Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of gci2014

Nov 3, 2014, 11:52:23 AM (8 years ago)
Niall Douglas

added some tasks


  • gci2014

    v1 v2  
    2222* Estimated hours: ? hours[[BR]]
    2323  Categories: Whichever one or more of (i) code (ii) documentation/training (iii) outreach/research (iv) Quality Assurance (v) User Interface[[BR]]
    24   Boost libraries involved: Name these here[[BR]]
    25   Boost community members willing to check the work performed: List these here[[BR]]
    26   Description of the task
     24  Boost libraries involved: '''Name these here'''[[BR]]
     25  Boost community members willing to check the work performed: '''List these here'''[[BR]]
     26  '''Description of the task'''
    2828Tasks should be chosen to be '''short''' with very well defined outcomes - it should be obvious to all when a task is done correctly or not. You should expect a majority of students to have no ability to program in C++, so try to restrict tasks to documentation, testing, working on the Boost website, designing graphics or icons, writing essays, blogs or videos about Boost libraries, that sort of thing. Do however throw in a few tasks for the more technically competent, such as helping to verify bugs sent to the issue tracker still occur against trunk, or even refactoring which is entirely mechanical but just a little too hard for file find regex and replace to do.
    3030[ You find this list of past ideas for other projects of use to think about Boost project ideas].
    32 == Google Code In Ideass: ==
     32= Google Code In Ideas: =
     34* Estimated hours: '''3-5 hours'''[[BR]]
     35  Categories: '''Documentation'''[[BR]]
     36  Boost libraries involved: '''Boost.Thread'''[[BR]]
     37  Boost community members willing to check the work performed: '''Niall Douglas'''[[BR]]
     38  '''The documentation at has unfortunately become out of step with the source code. For every instance in the documentation where it claims that a macro has some default value, check whether this is or is not true in the source code, and fixing the documentation where it is wrong, sending us either a report of the defects or ideally a patch or pull request with the fixes already done. Tip: you can search the documentation for macros easily by searching the text for BOOST_THREAD_ with case sensitivity.'''
     41* Estimated hours: '''3-5 hours'''[[BR]]
     42  Categories: '''Outreach'''[[BR]]
     43  Boost libraries involved: '''All'''[[BR]]
     44  Boost community members willing to check the work performed: '''Niall Douglas'''[[BR]]
     45  '''We currently have no instructional videos on the Boost website telling people how to install a development ready edition of Boost for Microsoft Windows, Ubuntu Linux, Apple Mac OS X. At least three videos should exist taking users through the installation steps, and these videos added to the Boost website.'''
     47* Estimated hours: '''3 hours'''[[BR]]
     48  Categories: '''Quality Assurance'''[[BR]]
     49  Boost libraries involved: '''Boost.Thread'''[[BR]]
     50  Boost community members willing to check the work performed: '''Niall Douglas'''[[BR]]
     51  '''Check five bug reports from for validity with the latest trunk version of Boost.Thread, reporting as a comment on the issue whether you successfully replicated the bug or did not. You should only choose bug reports which supply an example piece of code demonstrating the problem, and only bug reports where someone else has not already verified the bug report.'''