple Python script to generate a '''digest''' password file:
    204 Note: If you use the above script you must use the --auth option to tracd, not --basic-auth, and you must set the realm in the --auth value to 'trac' (without the quotes). Example usage (assuming you saved the script as
     206Note: If you use the above script you must set the realm in the `--auth` argument to '''`trac`'''. Example usage (assuming you saved the script as
    212 Note: If you would like to use --basic-auth you need to use htpasswd tool from apache server to generate .htpasswd file. The remaining part is similar but make sure to use empty realm (i.e. coma after path). Make sure to use -m option for it.  If you do not have Apache, [trac:source:/tags/trac-0.11/contrib/] may help.  (Note that it requires a `crypt` or `fcrypt` module; see the source comments for details.)
    214 It is possible to use md5sum utility to generate digest-password file using such method:
    215 {{{
    216  $ printf "${user}:trac:${password}" | md5sum - >>user.htdigest
    217 }}}
    218 and manually delete " -" from the end and add "${user}:trac:" to the start of line from 'to-file'.
     213==== Using `md5sum`
     214It is possible to use `md5sum` utility to generate digest-password file:
     220echo ${user}:${realm}:$(printf "${user}:${realm}:${password}" | md5sum - | sed -e 's/\s\+-//') > ${path_to_file}
     223== Reference ==
     225Here's the online help, as a reminder (`tracd --help`):
     227Usage: tracd [options] [projenv] ...
     230  --version             show program's version number and exit
     231  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
     232  -a DIGESTAUTH, --auth=DIGESTAUTH
     233                        [projectdir],[htdigest_file],[realm]
     234  --basic-auth=BASICAUTH
     235                        [projectdir],[htpasswd_file],[realm]
     236  -p PORT, --port=PORT  the port number to bind to
     237  -b HOSTNAME, --hostname=HOSTNAME
     238                        the host name or IP address to bind to
     239  --protocol=PROTOCOL   http|scgi|ajp|fcgi
     240  -q, --unquote         unquote PATH_INFO (may be needed when using ajp)
     241  --http10              use HTTP/1.0 protocol version instead of HTTP/1.1
     242  --http11              use HTTP/1.1 protocol version (default)
     243  -e PARENTDIR, --env-parent-dir=PARENTDIR
     244                        parent directory of the project environments
     245  --base-path=BASE_PATH
     246                        the initial portion of the request URL's "path"
     247  -r, --auto-reload     restart automatically when sources are modified
     248  -s, --single-env      only serve a single project without the project list
     249  -d, --daemonize       run in the background as a daemon
     250  --pidfile=PIDFILE     When daemonizing, file to which to write pid
     251  --umask=MASK          When daemonizing, file mode creation mask to use, in
     252                        octal notation (default 022)
     255Use the -d option so that tracd doesn't hang if you close the terminal window where tracd was started.
    220257== Tips ==
    235272 ''Support for `htdocs:` TracLinks syntax was added in version 0.10''
    237 === Using apache rewrite rules ===
    238 In some situations when you choose to use tracd behind apache, you might experience issues with redirects, like being redirected to URLs with the wrong host or protocol. In this case (and only in this case), setting the `[trac] use_base_url_for_redirect` to `true` can help, as this will force Trac to use the value of `[trac] base_url` for doing the redirects.
     274=== Using tracd behind a proxy
     276In some situations when you choose to use tracd behind Apache or another web server.
     278In this situation, you might experience issues with redirects, like being redirected to URLs with the wrong host or protocol. In this case (and only in this case), setting the `[trac] use_base_url_for_redirect` to `true` can help, as this will force Trac to use the value of `[trac] base_url` for doing the redirects.
     280If you're using the AJP protocol to connect with `tracd` (which is possible if you have flup installed), then you might experience problems with double quoting. Consider adding the `--unquote` parameter.
     282See also [trac:TracOnWindowsIisAjp], [trac:TracNginxRecipe].
     284=== Authentication for tracd behind a proxy
     285It is convenient to provide central external authentication to your tracd instances, instead of using {{{--basic-auth}}}. There is some discussion about this in #9206.
     287Below is example configuration based on Apache 2.2, mod_proxy, mod_authnz_ldap.
     289First we bring tracd into Apache's location namespace.
     292<Location /project/proxified>
     293        Require ldap-group cn=somegroup, ou=Groups,
     294        Require ldap-user somespecificusertoo
     295        ProxyPass http://localhost:8101/project/proxified/
     296        # Turns out we don't really need complicated RewriteRules here at all
     297        RequestHeader set REMOTE_USER %{REMOTE_USER}s
     301Then we need a single file plugin to recognize HTTP_REMOTE_USER header as valid authentication source. HTTP headers like '''HTTP_FOO_BAR''' will get converted to '''Foo-Bar''' during processing. Name it something like '''''' and drop it into '''proxified/plugins''' directory:
     304from trac.core import *
     305from trac.config import BoolOption
     306from trac.web.api import IAuthenticator
     308class MyRemoteUserAuthenticator(Component):
     310    implements(IAuthenticator)
     312    obey_remote_user_header = BoolOption('trac', 'obey_remote_user_header', 'false',
     313               """Whether the 'Remote-User:' HTTP header is to be trusted for user logins
     314                (''since ??.??').""")
     316    def authenticate(self, req):
     317        if self.obey_remote_user_header and req.get_header('Remote-User'):
     318            return req.get_header('Remote-User')
     319        return None
     323Add this new parameter to your TracIni:
     328obey_remote_user_header = true
     332Run tracd:
     334tracd -p 8101 -r -s proxified --base-path=/project/proxified
    240337=== Serving a different base path than / ===
    247 See also: TracInstall, TracCgi, TracModPython, TracGuide, [trac:TracOnWindowsStandalone?version=13#RunningTracdasservice Running tracd.exe as a Windows service], [trac:TracOnWindowsIisAjp], [trac:TracNginxRecipe]
     344See also: TracInstall, TracCgi, TracModPython, TracGuide, [trac:TracOnWindowsStandalone#RunningTracdasservice Running tracd.exe as a Windows service]