Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of soc/2007/VisualizationOfContainers

May 21, 2007, 12:44:53 AM (15 years ago)



  • soc/2007/VisualizationOfContainers

    v3 v4  
    4141   * This sizes the border of the image. The default right now is up in the air. 100x100 is perhaps unreasonably small for someone with a 1280x1024 monitor, but maybe 300x300 is unreasonably large for someone with 800x600 screen resolution
    43  * `set_start(int)`
     43 * `set_start(double)`
    4444   * Allows the user to set the x-axis location of the first data point. This is important currently because the interface does not yet support coordinate `pair<,>`s, and so the user is stuck defining the interval with which the data is input. Obviously not all data has a uniform distribution, and they'll be able to pass an STL container of pair<,>s in the future to alleviate this problem.
    6262 * `line_color(svg_color c)`
    6363   * Allows users to define a color
    64    * `line_point()` will soon be supported
     64   * `point_color()` will soon be supported
    6565   * Users will be able to define custom colors soon
    7575== 3.1 Near Future ==
    76  * Set up codebase in SVN
    77  * Clean up demo code. Comment better, cement next draft of architecture
    78  * Explore size-saving of the output file (I currently don't take advantage of things like paths that the `svg` model has to offer)
    79  * Allow any STL-compliant container to be input
    80  * Fully support chaining of the overloaded input operator
     76 * Set up codebase in SVN (by May 28)
     77 * Clean up demo code. Comment better, cement next draft of architecture (By June 1)
     78 * Explore size-saving of the output file (I currently don't take advantage of things like paths that the `svg` model has to offer) (By June 1)
     79 * Set up code for unit testing using the Boost testing framework (By June 1)
     80 * Fully support chaining of the overloaded input operator (By June 8)
     81 * Allow any STL-compliant container to be input (I have a hunch this will be more complicated than I'd like, so June 8th is tentative.)
    8283== 3.2 Medium Future ==
     84 * Allow pairs of data to be input
    8385 * Explore hover features in the SVG format as a potential way to label data
     86 * Consider STL containers that don't directly fit in the straightforward container model (like maps)
    8588== 3.3 Not So Near Future ==
    8689 * Support 3-D graphs
     91== 3.4 Minor Features (No ETA) ==
     92 * Full Color Support
     93 * Add handling for `-NAN` and other double error codes
     95= 4. Suggestions (No ETA)=
     96''By Matias Capaletto:'' Be able to choose a log scale for either the X or the Y axis