{15} Maintainers (137 matches)

Results (101 - 137 of 137)

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Owned (34 matches)

Component Maintainer Name
signals dgregor Douglas Gregor

signals2 fmhess Frank Mori Hess

smart_ptr pdimov Peter Dimov

sort pbristow Paul A. Bristow

spirit djowel Joel de Guzman

statechart andreas_huber69 Andreas Huber

Boost.Statechart - Arbitrarily complex finite state machines can be implemented in easily readable and maintainable C++ code.

static_assert johnmaddock John Maddock

string_algo marshall Marshall Clow

swap joseph.gauterin

system bemandawes Beman Dawes

test rogeeff Gennadiy Rozental

thread anthonyw Anthony Williams

threads anthonyw Anthony Williams

timer bemandawes Beman Dawes

tokenizer jsiek

TR1 johnmaddock John Maddock

The TR1 library provides an implementation of the C++ Technical Report on Standard Library Extensions. This library does not itself implement the TR1 components, rather it's a thin wrapper that will include your standard library's TR1 implementation (if it has one), otherwise it will include the Boost Library equivalents, and import them into namespace std::tr1.

trac / subversion dgregor Douglas Gregor

tti eldiener Edward Diener

tuple djowel Joel de Guzman

type_erasure steven_watanabe Steven Watanabe

type_index apolukhin Antony Polukhin

typeof burbelgruff Peder Holt

type_traits johnmaddock John Maddock

uBLAS guwi17 Gunter

uBLAS provides matrix and vector classes as well as basic linear algebra routines. Several dense, packed and sparse storage schemes are supported.

units matthiasschabel Matthias Schabel

unordered danieljames Daniel James

utility no-maintainer No-Maintainer

utility/identity type lcaminiti Lorenzo Caminiti

uuid atompkins Andy Tompkins

variant ebf

wave hkaiser Hartmut Kaiser

The Boost.Wave library is a Standards conformant, and highly configurable implementation of the mandated C99/C++ preprocessor functionality packed behind an easy to use iterator interface.

website grafik René Rivera

winapi andysem Andrey Semashev

xpressive eric_niebler Eric Niebler

No Maintainer (3 matches)

Building Boost



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Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.