{14} Active Tickets by Library / Component (3355 matches)

Results (1601 - 1700 of 3355)

interprocess (33 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner
#10118 boost::interprocess windows_intermodule_singleton crashes when mixing compilers new Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#13309 function_address_holder::get_module/::get implementations are not thread-safe new Boost 1.63.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#13017 boost::interprocess::map compilation problem (overloading) new Boost 1.63.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#11172 Posix semaphores wait/timed_wait under linux and EINTR return code new Boost 1.58.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#9284 WaitForSingleObject(mutex) must handle WAIT_ABANDONED reopened Boost 1.58.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#10644 BOOST_IPC_SHARED_DIR env variable to be used for get_shared_dir() new Boost 1.57.0 Feature Requests Ion Gaztañaga
#12804 Can't compiler IPC atomic_cas32<> on AIX.ppc with GCC new Boost 1.62.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#13466 Security vulnerability in Boost Interprocess new Boost Development Trunk Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#13162 Sharable Lock And Upgradable Lock documentation new Boost 1.64.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#9262 windows_intermodule_singleton breaks when calling a Debug dll from a Release executable reopened Boost 1.54.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#10047 Using Boost:Interprocess on Android new Boost 1.53.0 Feature Requests Ion Gaztañaga
#13588 rename lock_sharable and its methods(and mutex methods) in order of concept of std::lock_shared new Boost 1.67.0 Tasks Ion Gaztañaga
#13324 not able to link the path to some files of boost library like boost::interprocess::detail has not been declared new Boost 1.53.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#5230 Interprocess shared memory between 32 and 64 bit processes reopened Boost Development Trunk Feature Requests Ion Gaztañaga
#11194 named_mutex creation error new Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#7793 Not needed code for mapped files in windows new Boost 1.52.0 Tasks Ion Gaztañaga
#7811 interprocess/synchronization_mechanisms.html message_queue example bug new Boost 1.52.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#7807 message_queue do_send and do_receive blocked for interprocess_mutex new Boost 1.52.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#12232 boost::interprocess::intermodule_singleton initialization failed in Windows 2012 Server new Boost 1.59.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#10753 interprocess::winapi::c_heap_deleter::realloc_mem leaks memory new Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#7682 boost 1.52 named_mutex/named_condition pairing broken reopened Boost 1.52.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#12150 posix_recursive_mutex constructor never called, fails to init mutex new Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#12137 boost::interprocess::intermodule_singleton initialization failed new Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#12659 Deadlocked with boost::interprocess::managed_mapped_file find new Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#10353 Interprocess: rbtree_best_fit ABI change from 1.53 to 1.55 new Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#11032 boost::offset_ptr needs explicit ctor new Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#10876 windows_intermodule_singleton breaks when mixing debug/release dll/exe new Boost 1.56.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#8242 strerror is not thread-safe on all platforms new Boost 1.52.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#7584 boost::interprocess::unique_ptr ambiguous overload for ‘operator=’ new Boost 1.51.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#8276 Shared Memory Access by 32-bit and 64-bit Processes new Boost 1.52.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#8280 missing reference docs for members of basic_managed_shared_memory new Boost 1.52.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#8281 interprocess docs refer to non-existant basic_managed_shared_memory::remove new Boost 1.52.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#8305 Allow interprocess to work with big files on x32 POSIX systems new Boost 1.53.0 Patches Ion Gaztañaga

interval (17 matches)

#5498 Issues with the Interval Library new Boost 1.46.0 Bugs Boris Gubenko
#4784 numeric/interval/hw_rounding for __amd64__ new Boost Development Trunk Tasks Boris Gubenko
#6807 interval rounded_arith.hpp compilation issues (clang) new Boost 1.50.0 Patches Boris Gubenko
#12952 Interval arithmetic: fmod produces wrong results new Boost Development Trunk Bugs Boris Gubenko
#10052 Runtime check of IEEE-754 rounding modes support new Boost Development Trunk Feature Requests Boris Gubenko
#7450 Buggy rounded_arith.hpp new Boost 1.52.0 Bugs Boris Gubenko
#2287 pi test runtime failures new Boost 1.35.0 Bugs Guillaume Melquiond
#12018 rounded_arith_opp doesn't work in Release configuration under msvc 14 new Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Boris Gubenko
#6923 add compile time inteval arithmetic to TODO list new Boost 1.49.0 Feature Requests Boris Gubenko
#2769 x86_64 + g++: wrong results for sin() new Boost 1.34.1 Bugs Boris Gubenko
#2473 unsigned integers going into interval of doubles get wrongly negated new Boost Development Trunk Bugs Boris Gubenko
#6547 Missing tribool in interval compare new Boost 1.48.0 Bugs Boris Gubenko
#4378 numeric/interval/hw_rounding.hpp upgrade to accept __SUNPRO_CC rounding control mechanism new Boost 1.44.0 Bugs Boris Gubenko
#12338 compiler warnings in unused variables and typedef new Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Boris Gubenko
#8952 numeric::interval::nth_root generates empty interval new Boost 1.54.0 Bugs Boris Gubenko
#6496 interval equality operator throws new Boost 1.47.0 Bugs Boris Gubenko
#4011 Strange bug may be associated with rounded_transc_opp policy new Boost 1.38.0 Bugs Boris Gubenko

intrusive (15 matches)

#12229 intrusive::unordered_set<T>::rehash() broken new Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#12721 intrusive key_of_value requires value to be returned by reference new Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#13318 key_of_value now changes the type in the priority comparison for intrusive::treap_set new Boost 1.65.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#12768 Provide intrusive unordered_set with automatic bucket management new Boost 1.63.0 Feature Requests Ion Gaztañaga
#12765 Provide heterogeneous lookup methods using the container's hasher and/or comparator functions new Boost 1.63.0 Feature Requests Ion Gaztañaga
#12763 Provide a way to specify a default disposer new Boost 1.63.0 Feature Requests Ion Gaztañaga
#12764 Improve documentation regarding disposers new Boost 1.63.0 Feature Requests Ion Gaztañaga
#10322 documentation for erase method of multisets is wrong new Boost 1.56.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#13141 Allow intrusive containers to work with relative pointers (ie with nodes stored in a vector) new Boost 1.64.0 Feature Requests Ion Gaztañaga
#13136 Regression: intrusive::unordered_set::rehash now requires T to be hashable new Boost 1.64.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#5284 gcc-4.4.3 compiler warnings with Interprocess+Intrusive new Boost 1.46.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#13628 boost::intrusive::rbtree::insert_unique() may throw, contrary to what the doc says new Boost 1.63.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#11670 Boost intrusive constructors should be constexpr new Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga
#12810 feature parity between boost::intrusive_ptr and boost::interprocess::intrusive_ptr new Boost Release Branch Feature Requests Ion Gaztañaga
#12493 Compile error in boost::intrusive with Sun compiler 12.4 new Boost 1.58.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga

io (1 match)

#9088 I/O Exception state & status savers may cause std::terminate in C++11 new Boost 1.54.0 Bugs Daryle Walker

iostreams (34 matches)

#11656 Updated VxWorks support for iostreams new Boost 1.59.0 Patches Jonathan Turkanis
#10072 filtering_stream::size() is not const new Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#5765 Container Device/Sink bug new Boost 1.47.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#9297 "boost::iostreams::file_descriptor_sink" doesn't support translation of line endings on Windows new Boost 1.54.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#9478 boost::iostreams::copy - sink - ENOSPC (No space left on device) error handling new Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#2522 iostreams/stream_offset_64bit_test fails on QNX 6.4.0 new Boost Development Trunk Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#9259 errors in iostreams container_device example new Boost Development Trunk Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#1649 Fix definition of JavaScript menu to avoid long chains of functions new Boost 1.34.1 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#5584 gzip_decompressor sometimes truncates data new Boost 1.41.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#9476 boost::iostreams::copy - sink - ENOSPC (No space left on device) error handling new Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#12947 Failed to use memory-mapped file to interprocess communications new Boost 1.63.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#10564 iostreams with custom character class new Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#1633 Make pipelines first class devices, so they can be passed to copy reopened Boost 1.34.1 Feature Requests Jonathan Turkanis
#7534 Iostreams filter for LZMA2 (XZ) new Boost 1.52.0 Feature Requests Jonathan Turkanis
#6722 Incorrect behaviour of boost::iostreams::filtering_stream with boost::iterator_range new Boost 1.48.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#11469 libs/iostreams/test/detail/file_handle.hpp should include unistd.h new Boost 1.56.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#5525 Flushing problem with gzip and filtering_wostreambuf new Boost 1.46.1 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#2758 Move container_device right inside Iostreams library new Boost 1.38.0 Feature Requests Jonathan Turkanis
#9222 iostreams documentation hard to read new Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests Jonathan Turkanis
#13052 iostreams visibility=hidden for non-Windows platforms new Boost 1.64.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#11146 iostreams seekpos/seekoff must not throw exceptions new Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#6757 Add lzw_compressor and lzw_decompressor filters new Boost 1.49.0 Feature Requests Jonathan Turkanis
#10561 Bugs in dual seekable mode new Boost 1.56.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#11156 Missing boost library "libboost_zlib-vc120-mt-gd-1_57.lib" new Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#5595 Windows: Cannot write to files which have been mapped to memory in other threads/processes new Boost 1.43.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#11731 iostreams classes do not support C++11 move semantics new Boost Development Trunk Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#11745 memory-mapped file documentation heavily implies that we cannot use a Filesystem path new Boost 1.59.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#3935 stream<file_sink> does not throw an exception and not set fail/bad bits when file is wrong new Boost 1.42.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#5904 Patch to suppress "unreachable code" warning from Visual Studio 2008/2010 (VC90/VC100) new Boost 1.47.0 Patches No-Maintainer
#9156 1.54 broke NO_ZLIB=1 and NO_COMPRESSION=1 new Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#5898 bzip2_decompressor still does not handle pbzip2-compressed files correctly new Boost 1.47.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#12594 zlib is always missed when ZLIB_SOURCE contains spaces new Boost 1.62.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#11033 boost::iostreams::copy: conversion from 'std::streamsize' to 'int' new Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#9749 bzip2_decompressor input filter gives data_error_magic new Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
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