Changes between Version 28 and Version 29 of soc/2007/VisualizationOfContainers

Jul 6, 2007, 3:19:25 AM (15 years ago)



  • soc/2007/VisualizationOfContainers

    v28 v29  
    177177 * Be able to choose a log scale for either the X or the Y axis
    178178 * Allow the user to import/export XML data that represents style information
    179  * Proposal to include a plugable extractor to `plot_range()`
     179 * Proposal to include a pluggable extractor to `plot_range()`
    181181   In general, containers will store other things than double. Starting simple, I want to be able to
    204204''By Paul Bristow''
    205205 * Customize background color of plot '''''Completed'''''
    206  * Customize the background border color
     206 * Customize the background border color '''''Completed'''''
    207207 * Customize the "axis area" background color '''''Completed'''''
    208208 * Title
    209209   * Customize font
    210    * Customize font color
     210   * Customize font color '''''Completed'''''
    211211   * Customize font size '''''Completed'''''
    212212 * Axis
    216216   * Major ticks width, length, color '''''Completed'''''
    217217   * Minor ticks width, length, color '''''Completed'''''
    218    * Reasonable defaults for ticks
     218   * Reasonable defaults for ticks '''''Completed'''''
    219219   * Axis marker labels '''''Completed for major ticks'''''
    220220   * Consider the axis for data where the origin is not in the view window
    221221   * Consider auto-scaling
    222    * Grid lines
     222   * Grid lines '''''Completed'''''
    223223 * Data representation
    224224   * Allow different data representation points
    225225   * Allow appropriate customization of data points
    226226   * Consider labels for data points (combined with exploration of hover-text features of SVG mentioned above) '''''Completed in legend'''''
    227    * Consider how to concisely represent the scale of data points
    228227   * Multiple data series '''''Completed'''''
    229228 * Legend
    231230   * position
    232231   * border thickness
    233    * border color
     232   * border color '''''Completed'''''
    234233   * background colors '''''Completed'''''
    235234 * Unicode strings