Ticket #7597: transform_output_iterator.rst

File transform_output_iterator.rst, 7.9 KB (added by louis.dionne92@…, 10 years ago)


Transform Output Iterator

Author: Louis Dionne
Contact: louis.dionne92@gmail.com
Copyright: Copyright Louis Dionne 2012


The transform output iterator creates an output iterator applying a functional transformation to a value before outputting it in another iterator. It can be seen like the output iterator counterpart of the transform iterator.

transform_output_iterator synopsis

template <typename UnaryFunction, typename Iterator>
class transform_output_iterator {
    UnaryFunction f_; // exposition only
    Iterator out_; // exposition only

    // exposition only
    template <typename UnaryFunction_, typename Iterator_>
    class output_proxy;

    typedef void value_type;
    typedef void reference;
    typedef void pointer;
    typedef void difference_type;
    typedef incrementable_traversal_tag iterator_category;

    template <typename G>
    /* see below */ and_then(G const& g = G()) const;

    explicit transform_output_iterator(UnaryFunction const& f, Iterator const& iterator);

    explicit transform_output_iterator(Iterator const& iterator);

    transform_output_iterator& operator++();
    transform_output_iterator operator++(int);

    output_proxy<UnaryFunction, Iterator> operator*();
    output_proxy<UnaryFunction const, Iterator const> operator*() const;

transform_output_iterator requirements

The type UnaryFunction must be CopyConstructible and Callable with any type that is assigned to the result of dereferencing the transform_output_iterator. Iterator must model the WritableIterator, Incrementable and CopyConstructible concepts.

Callable Concept

A type models the Callable concept when it supports the call operator. For given objects f, x of type F, respectively X, the following construct should be valid for F to model the Callable with X concept:

Construct Description Return Type
f(x) Call f on x unspecified

Incrementable Concept (shamelessly taken from function_input_iterator's documentation)

A type models the Incrementable Concept when it supports the pre- and post- increment operators. For a given object i with type I, the following constructs should be valid:

Construct Description Return Type
i++ Post-increment i. I
++i Pre-increment i. I&

transform_output_iterator models

transform_output_iterator is a model of the WritableIterator, the IncrementableIterator and the OutputIterator concepts.

transform_output_iterator operations

explicit transform_output_iterator(UnaryFunction const& f, Iterator const& iterator);

Effects:Constructs an instance of transform_output_iterator with f_ constructed from f and out_ constructed from iterator.

explicit transform_output_iterator(Iterator const& iterator);

Effects:Constructs an instance of transform_output_iterator with f_ default constructed and out_ constructed from iterator.

transform_output_iterator& operator++();


transform_output_iterator& operator++(int);

transform_output_iterator tmp(*this);
return tmp;

output_proxy<UnaryFunction, Iterator> operator*();

Returns:An output proxy applying f_ to the value assigned to it before forwarding it to out_.

output_proxy<UnaryFunction const, Iterator const> operator*() const;

Returns:An output proxy applying f_ to the value assigned to it before forwarding it to out_. Calling f_ and dereferencing out_ must be operations marked with const.
template <typename G>
transform_output_iterator<unspecified_type1, unspecified_type2>
and_then(G const& g = G()) const;
Returns:A transform_output_iterator with unspecified template parameters composing g and f_. The functional transformation applied by the returned iterator is equivalent to g(f_(x)), which means that g is applied to the result of f_.
template <typename UnaryFunction, typename Iterator>
transform_output_iterator<UnaryFunction, Iterator>
make_transform_output_iterator(UnaryFunction const& f, Iterator const& iterator);
Returns:An instance of transform_output_iterator<UnaryFunction, Iterator> with f_ initialized to f and out_ initialized to iterator.
template <typename UnaryFunction, typename Iterator>
transform_output_iterator<UnaryFunction, Iterator>
make_transform_output_iterator(Iterator const& iterator);
Returns:An instance of transform_output_iterator<UnaryFunction, Iterator> with f_ default constructed and out_ initialized to iterator.
template <typename Iterator>
struct is_transform_output_iterator_type;

MPL-compatible metafunction to determine whether a type is a transform_output_iterator. is_transform_output_iterator_type inherits boost::mpl::true_ if Iterator is a transform_output_iterator and boost::mpl::false_ otherwise.

template <typename Iterator>
bool is_transform_output_iterator(Iterator const&);

Example 1

This is an example of using the transform_output_iterator to multiply each element of an array before printing it.

#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/iterator/transform_output_iterator.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>

template <int n>
struct MultiplyBy {
    int operator()(int x) const {
        return n * x;

typedef boost::transform_output_iterator<MultiplyBy<2>,
            std::ostream_iterator<int> > DoublingIterator;

int main() {
    int array[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
    int const N = sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]);

    DoublingIterator out(std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " "));

    std::cout << "double each element in the array before printing it\n";
    std::copy(array, array + N, out);
    std::cout << std::endl;

The output is:

double each element in the array before printing it
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Example 2

This is an example of composing transform_output_iterators to create a pipeline of operations.

#include <boost/iterator/transform_output_iterator.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

struct Append {
    std::string s_;
    Append(std::string const& s) : s_(s) { }
    std::string operator()(std::string const& str) const {
        return str + s_;

int main() {
    std::string result;
    *boost::make_transform_output_iterator(Append("w"), &result)
                                 .and_then(Append("d")) = "hello ";
    std::cout << result << std::endl;

The output is:

hello world