Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of WarningFixes

Nov 8, 2009, 5:25:41 PM (13 years ago)
John Maddock



  • WarningFixes

    v1 v2  
    55 * Boost headers: warnings emitted with a long template instantiation back trace are particularly troublesome.
    66 * Boost source code: Users building Boost on their platform should ideally see a clean build with no warnings.
     7 * Core libraries, that are reused by other Boost libraries.
    89The main test compilers and flags are:
    1314In addition if library test cases can be made warning free, then we can begin to enforce a no-warnings policy by testing with warnings-as-errors with the above compilers.
     17||Config||johnmaddock||Clean||Only headers are clean, I haven't looked at the tests.||
     18||Type Traits||johnmaddock||Clean||One test has (unfixable?) warnings with gcc.||
     19||Regex||johnmaddock||Clean|| ||
     20||Test||johnmaddock||[ Patches]||A couple of tests still produce warnings: Jamfile issues?||
     21||Thread|| ||Warnings|| ||
     22||Date Time|| ||Warnings|| ||
     23||Program Options|| ||Warnings|| ||
     25Please set the Status field above to one of:
     27 * unknown - library hasn't been tested for warnings yet.
     28 * warnings - we know that the library has warnings, but no one has done anything about it yet.
     29 * bug - if a bug report has been filed on the trac (with link)
     30 * patch - if a Trac patch has been filed (with link).
     31 * clean - fixes are in Trunk.
     32 * release - fixes are in release branch.
     34Please set the owner field to the Trac user ID of the person currently investigating so that we don't duplicate effort.
     36Libraries can be tested by cd'ing into boost-root/libname/test and invoking:
     39bjam msvc warnings=all
     43bjam gcc warnings=all cxxflags=-Wextra