
Version 3 (modified by Antony Polukhin, 8 years ago) ( diff )


Travis and Coveralls integration


We'll be adding TravisCI and Coveralls integration to a Boost library. Let's take a Boost.LexicalCast as an example. At the end we'll get something like this.

Travis requires some access permissions to the repository that are usually provided by Boostorg Admins. However bothering Admins is actually not required:

  • go to the Boost project page (in our example it would be
  • press the "Fork" button at the top right corner. Now you have a copy of the boost project in your account.
  • clone the original boostorg repo or use an existing clone. Change directory to the clone folder (cd boost_maintain/boost/libs/lexical_cast/)
  • add our forked repo as another remote host for default push: git remote set-url --add origin<your_login>/lexical_cast.git. If everything is right, you'll see something like this if you execute git remote -v:
    origin (fetch)
    origin (push)
    origin<your_login>/lexical_cast.git (push)
  • now add the .travis.yml file, tune the and commit changes:
    cp ../variant/.travis.yml ./                                 # Copying .travis.yml from Boost.Variant
    sed -i 's/IGNORE_COVERAGE=.*/IGNORE_COVERAGE=/g' .travis.yml # Reseting files to ignore in coverage tests report
    git add .travis.yml                                          # Adding .travis.yml for next commit
    cp ../variant/ ./                                   # Copying from Boost.Variant
    sed -i 's/variant/lexical_cast/g'                  # Replacing `variant` with `lexical_cast`
    sed -i 's/apolukhin/<your_login>/g'                # Replace `apolukhin` login name wuth your own login name
    gedit                                              # ... editing in editor
    git add                                            # Adding for next commit
    git commit -m "Travis and Coveralls integration"             # Committing changes to GIT
    git push                                                     # push changes to boostorg and forked repo using one command

That's it! If everything is done right, you'll see the build process going on TravisCI and after ~20 minutes results will be visible in view on github.

Coveralls tuning

Investigating the results

After successful run of TravisCI and Coveralls we'll see tests coverage results displayed in view on github. Time to investigate the results!

Setting sources location

Chances are high, that Coveralls will fail to automatically detect source location. In that case you need to

  • set "Git repo root directory:" to /home/travis/boost-local/
  • set "Git repo sub directory: :" to include/ (or src/ in case of a source file in src/ folder)

If everything is done right you'll see the source file with highlighted lines. Green lines are covered by tests, red lines are in binary file and are not covered by test, gray lines are not in a test's binary file (there's no code in tests that uses/compile that line).

Ignoring specified files coverage

Sometimes files from other projects could appear in coverage reports. To disable those files edit .travis.yml file and set IGNORE_COVERAGE= to files that must be ignored. IGNORE_COVERAGE variable understands wildcards, so you could disable files just like this:

    - IGNORE_COVERAGE='*/boost/progress.hpp */filesystem/src/path.cpp */numeric/conversion/converter_policies.hpp'
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.