Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of soc/2007/SignalNetwork

May 29, 2007, 11:13:16 PM (15 years ago)
Stjepan Rajko



  • soc/2007/SignalNetwork

    v1 v2  
    1 The full proposal for this project and the documentation of the prototype library is available [ here].
     1== Introduction ==
    3 I will add some of the information here soon.
     3The Signal Network library aims to facilitate the
     4implementation and interconnection of objects into signal networks using Boost.Signals.
     5To understand the concept of signals (data generators / senders) and slots (data consumers / receivers),
     6please see the Boost.Signals [ documentation]
     7and the associated [ tutorial].
     9This is a proposal for development of the Signal Network library as a part of
     10Google Summer of Code and evential inclusion into Boost.  Depending on what is preferred,
     11the Signal Network library can be included into Boost.Signals or considered as a separate library.
     13If you're interested, you may want to examine the [ documentation for the prototype implementation].
     15The Signal Network library is to provide
     16 * a concise operator based syntax that facilitates construction and readiblity of signal networks
     17 * mechanisms that facilitate construction of signal network components
     18 * implemented building-block components that are applicable to a wide range of signal networks
     19 * detailed documentation (tutorial, examples and reference) of all of the above
     21The development platforms are
     22 * OS X / Xcode with Apple's branch of GCC
     23 * Windows / MSVC8.0
     25== Motivation ==
     27Boost.Signals provides an excellent mechanism which can be used to dynamically configure the flow of data within
     28a program.  This is helpful for registering callbacks, for event passing, and for signal processing applications.
     30However, when dealing with more complicated networks, there are several improvements to Boost.Signals
     31that could facilitate the construction, configuration, and execution of said networks.  Several categories which could use
     32some improvement are listed below.
     34For simplicity, the examples in this documentation deal with signals which carry numbers,
     35and components which manipulate them.  The same principles are applicable to many kinds of signal oriented
     36applications (e.g., ones where the signals carry event information, video frames, audio buffers, etc.).
     38=== Conciseness and readability of code ===
     39In complex signal-based applications, many components are signal ''filters'' or some kind (i.e., they
     40receive some input, process it, and send some output).  For processing of any substantial complexity,
     41each type of filter is most likely implemented as a class, with one or more member boost::signal
     42objects serving as signal outputs, and one or more member functions serving as input slots.
     44Suppose we would like to connect a network consisting of a signal generator, a couple of filters,
     45and a couple of signal consumers (say, display components).  The components might be declared as follows:
     49signal_generator generator; // contains a boost::signal accessible via signal_generator::default_signal()
     50signal_filter1 filter1; // contains a boost::signal accessible via signal_filter1::default_signal(),
     51                                                // and a slot function operator()
     52signal_filter2 filter2; // contains a boost::signal accessible via signal_filter2::default_signal(),
     53                                                // and a slot function operator()
     54signal_display display1, display2; // contains a slot function operator()
     57To connect the network, the following would be necessary using Boost.Signals:
     59==== Boost.Signals syntax: ====
     62// connect the generator to filter1
     63generator.default_signal().connect(boost::bind(&signal_filter1::operator(), boost::ref(filter1)));
     64// connect filter1 to filter2
     65filter1.default_signal().connect(boost::bind(&signal_filter2::operator(), boost::ref(filter2)));
     66// connect the output of each filter to a display
     67filter1.default_signal().connect(boost::bind(&signal_display::operator(), boost::ref(display1)));
     68filter2.default_signal().connect(boost::bind(&signal_display::operator(), boost::ref(display2)));       
     71The code above is rather long to write, and might not be particularly readable.  What we would like to
     72do instead is something more concise and readable:
     73==== Proposed/desired syntax: ====
     76// connect (>>=) generator to filter1,
     77// branch (|) from filter1 to both display1 and filter2,
     78// and connect (>>=) filter2 to display2.
     80        >>= filter1
     81                | display1
     82                | filter2 >>= display2;
     85The above code is much more concise, and after getting familiar with the syntax, understanding the structure of
     86the signal network is easy and quick.
     88=== Flow control components ===
     89In many cases, we would like to modify the flow of signals after the network
     90has been constructed.  Boost.Signals allows us to change the network by disconnecting old or
     91creating new connections.  So, for example, if we wanted to introduce a second
     92signal generator into the system (e.g., generator2), we could use signal::disconnect (or
     94and signal::connect to toggle between the two sources:
     96==== Boost.Signals flow control: ====
     99// switch to the other signal generator:
     101generator2.default_signal().connect(boost::bind(&signal_filter1::operator(), boost::ref(filter1)));
     104There are a few potential problems with this approach.  First, the syntax is again perhaps a little too involved.
     105And second, altering the
     106network while signals are being sent may require extra care (especially in multi-threaded
     107settings). Hence, depending on the situation, it might be difficult to use
     108this approach
     109to alternate between the two sources (perhaps a custom object would need to be written
     110to choose the appropriate source).
     112Instead, it would be desirable to have ready-made components which can be used to alter
     113the flow of signals without changing the architecture of the network:
     115==== Proposed/desired flow control: ====
     118// introduce a selector into the network
     119signal_selector selector;
     121// the generators are now connected to the selector
     122generator >>= selector.slot1;
     123generator2 >>= selector.slot2;
     125// and the rest of the network is now constructed as follows:
     127        >>= filter1
     128                | display1
     129                | filter2 >>= display2;
     132// Now we could choose the source as follows:; // select input coming into slot1
     134...; // select input coming into slot2
     136...; // select no input
     140The latter approach offers more robust control, and can be implemented in a thread-safe way
     141(safe even when the generated signals are in threads separate from the reconfiguring thread).
     142Similar arguments can be made for other flow control components such as junctions and gates.
     144=== Other building-block signal network components ===
     145There are many other components that are usable in various signal network settings.
     146The Signal Network library would provide a set of such commonly needed components,
     147such as templates for signal generators, collectors, threading components, etc.