Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of soc/2007/VisualizationOfContainers

Jun 12, 2007, 12:38:13 AM (15 years ago)



  • soc/2007/VisualizationOfContainers

    v11 v12  
    1010I have only a student's grasp of C++, so if you have a suggestion to help me with design or implementation, either leave them here or email me at jakevoytko [at] gmail [dot] com[[BR]]
    12 = 1. User Interface =
     12This page will hold examples of what I have implemented thus far, and what my program will be capable of in the future. More complete documentation will be live in a few days on my personal website.
     14= What can it do? =
    1416== Example ==
    17 vector<double> experiment_data;
     19vector<double> data1, data2;
    19 // fill experiment_data here
     21// fill vectors
    2123svg_plot my_plot("./image.svg");
    23 my_plot<< image_size(500, 500) << x_scale(0, 10) << y_scale(0, 10)
    24         << line_color(BLACK) << draw_axis();
    26 my_plot<< plot_range(experiment_data.begin(), experiment_data.end()) << write();
     25my_plot << image_size(500, 200) << x_scale(-7, 9) << draw_axis()
     26        << plot_range(data1.begin(), data1.end(), blue)
     27        << plot_range(data2.begin(), data2.end(), green)
     28        << write();
    29 == Output ==
    30 [[Image(]]
     31produces the following output:
    32 ----
    33 = 2. Design Decisions =
    35 == 2.1 `svg_graph` class ==
    36 '''Currently supported operations of the form `my_plot << function()`:'''
    37  * `x_scale(double, double)` and `y_scale(double, double)`
    38    * Allows the user to set the bottom, top, left, and right edge of the graph
     35= To-Do List =
     36== For next week ==
     37 * Create a more consistent internal name scheme (I'm starting to confuse myself)
     38 * Accept generic STL containers, `Boost.Array`
     39 * Begin to incorporate a key/legend into the graph
     40 * Allow streams to be specified as output points
     41 * Move files not to be consumed by users to "detail" folder
    40  * `image_size(int, int)`
    41    * This sizes the border of the image. The default right now is up in the air. 100x100 is perhaps unreasonably small for someone with a 1280x1024 monitor, but maybe 300x300 is unreasonably large for someone with 800x600 screen resolution
     43== By July 2nd ==
     44 * Expand workings of program to two dimensions
    43  * `set_start(double)`
    44    * Allows the user to set the x-axis location of the first data point. This is important currently because the interface does not yet support coordinate `pair<,>`s, and so the user is stuck defining the interval with which the data is input. Obviously not all data has a uniform distribution, and they'll be able to pass an STL container of pair<,>s in the future to alleviate this problem.
    46  * `set_interval(double)`
    47    * This allows the user to set the interval between data points that are being graphed. Again, this is necessary until we allow the user to put in coordinate `pair<,>`s, and will remain necessary after that for users who do not have data in coordinates
    49  * `plot_range(std::vector<double>::iterator, std::vector<double>::iterator)`
    50    * Will be the made generic
    51    * Allows the user to input a begin and an end, and have the user plot the data in between
    53  * `draw_axis()`
    54    * The user specifies that s/he would like the axis drawn in the image.
    56 '' '''Inherited from `svg`'''. I am only including the ones it makes sense to include. In the current prototype code, it inherits handling for a few functions that are not only illogical, but produce unexpected results! This will be taken care of.
    58  * `write()`
    59    * Since it would be too much work (and sometimes impossible) to maintain the file without intervention, this function acts as a 'commit'.
    60    * The user can be sure that whenever they have executed this command, the full output is written to the stream they have specified.
    62  * `line_color(svg_color c)`
    63    * Allows users to define a color
    64    * `point_color()` will soon be supported
    65    * Users will be able to define custom colors soon
    67 == 2.2 `svg` Class  ==
    68 The internal architecture of this class (as far as being a data structure for storing a SVG document) is as follows:
    69 One can consider a `<g>` tag as the branch element of a document. Not currently (but soon!) the `<g>` element will store full information on the styles of all elements that are listed underneath it. Each `<g>` element has a Boost.ptr_vector of tag elements, and soon this will allow (theoretically) infinite branching of the <g> tags, much as the standard would allow. This stores the document XML tree in a literal tree data structure, which I feel makes more sense. A more specific implementation of the internals will most likely come at a date in the near future.
    71 ----
    72 = 3. To Do List =
    74 == 3.1 Near Future ==
    75  * Set up codebase in SVN '''''Completed'''''
    76  * Clean up demo code. Comment better, cement next draft of architecture (focus on single axis first)'''''Completed'''''
    77  * Fully support chaining of the overloaded input operator '''''Completed'''''
    79 == 3.2 Medium Future ==
    80  * Expand to two-dimensional graphs
    81  * Explore size-saving of the output file (I currently don't take advantage of things like paths that the `svg` model has to offer)
    82  * Allow pairs of data to be input
    83  * Explore hover features in the SVG format as a potential way to label data
    84  * Allow any STL-compliant container to be input (I have a hunch this will be more complicated than I'd like, so June 8th is tentative.)
    85  * Consider STL containers that don't directly fit in the straightforward container model (like maps)
    87 == 3.3 Not So Near Future ==
    88  * Support 3-D graphs
    90 == 3.4 Minor Features (No ETA as of May 28) ==
    91  * Full Color Support
    92  * Add handling for `-NAN` and other double error codes
    94 = 4. Suggestions (No ETA as of May 28) =
     46= 3. Suggestions (No ETA as of May 28) =
    9547''By Matias Capeletto:''
    9648 * Be able to choose a log scale for either the X or the Y axis