Changes between Version 31 and Version 32 of WarningFixes

Nov 21, 2009, 12:05:26 PM (13 years ago)
Paul A. Bristow

added new column and new info PAB


  • WarningFixes

    v31 v32  
    1616In addition if library test cases can be made warning free, then we can begin to enforce a no-warnings policy by testing with warnings-as-errors with the above compilers.
    18 ||'''Library'''||'''Owner'''||'''Status'''||'''Notes'''||
    19 ||Any|| ||unknown|| ||
    20 ||Array|| ||[ Patch]||MSVC only||
    21 ||Bind|| ||Clean||[ Patches here]||
    22 ||Call Traits|| ||See Utility|| ||
    23 ||Compressed Pair|| ||See Utility|| ||
    24 ||Config||johnmaddock||Clean||Only headers are clean, I haven't looked at the tests.||
    25 ||Concept Check|| ||unknown|| ||
    26 ||Conversion||johnmaddock||clean||Both MSVC and GCC clean except for one deliberate warning.||
    27 ||Date Time|| ||[ Bug]|| ||
    28 ||Enable If|| ||unknown|| ||
    29 ||Exception|| ||unknown|| ||
    30 ||Filesystem|| ||unknown|| ||
    31 ||For Each|| ||unknown|| ||
    32 ||Format|| ||unknown|| ||
    33 ||Function|| ||[ Patch]||gcc clean, a couple of minor warnings from msvc.||
    34 ||Function Types|| ||unknown|| ||
    35 ||Fusion|| ||warnings|| ||
    36 ||Graph|| ||unknown|| ||
    37 ||Hash||danieljames||[ Patches]||gcc: headers clean, warnings in one of the tests.  MSVC: warnings in tests only - see patch.||
    38 ||Integer|| ||unknown|| ||
    39 ||Iterators|| ||unknown|| ||
    40 ||Min Max|| ||unknown|| ||
    41 ||MPL|| ||unknown|| ||
    42 ||Multi-index Containers||joaquin||clean||Warnings pop up from Boost.Integer (gcc), Boost.Serialization and Boost.Test (tests only)||
    43 ||Operators|| ||unknown|| ||
    44 ||Optional|| ||warnings||Both gcc and msvc, headers and tests||
    45 ||Parameter|| ||unknown|| ||
    46 ||Pool|| ||unknown|| ||
    47 ||Preprocessor|| ||unknown|| ||
    48 ||Program Options||s_ochsenknecht||unknown||gcc:clean, mvc:unknown, Warnings pop up from Boost.Integer (gcc) ||
    49 ||Property Map|| ||unknown|| ||
    50 ||Proto||eric_niebler||Warnings|| ||
    51 ||Regex||johnmaddock||Clean|| ||
    52 ||Serialization|| ||unknown|| ||
    53 ||Smart Ptr|| ||unknown|| ||
    54 ||Spirit||hkaiser(msvc) danieljames(gcc)||unknown||MSVC warnings have been cleaned, gcc still needs investigation||
    55 ||Static Assert||johnmaddock||clean|| ||
    56 ||Swap|| ||unknown|| ||
    57 ||System|| ||unknown|| ||
     18||'''Library'''||'''Owner'''||'''Status MSVC'''||'''Status gcc'''||'''Notes'''||
     20||Array||?||patch for MSVC||||[ MSVC Patch]||
     21||Bind||? ||Clean||Clean||[ Patches]||
     22||Call Traits||?||See Utility||See Utility||See Utility||
     23||Compressed Pair||?||See Utility||See Utility|| ||
     24||Config||johnmaddock||Clean||Clean||Only headers are clean, I haven't looked at the tests.||
     25||Concept Check||?||unknown||unkown|| ||
     26||Conversion||johnmaddock||clean||clean||Except for one deliberate warning.||
     27||Date Time||?||||||[ Bug]||
     28||Enable If||?||unknown||unknown|| ||
     29||Exception||?||unknown||unknown|| ||
     30||Filesystem||?||unknown||unknown|| ||
     31||For Each||?||unknown||unknown|| ||
     32||Format||?||unknown||unknown|| ||
     33||Function||?||warnings||clean||[ Patch]||
     34||Function Types||?||unknown||unknown|| ||
     35||Fusion||?||warnings||warnings|| ||
     36||Graph||?||unknown||unknown|| ||
     37||Hash||danieljames||[ Patches]||clean||warnings in tests only.||
     38||Integer||?||unknown||unknown|| ||
     39||Iterators||?||unknown||unknown|| ||
     40||Min Max||?||unknown||unknown|| ||
     41||MPL||?||unknown||unknown|| ||
     42||Multi-index Containers||joaquin||clean||clean||Tests warnings from Boost.Integer (gcc), Boost.Serialization and Boost.Test||
     43||Operators||?||unknown||unknown|| ||
     44||Optional||?||warnings||Both gcc and msvc, headers and tests||
     45||Parameter||?||unknown||unknown|| ||
     46||Pool||? ||unknown||unknown|| ||
     47||Preprocessor||?||unknown||unknown|| ||
     48||Program Options||s_ochsenknecht||unknown||clean||||
     49||Property Map||?||unknown||unknown|| ||
     50||Proto||eric_niebler||Warnings||Warnings|| ||
     52||Serialization||?||unknown||unknown|| ||
     53||Smart Ptr||?||unknown||unknown|| ||
     54||Spirit||hkaiser(msvc) danieljames(gcc)||clean||unknown||MSVC warnings have been cleaned, gcc still needs investigation||
     55||Static Assert||johnmaddock||clean||clean ||||
     56||Swap||?||unknown||unknown|| ||
     57||System||?||unknown||unknown|| ||
    5858||Test||johnmaddock||[ Patches]||A couple of tests still produce warnings: Jamfile issues?||
    59 ||Timer|| ||unknown|| ||
    60 ||Thread|| ||[ Patch]|| ||
    61 ||Tuple|| ||unknown|| ||
    62 ||Typeof|| ||unknown|| ||
    63 ||Type Traits||johnmaddock||Clean||One test has (unfixable?) warnings with gcc.||
    64 ||Unordered||danieljames||clean||gcc & msvc clean||
    65 ||Utility||johnmaddock||clean||result_of_test.cpp and verify_test.cpp assert_test.cpp and base_from_member_test.cpp still have warnings that are probably deliberate.||
    66 ||Variant|| ||clean||Warning still present in some tests from integer-conversion tests.||
    67 ||Wave||hkaiser||unknown||investigating||
     59||Timer||?||unknown||unknown|| ||
     60||Thread||?||[ Patch]|| ||
     61||Tuple||?||unknown||unknown|| ||
     62||Typeof||?||unknown||unknown|| ||
     63||Type Traits||johnmaddock||Clean||clean||One test has (unfixable?) warnings with gcc.||
     64||Unordered||danieljames||clean||clean|| ||
     65||Utility||johnmaddock||clean||clean||result_of_test.cpp and verify_test.cpp assert_test.cpp and base_from_member_test.cpp still have warnings that are probably deliberate.||
     66||Variant||?||clean||clean||Warning still present in some tests from integer-conversion tests.||