{14} Active Tickets by Library / Component (3355 matches)

Results (1701 - 1800 of 3355)

iostreams (86 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner
#5291 bzip2_decompressor does not work properly with a filtering_streambuf new Boost 1.45.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#13495 wrong comments in newline.hpp new Boost 1.66.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#12685 boost::iostream library does not correctly mark exported symbols as visible on macOS as BOOST_IOSTREAMS_DECL is not defined new Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#10911 boost/iostreams/filter/zlib.hpp gives C4275 warning with visual studio new Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#6827 Integer overflow in read function new Boost Development Trunk Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#11752 basic_null_device::read returns 0 but -1 is expected new Boost 1.59.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#8390 type conversion warning in VC11 new Boost 1.53.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#7543 Expose range protocol for boost::iostreams::mapped_file new Boost 1.52.0 Feature Requests Jonathan Turkanis
#8437 /boost/iostreams/stream.hpp possibly wrong detail::stream_base superclass new Boost 1.52.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#8309 [iostreams] bad handling of non-blocking writes for ‘indirect_streambuf’ class new Boost 1.53.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#6236 code_converter does not allocate second buffer new Boost 1.48.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#12838 Invalid assignment in iostreams large_file_test.cpp new Boost 1.63.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#8482 Make Boost.iostreams compatible with Clang's -Wimplicit-fallthrough diagnostic. new Boost Development Trunk Patches Jonathan Turkanis
#6916 file_descriptor_sink is missing the definition for its templated open() function. new Boost 1.49.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#11072 [iostreams] mapped_file::size() returns the wrong size on 32-bit windows platforms for files larger than 4gb new Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#12129 C++11 / C++14 compability in boost/iostreams new Boost Development Trunk Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#5174 Patch to make code_converter flushable new Boost 1.45.0 Patches Jonathan Turkanis
#7941 fpos.hpp may not define BOOST_IOSTREAMS_HAS_DINKUMWARE_FPOS for vxworks new Boost 1.52.0 Patches Jonathan Turkanis
#2557 iostreams filtering_stream w/ gzip infinite loop when writing to a full drive assigned Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#11334 Add ability to get const filter reference from a const symmetric_filter new Boost 1.58.0 Feature Requests Jonathan Turkanis
#10630 iostreams/test/code_converter_test does not compile with Xcode 6 new Boost 1.56.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#7561 bzip2_compressor does not play nicely with either direction of filtering_stream new Boost 1.42.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#12471 gzip compressor decompressor broken new Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#10371 advise() missing from iostreams mapped_file API new Boost 1.56.0 Feature Requests Jonathan Turkanis
#9021 Cannot export boost::iostreams::source implementation on MSVC new Boost 1.54.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#6929 stream and stream_buffer need const versions of operator-> and operator * new Boost 1.49.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#10800 boost::iostreams seems to be unmaintained new Boost 1.57.0 Support Requests Jonathan Turkanis
#5133 Iostreams code_converter buffer new Boost 1.45.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#5115 iostreams non_blocking_adapter read bug new Boost Development Trunk Patches Jonathan Turkanis
#7986 iostreams fails to compile on AIX7 XLC11 with _LARGE_FILES new Boost 1.52.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#8150 gzip_compressor produces corrupt data when used with filtering_ostream new Boost 1.53.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#7517 indirect_streambuf: invalid state change if write() writes less data then requested new Boost 1.49.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#8948 iostreams::filtering_stream<outout>::sync does not exist new Boost 1.54.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#6994 gzip_decompressor issue with unusual files new Boost 1.49.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#13164 Unable to build Boost.Iostreams with pre-built zlib on Windows new Boost 1.64.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#12030 boost iostreams documentation misstates filtering_streambuf typedef new Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#7681 Bug in indirect_streambuf::seek_impl new Boost 1.52.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#8680 seekable_device missing in boost/iostreams/concepts.hpp new Boost 1.53.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#7273 Files created by boost::iostreams::mapped_file have unexpected permissions on Linux new Boost 1.51.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#11182 Iostreams can't find symbol only on OSX new Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#4913 file_descriptor_impl::read doesn't handle EINTR new Boost 1.39.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#12470 gzip compressor decompressor broken new Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#11013 file_descriptor_sink won't create a file in "app" mode new Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#11509 gzip: -Wunused warning issued new Boost 1.59.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#11237 Cannot include iostreams/filter/test.hpp in two compilation units new Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#11034 boost::iostreams::copy: conversion from 'std::streamsize' to 'int' new Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#12159 file_descriptor(int,flags) constructor fails new Boost 1.58.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#10333 iostreams generates many warnings with gcc 4.8 new Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#12456 mapped_file issues with huge file support new Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#11289 Filter test crashes if other "compose" function is defined new Boost 1.58.0 Patches Jonathan Turkanis
#4866 Tests don't account for locally-built bzip2 library new Boost 1.44.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#7179 boost:::iostream::inverse doesn't work with char_type other then char new Boost 1.51.0 Patches Jonathan Turkanis
#9597 "boost::iostreams::file_descriptor" doesn't close Windows low-level file descriptors properly when specifying "file_descriptor_flags::close_handle" new Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#11860 Using iostreams causes lots of messages about deprecated header template_arity_spec.hpp new Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#11508 buffer: -Wshadow warning issued new Boost 1.59.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#1656 Consider implementing flush() for symmetric filters new Boost 1.34.1 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#11065 BZIP2_BINARY option broken in Windows new Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#8244 strerror is not thread-safe on all platforms new Boost 1.52.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#4807 Sink devices "leacks" exception out of the stream new Boost 1.44.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#13075 gzip_decompressor cannot be pushed to filtering_stream if provided with input_seekable new Boost 1.63.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#4654 restricted_filter doesn't seek with the correct offset new Boost Development Trunk Patches Jonathan Turkanis
#12219 Compilation error using input_seekable with gzip_decompressor() new Boost 1.58.0 Support Requests Jonathan Turkanis
#10802 Use make_shared<impl_type> new Boost 1.57.0 Feature Requests Jonathan Turkanis
#12218 Compilation error using input_seekable with gzip_decompressor() new Boost 1.58.0 Support Requests Jonathan Turkanis
#4795 Chapter 3.11 Buffering continuously not updated new Boost 1.44.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#6116 In chain.hpp there is a variable named "null" new Boost 1.46.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#4728 "iostreams::detail::mode_adapter<>" is never "flushable": flushing a filtering_ostream will not flush the "std::ostream" target --- patch included. new Boost Development Trunk Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#11954 NOTE: Use of this header (bool_trait_def.hpp) is deprecated new Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#10809 Seeking breaks iostreams::restriction<std::istream> internal state new Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#8203 filtering_ostream fails to write 0xFF characters with XCode new Boost 1.51.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#4664 libboost_zlib + libboost_iostreams - link error (XCode, MacOSX) new Boost 1.44.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#3572 mapped_file: reading/writing mapped memory can throw (structured) exceptions? (windows) new Boost 1.40.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#12392 boost::iostreams::mapped_file fails during creating file with zero length new Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#12217 boost.iostreams on Android can't find ZLIB new Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#7340 Visual studio iostreams warnings new Boost 1.52.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#7810 zlib_error::check throws on Z_BUF_ERROR new Boost 1.52.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#7786 Add support for RTTI-disabled environments new Boost 1.52.0 Feature Requests Jonathan Turkanis
#8572 iosteams indirect_streambuf::init_put_area should seek if data has been read from the get buffer new Boost 1.53.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#7574 Boost iostreams documentation has too many spell misses new Boost 1.51.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#7750 iostreams & thread cancellation issue new Boost Development Trunk Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#10683 Boost.Iostreams: typos in the doc new Boost 1.56.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#4234 Implementation of mapped_file is unnecessarily bloated new Boost 1.44.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#12326 boost::iostreams -- CRC error while decompressing certain gzip files new Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis
#10225 Boost iostreams should use BOOST_TRY/CATCH instead of std try/catch. new Boost 1.56.0 Tasks Jonathan Turkanis
#5619 zlib: Add support for additional flush mode new Boost Development Trunk Feature Requests Jonathan Turkanis
#5616 No output when using a filtering_ostream pointer new Boost 1.46.1 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis

iterator (14 matches)

#7526 zip_iterator does not support std::tuple and std::pair new Boost 1.50.0 Feature Requests jeffrey.hellrung
#6240 iterator_size new Boost 1.48.0 Feature Requests jeffrey.hellrung
#6250 allow sorting through an adaptor new Boost 1.48.0 Feature Requests jeffrey.hellrung
#973 zip_iterator has value_type == reference new Boost 1.34.0 Bugs jeffrey.hellrung
#1020 Boost.Iterator proposal to add is_constant_iterator new Patches jeffrey.hellrung
#6403 Erroneous comment new Boost 1.48.0 Bugs jeffrey.hellrung
#6404 Documentation bug for iterator_facade new Boost 1.48.0 Bugs jeffrey.hellrung
#9431 Problem compiling zip_iterator with clang and C++11 new Boost 1.49.0 Bugs jeffrey.hellrung
#2348 const qualified return value in iterator_facade new Boost 1.36.0 Bugs jeffrey.hellrung
#8010 Iterator adaptor and facade are not in TR1 new Boost 1.52.0 Bugs jeffrey.hellrung
#2539 advance() and distance() for new iterator concepts new Boost 1.37.0 Bugs jeffrey.hellrung
#2640 Legal forward iterators cannot store their referents (was: counting_iterator::reference lifetime tied to iterator) new Boost 1.37.0 Bugs jeffrey.hellrung
#11080 MSVC level 4 compiler warnings in function_output_iterator new Boost 1.56.0 Bugs jeffrey.hellrung
#3877 I don't see any doc for is_lvalue_iterator (and related metafunctions) new Boost 1.41.0 Bugs jeffrey.hellrung
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.