{2} Active Tickets by Version (3380 matches)

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Results (401 - 500 of 3380)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Boost 1.44.0 (22 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#4697 [fusion]fold with join functor fails compile in category_of.hpp fusion Boost 1.44.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Joel de Guzman new Sep 29, 2010
#4704 Support for multicapture and balancing groups xpressive Boost 1.44.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Eric Niebler assigned Oct 3, 2010
#4720 [function][patch] function wrapper with no exception safety guarantee function Boost 1.44.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Douglas Gregor new Oct 7, 2010
#4786 custom property_tree property_tree Boost 1.44.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Sebastian Redl new Oct 25, 2010
#4803 [function][patch] use a static "empty" target function Boost 1.44.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Douglas Gregor new Oct 29, 2010
#4830 generalize fusion::as_map and fusion::pair fusion Boost 1.44.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Joel de Guzman new Nov 10, 2010
#4831 request for function object equivalents of all Fusion algorithms fusion Boost 1.44.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Joel de Guzman new Nov 10, 2010
#6160 support for (istream >> array < char >) array Boost 1.44.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Marshall Clow assigned Nov 22, 2011
#2426 Error in documentation for boost::python indexing suite python USE GITHUB Boost 1.44.0 To Be Determined Patches Dave Abrahams new Oct 21, 2008
#4259 Reference leak in boost::python::function::add_to_namespace() python USE GITHUB Boost 1.44.0 Boost 1.43.0 Patches Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve new May 26, 2010
#4307 basic_oarchive optimization serialization Boost 1.44.0 Boost 1.43.0 Patches Robert Ramey new Jun 6, 2010
#4356 small change to allow mpl code to compile with nvcc (the compiler for cuda) mpl Boost 1.44.0 Boost 1.43.0 Patches Joel Falcou new Jun 17, 2010
#4360 Borland / Codegear patch for boost::enable_error_info exception Boost 1.44.0 Boost 1.43.0 Patches Emil Dotchevski new Jun 19, 2010
#4476 OpenVMS patch for 64 bit support function Boost 1.44.0 Boost 1.44.0 Patches Douglas Gregor new Jul 27, 2010
#4547 Documentation enhancement parameter Boost 1.44.0 To Be Determined Patches Daniel Wallin new Aug 16, 2010
#4564 Boost.Python import function raises boost::python::error_already_set python USE GITHUB Boost 1.44.0 To Be Determined Patches Dave Abrahams new Aug 18, 2010
#4569 [patch] fusion::unfused reusability / perfect forwarding fusion Boost 1.44.0 To Be Determined Patches t_schwinger new Aug 19, 2010
#4596 Squash 64 bit warnings python USE GITHUB Boost 1.44.0 To Be Determined Patches Dave Abrahams new Aug 25, 2010
#4787 ASIO - adding support for accessing UDP control headers asio Boost 1.44.0 To Be Determined Patches chris_kohlhoff new Oct 25, 2010
#4870 ISO Timestamp Parsing Bug date_time Boost 1.44.0 To Be Determined Patches az_sw_dude new Nov 19, 2010
#4954 Unused parameter warning in boost/parameter/aux_/tagged_argument.hpp parameter Boost 1.44.0 To Be Determined Patches Daniel Wallin new Dec 7, 2010
#4668 Conditions for operator overload in Proto (documentation) proto Boost 1.44.0 To Be Determined Tasks Eric Niebler assigned Sep 21, 2010

Boost 1.45.0 (54 matches)

#4660 Error read binary archive, created by old boost version serialization Boost 1.45.0 Boost 1.45.0 Bugs Robert Ramey reopened Sep 20, 2010
#4888 codecvt_error_category is not thread-safe filesystem Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs Beman Dawes new Nov 24, 2010
#4896 Bjam doesn't build correctly with Intel compiler when both vc8 and vc9 are installed on the same machine. Building Boost Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs new Nov 25, 2010
#4899 Parallel graphs don't work with named vertices graph Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs ngedmond new Nov 27, 2010
#4908 Bug in program_options program_options Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs Vladimir Prus reopened Nov 29, 2010
#4969 transform_iterator won't work with non-const operator() call for function object iterator Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs jeffrey.hellrung new Dec 9, 2010
#5001 Failure to compile boost_1_45 and boost-trunk on ia64 (itanium2) with toolset intel-linux build Boost 1.45.0 Boost 1.49.0 Bugs Vladimir Prus new Dec 18, 2010
#5020 build.bat selects incorrect toolset Building Boost Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs new Dec 24, 2010
#5023 Can not build Boost.Python build Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs Vladimir Prus new Dec 29, 2010
#5083 Snow Leopard, Xcode 3.2.x - i) Address-model seeming not to work ii) user-config.jam + build.sh, and iii) insufficient documentation for Boost.build - Jan. 18, 2011 build Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs Vladimir Prus new Jan 18, 2011
#5092 Modify mpi.jam to use thread safe invocation of IBM compiler build Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs Vladimir Prus new Jan 18, 2011
#5094 Build problem of boost.mpi on non-English Windows systems build Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs Vladimir Prus new Jan 19, 2011
#5109 assignment operator could not be generated VC 2008 scope_exit Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs nasonov new Jan 22, 2011
#5114 Unexpected exception from tcp::socket::async_connect asio Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Jan 24, 2011
#5122 doc/html/mpi/python.html contains dead link mpi Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs Matthias Troyer new Jan 26, 2011
#5133 Iostreams code_converter buffer iostreams Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs Jonathan Turkanis new Jan 27, 2011
#5156 copying opened socket between processes (Microsoft Windows) asio Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Feb 3, 2011
#5157 Assign native socket problem asio Boost 1.45.0 Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Feb 3, 2011
#5169 documentation on split_winmain() is missing program_options Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs Vladimir Prus new Feb 8, 2011
#5176 test_assignment assumes fabs(float) uBLAS Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs Gunter new Feb 10, 2011
#5239 Outdated Boost build instructions in the python tutorial python USE GITHUB Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs Dave Abrahams new Feb 27, 2011
#5241 Ublas still links to the old CVS repository uBLAS Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs Gunter new Feb 27, 2011
#5244 <methodname> and <classname> clash with docbook Documentation Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs No-Maintainer new Feb 28, 2011
#5291 bzip2_decompressor does not work properly with a filtering_streambuf iostreams Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs Jonathan Turkanis new Mar 11, 2011
#5302 [accumulator] Generalise type arithmetics, e.g. make it play well with boost.units. accumulator Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs Eric Niebler new Mar 14, 2011
#5309 Multiple unused parameter warnings in boost/parameter/aux_/tagged_argument.hpp parameter Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs Daniel Wallin new Mar 15, 2011
#5339 asio async_read throws boost::asio::error::invalid_argument on mac OS X asio Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Mar 19, 2011
#5348 "imperceptible" link in getting started Getting Started Guide Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs Dave Abrahams new Mar 21, 2011
#5454 different behavior to report one kind of errors program_options Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs Vladimir Prus new Apr 11, 2011
#5481 undesired warnings tokenizer Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs jsiek new Apr 16, 2011
#5500 memory leak in async_write asio Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Apr 25, 2011
#5629 base64 encode/decode for std::istreambuf_iterator/std::ostreambuf_iterator serialization Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs Robert Ramey assigned Jun 22, 2011
#6730 error reading archive created by old version when it contains pointer serialization Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs Robert Ramey new Mar 24, 2012
#7494 boost::replace_all is very slow on debug build when Format size is big string_algo Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Bugs Marshall Clow assigned Oct 11, 2012
#799 mpl::if_ mpl Boost 1.45.0 Boost 1.46.0 Feature Requests Joel Falcou new Dec 22, 2006
#2790 Executable bit is lost on windows builds. Building Boost Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Beman Dawes new Feb 21, 2009
#4886 options_description clear() method program_options Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Vladimir Prus new Nov 23, 2010
#4915 Iterator documentation does not list header files iterator Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests jeffrey.hellrung new Nov 30, 2010
#4942 Searching for boost-build.jam build Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Vladimir Prus new Dec 6, 2010
#4944 Summary of failed unit tests build Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Vladimir Prus new Dec 7, 2010
#4951 Boost.Tuple: implement set_open(const char *) tuple Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Joel de Guzman new Dec 7, 2010
#5027 Extension of Boost.Range algorithms algorithm Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Marshall Clow new Jan 1, 2011
#5192 Serialization of Boost.Filesystem path serialization Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Robert Ramey reopened Feb 14, 2011
#5224 Non-type class template parameters support. parameter Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Daniel Wallin new Feb 24, 2011
#5243 Support doxygen <ref> elements in passthrough mode. Documentation Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Steven Watanabe new Feb 28, 2011
#5245 ssend/issend support in Boost.MPI mpi Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Matthias Troyer new Mar 1, 2011
#5357 system::error_code::operator unspecified_bool_type() should not assume 0 == success. system Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Beman Dawes new Mar 23, 2011
#5496 Add API for detection of exception exception Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Emil Dotchevski new Apr 22, 2011
#1574 operator<< for boost::posix_time::ptime ignores ostream flags date_time Boost 1.45.0 Patches az_sw_dude new Jan 16, 2008
#5024 Boost NVCC/CUDA fixes (MPL+concepts) mpl Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Patches Aleksey Gurtovoy new Dec 30, 2010
#5065 Valgrind complaint when using Boost MPI mpi Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Patches Douglas Gregor new Jan 13, 2011
#5089 Define BOOST_PYTHON_TYPE_ID_NAME for Linux IBM compiler python USE GITHUB Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Patches Dave Abrahams new Jan 18, 2011
#5174 Patch to make code_converter flushable iostreams Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Patches Jonathan Turkanis new Feb 10, 2011
#5292 boost::mpi::scatterv and boost::mpi::gatherv added mpi Boost 1.45.0 To Be Determined Patches Matthias Troyer new Mar 11, 2011

Boost 1.46.0 (23 matches)

#4903 Serialization library in Boost 1.45 is unable to read archive created with Boost 1.39 serialization Boost 1.46.0 To Be Determined Bugs Robert Ramey new Nov 29, 2010
#5195 time_duration visualizer works incorrectly with negative duration date_time Boost 1.46.0 To Be Determined Bugs fkonvick new Feb 16, 2011
#5234 Boost 1.46 doesn't build on FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE build Boost 1.46.0 To Be Determined Bugs Vladimir Prus new Feb 26, 2011
#5238 Outdated repository details for cctbx python USE GITHUB Boost 1.46.0 To Be Determined Bugs Dave Abrahams new Feb 27, 2011
#5263 Undefined symbols in libboost_python python USE GITHUB Boost 1.46.0 To Be Determined Bugs Dave Abrahams new Mar 4, 2011
#5268 mpl::int_<INT_MIN> fails to compile under g++-4.6 although g++-4.5 works. mpl Boost 1.46.0 To Be Determined Bugs Aleksey Gurtovoy new Mar 5, 2011
#5277 QNX 6.5.0 compilation Building Boost Boost 1.46.0 To Be Determined Bugs new Mar 7, 2011
#5284 gcc-4.4.3 compiler warnings with Interprocess+Intrusive intrusive Boost 1.46.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ion Gaztañaga new Mar 8, 2011
#5299 Serialization throws an exception for loading binary archive on windows serialization Boost 1.46.0 To Be Determined Bugs Robert Ramey new Mar 13, 2011
#5301 Boost.Filesystem V3 interface inconsistency filesystem Boost 1.46.0 To Be Determined Bugs Beman Dawes new Mar 13, 2011
#5305 Compiling boost 1.46.1 with bjam under Windows 7 using MSVC 2010 and Intel Compiler XE 2011.0.154 Building Boost Boost 1.46.0 To Be Determined Bugs new Mar 14, 2011
#5317 Path filename(), stem(), and extension() problems filesystem Boost 1.46.0 To Be Determined Bugs Beman Dawes new Mar 16, 2011
#5364 BOOST_PARAMETER_CONSTRUCTOR vs. static member function as parameter parameter Boost 1.46.0 To Be Determined Bugs Daniel Wallin new Mar 23, 2011
#5498 Issues with the Interval Library interval Boost 1.46.0 Boost 1.46.0 Bugs Boris Gubenko new Apr 23, 2011
#6116 In chain.hpp there is a variable named "null" iostreams Boost 1.46.0 To Be Determined Bugs Jonathan Turkanis new Nov 11, 2011
#10305 Abstract namespace endpoint bug in boost::asio asio Boost 1.46.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Aug 2, 2014
#4988 [units] improve error messages when quantities are not convertible into one another. units Boost 1.46.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Steven Watanabe new Dec 15, 2010
#5227 find_ptr wrapper for map::find algorithm Boost 1.46.0 Boost 1.52.0 Feature Requests Marshall Clow new Feb 24, 2011
#5318 Path replace_stem() request filesystem Boost 1.46.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Beman Dawes new Mar 16, 2011
#5342 find_ptr (find wrapper) ptr_container Boost 1.46.0 Boost 1.47.0 Feature Requests Thorsten Ottosen new Mar 19, 2011
#5377 Use strerror_s to resolve error messages on Windows when possible system Boost 1.46.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Beman Dawes new Mar 27, 2011
#5293 support exception-handling feature in gcc build Boost 1.46.0 To Be Determined Patches Vladimir Prus new Mar 12, 2011
#10874 Tips To Understanding The Important Details Of Van Insurance accumulator Boost 1.46.0 Website 1.X Patches Eric Niebler new Dec 14, 2014

Boost 1.46.1 (1 match)

#5154 1.45.0 python OS X 10.6 test_extending.py hangs python USE GITHUB Boost 1.46.1 To Be Determined Bugs Dave Abrahams new Feb 3, 2011
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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