Custom Query (3380 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Ticket
#20 passwords in c++ programming deleted nobody Support Requests 5
#106 Serial Number deleted nobody Support Requests 5
#107 bad_cast in hex to short deleted kevlin Bugs 5
#175 fuck you [vandalism] deleted nobody Feature Requests 5
#185 Can't compile test programs of "date_time" deleted nobody Bugs 5
#186 Can't compile test programs of "date_time" deleted nobody Bugs 5
#217 Problems building & linking with vc7.1 deleted nobody Support Requests 5
#231 Graph Header Clashes With Format Header reopened jsiek Bugs 5
#240 ha ha very funy........idiots! deleted nobody Bugs 5
#291 with constructor not allowed in union deleted nobody Support Requests 5
#347 boost::uniform_on_sphere in not uniform on sphere deleted jmaurer Bugs 5
#349 boost 1.32 compile error with STLPort462 and boost/format deleted samuel_k Bugs 5
#373 LEDA graph adaptors for undirected graphs reopened Jeremiah Willcock Feature Requests To Be Determined 5
#375 LEDA graph adaptors do not handle hidden nodes properly reopened Jeremiah Willcock Bugs 5
#380 Support for bundled properties in graph adaptors reopened Douglas Gregor Bugs To Be Determined 5
#382 Past-the-end tokenization in parse_date() deleted az_sw_dude Bugs 5
#395 BGL graph types do not support allocators new Douglas Gregor Feature Requests To Be Determined 5
#403 Document copy_component new Douglas Gregor Tasks Boost 1.46.0 5
#474 bjam HDRS rule in python tutorial compilation deleted david_abrahams Bugs 5
#605 Support different DST rules in timezone db based on years assigned az_sw_dude Feature Requests 5
#619 spirit deleted Joel de Guzman Support Requests 5
#625 Cannot access boost::filesystem namespace deleted nobody Support Requests 5
#654 Mail Delivery failure when committing to Boost CVS deleted nobody Support Requests 5
#668 thread_group::size() should be const deleted glassfordm Bugs 5
#709 extern symbol _tss_cleanup_implemented? deleted glassfordm Bugs 5
#714 [jam] HardLink rule on NT platform new Vladimir Prus Feature Requests To Be Determined 5
#717 Add operator for __repr__ similar to __str__ deleted david_abrahams Library Submissions Website 1.X 5
#746 max flow with lower bounds (capacities) new Douglas Gregor Feature Requests To Be Determined 5
#777 top-level configure is broken deleted nobody Bugs 5
#783 Can't compile anything with boost - undefined reference deleted nobody Support Requests 5
#792 Difference between -sgd- and -gd-: deleted nobody Support Requests 5
#793 Difference between -sgd- and -gd-: deleted nobody Support Requests 5
#795 [ublas] vector::back() new Gunter Feature Requests 5
#799 mpl::if_ new Joel Falcou Feature Requests Boost 1.46.0 5
#810 support for weak_ptr binding new Peter Dimov Feature Requests To Be Determined 5
#850 program_options strips off escaped quotes in some situations reopened Vladimir Prus Bugs Boost 1.42.0 5
#857 add shared_ptr< const T> support new Dave Abrahams Patches To Be Determined 5
#863 [parameter] fix operator|| for lazy binding new Daniel Wallin Patches To Be Determined 5
#872 Problem build boost 1.33.1 on Aix 4.3.3 deleted René Rivera Support Requests 5
#889 Insane Dependencies assigned az_sw_dude Feature Requests 3
#912 test bug report deleted nobody Bugs 5
#957 The "Getting Started" page does not mention the stdlib option new Thomas Witt Bugs To Be Determined 1
#973 zip_iterator has value_type == reference new jeffrey.hellrung Bugs
#1020 Boost.Iterator proposal to add is_constant_iterator new jeffrey.hellrung Patches Boost 1.36.0
#1045 [multi_array] Need a proper swap operation new Ronald Garcia Feature Requests To Be Determined
#1049 Getting mpl/has_xxx.hpp to compile on AIX new Aleksey Gurtovoy Patches To Be Determined
#1088 Docs for template escape feature. new René Rivera Tasks To Be Determined
#1090 scoped_file class that deletes file at end of scope new Beman Dawes Feature Requests To Be Determined
#1094 Finding the correct library to link (feature request for pkg-config support)h assigned Vladimir Prus Feature Requests Boost 1.42.0
#1107 Add weak_use_count to weak_ptr as a debugging aid new Peter Dimov Feature Requests To Be Determined
#1125 parse_config_file should be mentioned in the How To reopened Vladimir Prus Feature Requests To Be Determined
#1136 Let BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL support std::wstring new Gennadiy Rozental Feature Requests To Be Determined
#1158 optional named parameters new Daniel James Feature Requests To Be Determined
#1159 bibliography support new Daniel James Feature Requests To Be Determined
#1172 non-utf new Daniel James Bugs To Be Determined
#1175 Document quickbook's (lack of) unicode support. assigned Daniel James Tasks To Be Determined
#1178 Regular expression min match length new John Maddock Feature Requests To Be Determined
#1180 [boost.python] def_readwrite need a default docstring new troy d. straszheim Feature Requests To Be Determined
#1181 [boost.python] can modify enum value new troy d. straszheim Bugs To Be Determined
#1190 Markups inside simple markups new Daniel James Feature Requests To Be Determined
#1200 Revamp the header information new Daniel James Tasks To Be Determined
#1201 Regexify the syntax highlighter assigned Andreas Pokorny Feature Requests To Be Determined
#1203 Decouple the backend new - Feature Requests To Be Determined
#1204 Non-breaking-space? new Daniel James Feature Requests To Be Determined
#1206 Document escaping from within code. new Daniel James Bugs To Be Determined
#1207 Method "from_julian_day_number" (class gregorian_calendar) not documented assigned az_sw_dude Feature Requests Boost 1.51.0
#1215 Boost 1.34.1, mpl: Wrong workaround detection using MinGW32 (or.hpp, line #33) assigned Aleksey Gurtovoy Bugs To Be Determined
#1227 Original/Signed/Unsigned Integer Variant Selection Templates new Daryle Walker Feature Requests To Be Determined
#1236 email addresses of bug submitters should be obfuscated on publicly visible Trac pages reopened Douglas Gregor Library Submissions Website 1.X
#1251 Implement RSS backend for Quickbook. new René Rivera Tasks To Be Determined
#1264 Add option to specify qbk file to use. new Joel de Guzman Tasks To Be Determined
#1279 Make sure multiple #import of a file imports the file only once. assigned Daniel James Tasks To Be Determined
#1288 Quickbook article info needs expansion to include more bibliographic info new Daniel James Feature Requests To Be Determined
#1303 Per-target resource limits. new Vladimir Prus Feature Requests Boost.Jam 4.0.0
#1315 iterator_adaptor does not work with incomplete Value types new jeffrey.hellrung Feature Requests To Be Determined
#1326 Unable to check graph isomorphism using LEDA adapter reopened Jeremiah Willcock Bugs To Be Determined
#1338 g++ warnings and incomplete header inclusions reopened Douglas Gregor Patches To Be Determined
#1387 Review / update docs to reflect changes new Daniel Wallin Bugs Boost 1.36.0
#1393 library binaries should be buildable by name from the top level new Vladimir Prus Feature Requests To Be Determined
#1396 wrong result_of invocation around transform_view new Joel de Guzman Bugs Boost 1.36.0
#1404 Unordered Fusion Map constructors. new Joel de Guzman Feature Requests To Be Determined
#1460 Python classes with multiple bases are convertible only to the first class in the lists (even if super(classname, self).__init__() is called) reopened Dave Abrahams Bugs To Be Determined
#1469 [mpl] nested typedef of set has two different meanings new Aleksey Gurtovoy Bugs To Be Determined
#1479 Document litre tool. new Daniel Wallin Tasks To Be Determined
#1482 boost::python::throw_error_already_set should be marked noreturn new Dave Abrahams Bugs To Be Determined
#1485 Add ability to have some blocks before doc-info. new Daniel James Feature Requests To Be Determined
#1487 Update the writing documentation instructions assigned Daniel James Tasks To Be Determined
#1497 Ruling needed on tracker usage new Beman Dawes Tasks Boost 1.40.0
#1499 xxx is not a member of 'boost::signals::detail::named_slot_map_iterator reopened Douglas Gregor Bugs Boost 1.50.0
#1549 Boost.MPL: 'index_of' algorithm is not documented assigned Aleksey Gurtovoy Bugs Boost 1.36.0
#1558 Optional separate compilation assigned Daniel James Feature Requests To Be Determined
#1560 Performance testing with boost::test reopened Gennadiy Rozental Feature Requests To Be Determined
#1574 operator<< for boost::posix_time::ptime ignores ostream flags new az_sw_dude Patches
#1632 Default Interval rounding policies incomplete new No-Maintainer Bugs Boost 1.36.0
#1633 Make pipelines first class devices, so they can be passed to copy reopened Jonathan Turkanis Feature Requests Boost 1.36.0
#1649 Fix definition of JavaScript menu to avoid long chains of functions new Jonathan Turkanis Bugs Boost 1.36.0
#1656 Consider implementing flush() for symmetric filters new Jonathan Turkanis Bugs Boost 1.36.0
#1670 wave almost unusably slow on real-world input reopened Hartmut Kaiser Bugs Boost 1.36.0
#1702 serialization for Mersenne twister new No-Maintainer Patches Boost 1.36.0
#1726 boost/date_time/posix_time/time_formatters.hpp incorrectly formats fractional seconds using global locale new az_sw_dude Bugs To Be Determined
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