
Version 4 (modified by Douglas Gregor, 16 years ago) ( diff )

Try to improve top-level structure

Welcome to the Boost Trac

Boost is a collection of free, peer-reviewed C++ libraries. This Trac is used to aid in the development of Boost, by tracking software issues, documenting Boost development procedures, and providing navigation aids to the Boost source code repository. From this Trac, you can:

Quick Access to the Boost Subversion Repository

You can browse the Boost Subversion repository online or retrieve Boost via a Subversion client. Most users will be interested in either the stable or the development branch of Boost:

To check out the Boost development branch using the command-line Subversion tool, svn, use:

svn co boost-devel

At any time, you can update your Boost development branch (which now lives in boost-devel) with:

svn up

Please refer to BoostSubversion for more information about the Boost Subversion repository.

Subversion Repository

Boost uses Subversion to manage all of the data associated with Boost's development, including the source code to Boost, documentation for Boost libraries, and the Boost web site. The Subversion repository can be accessed in several ways:

svn co boost-stable

  • Developer (read/write) access to the Boost Subversion repository is available for Boost contributors at To gain developer access to the Boost Subversion repository, please send a email to the Boost Moderators at boost-owner -at- stating why you need write access to the Boost Subversion repository. Note that all Boost contributors must grant permission for their past and future Boost contributions to be licensed under the Boost Software License version 1.0 and future versions.

The Boost Subversion repository is organized into several top-level directories, reflecting various stages of Boost library development and subtasks within the Boost community. We have the following top-level directories:

  • stable: Contains the latest "stable" version of Boost.
  • devel: Contains the latest "development" version of Boost. This branch will typically be more volatile than the stable branc.
  • sandbox: Contains libraries and tools that are under active development and have not yet been reviewed or accepted into Boost.
  • website: Contains the upcoming Boost web site, which is not yet live.
  • branches: Contains various branches of Boost libraries, typically for non-trivial changes to Boost libraries that need to be made separately from the devel branch.
  • tags: Contains "tags" that mark certain points in the source tree, such as particular Boost releases.
  • sandbox-branches: Similar to branches, but for code that resides in the sandbox.
  • sandbox-tags: Similar to tags, but for code that resides in the sandbox`.
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.