{2} Active Tickets by Version (3380 matches)

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Results (101 - 200 of 3380)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Boost 1.36.0 (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#2399 Python boost.mpi.Request.test() crashes mpi Boost 1.36.0 Boost 1.37.0 Bugs Douglas Gregor reopened Oct 9, 2008
#2555 SIGTRAP received while calling a wrapped function with "" python USE GITHUB Boost 1.36.0 Boost 1.38.0 Bugs Dave Abrahams reopened Dec 1, 2008
#2232 Documentation build needs to detect missing prerequisites Documentation Boost 1.36.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests No-Maintainer new Aug 20, 2008
#2400 Messages corrupted if isend requests are not retained mpi Boost 1.36.0 Boost 1.37.0 Feature Requests Matthias Troyer reopened Oct 9, 2008
#2430 shared_mutex for win32 doesn't have timed_lock_upgrade thread Boost 1.36.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests viboes reopened Oct 22, 2008
#2487 Calculate the mlp::and_ or mpl_or of a sequence of nullary logical metafunctions. mpl Boost 1.36.0 Boost 1.38.0 Feature Requests Aleksey Gurtovoy new Nov 8, 2008
#2297 Workaround for GCC bug mpl Boost 1.36.0 Boost 1.37.0 Patches Aleksey Gurtovoy new Sep 8, 2008
#2312 intrusive_ptr::operator= should have by-value argument smart_ptr Boost 1.36.0 To Be Determined Patches Peter Dimov new Sep 10, 2008

Boost 1.37.0 (17 matches)

#2539 advance() and distance() for new iterator concepts iterator Boost 1.37.0 Boost 1.38.0 Bugs jeffrey.hellrung new Nov 26, 2008
#2565 posix_chat_client.cpp does not work on mac os x asio Boost 1.37.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff reopened Dec 4, 2008
#2628 Sequence concept incorrectly fails for basic_string concept_check Boost 1.37.0 Boost 1.56.0 Bugs acharles assigned Jan 1, 2009
#2635 date_time input_facet formatting date_time Boost 1.37.0 Boost 1.38.0 Bugs az_sw_dude new Jan 5, 2009
#2640 Legal forward iterators cannot store their referents (was: counting_iterator::reference lifetime tied to iterator) iterator Boost 1.37.0 Boost 1.38.0 Bugs jeffrey.hellrung new Jan 5, 2009
#2676 CodeGear compile error when including utility/result_of.hpp result_of Boost 1.37.0 Boost 1.38.0 Bugs Douglas Gregor new Jan 23, 2009
#2718 local_date_time noticeably faster than ptime date_time Boost 1.37.0 To Be Determined Bugs az_sw_dude new Feb 3, 2009
#2732 boost bjam install respects umask build Boost 1.37.0 Boost 1.38.0 Bugs Vladimir Prus assigned Feb 5, 2009
#2960 Composing argument pack formed with positional arguments, using the comma operator parameter Boost 1.37.0 To Be Determined Bugs Daniel Wallin new Apr 19, 2009
#3054 boost::python doesn't support implicit intrusive_ptr casts python USE GITHUB Boost 1.37.0 Boost 1.40.0 Bugs troy d. straszheim new May 20, 2009
#3967 Parsing dates using date_input_facet accepts wrong input date_time Boost 1.37.0 Boost 1.43.0 Bugs az_sw_dude new Mar 1, 2010
#2674 request to make BOOST_PARAMETER_MAX_ARITY re-defineable parameter Boost 1.37.0 Boost 1.38.0 Feature Requests Daniel Wallin new Jan 23, 2009
#2692 No concepts supporting the idea of dense uBLAS Boost 1.37.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Gunter assigned Jan 28, 2009
#2726 better control over error-handling in Accumulators accumulator Boost 1.37.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Eric Niebler new Feb 4, 2009
#2730 Boostbook might place many authors on one line? Documentation Boost 1.37.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests No-Maintainer new Feb 5, 2009
#2833 extract result during initialization accumulator Boost 1.37.0 Boost 1.39.0 Feature Requests Eric Niebler new Mar 5, 2009
#6096 Consider __GNUC__ in and.hpp / or.hpp mpl Boost 1.37.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Aleksey Gurtovoy new Nov 4, 2011

Boost 1.38.0 (47 matches)

#2792 HP aCC rejects string_parse_tree <> in string_parse_tree.hpp date_time Boost 1.38.0 To Be Determined Bugs az_sw_dude new Feb 22, 2009
#2793 function types don't work for named template type parameters parameter Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.39.0 Bugs Daniel Wallin new Feb 22, 2009
#2801 gregorian_calendar_base: incorrectly assumes that sizeof(int)==sizeof(long) date_time Boost 1.38.0 To Be Determined Bugs James E. King, III assigned Feb 25, 2009
#2804 Add Some Missing Items to the Date_Time Tests date_time Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.39.0 Bugs az_sw_dude new Feb 27, 2009
#2805 Add Documentation to Date_Time to Highlight a Pitfall date_time Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.39.0 Bugs az_sw_dude new Feb 27, 2009
#2812 Tutorial example errors parameter Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.39.0 Bugs Daniel Wallin new Feb 28, 2009
#2838 MPI Python bindings not installed correctly mpi Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.46.0 Bugs Matthias Troyer assigned Mar 9, 2009
#2881 Macros conflict: BOOST_HAS_FTIME and BOOST_NO_GETSYSTEMTIMEASFILETIME date_time Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.39.0 Bugs az_sw_dude new Mar 23, 2009
#2883 Boost::signals compile problem with GCC 3.4.5 signals Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.39.0 Bugs Douglas Gregor new Mar 23, 2009
#2888 python static linking must use defaults for dl and pthread python USE GITHUB Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.39.0 Bugs Dave Abrahams new Mar 26, 2009
#2896 Gregorian date input facet do not handle every string form date_time Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.39.0 Bugs az_sw_dude new Mar 27, 2009
#2901 Resizing banded matrices uBLAS Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.42.0 Bugs Gunter new Mar 31, 2009
#2904 boost::date_time io fails simple back-and-forth test date_time Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.39.0 Bugs az_sw_dude new Apr 2, 2009
#2909 [Fix in git] Wrong type signatures? python USE GITHUB Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.39.0 Bugs troy d. straszheim new Apr 3, 2009
#2928 Some relational operators are not listed in synopsis optional Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.39.0 Bugs Fernando Cacciola new Apr 8, 2009
#2939 Possible thread-safety issue with Boost Function function Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.39.0 Bugs Douglas Gregor new Apr 12, 2009
#2944 boost::archive::xml_iarchive hangs, if BOOST_SP_USE_PTHREADS used serialization Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.39.0 Bugs Joel de Guzman new Apr 13, 2009
#2990 [fix in git] boost::python::detail::caller implementation should use mpl::deref while fiddling with the signature sequence python USE GITHUB Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.39.0 Bugs Dave Abrahams new May 5, 2009
#3044 mpl::aux_::iter_fold_if_impl allows deref l_end mpl Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.40.0 Bugs Aleksey Gurtovoy new May 18, 2009
#3077 Reverse iterator compile-time bug in multi_array multi_array Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.40.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock assigned May 25, 2009
#3112 Tag object initialization not guaranteed legal parameter Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.40.0 Bugs Daniel Wallin new May 29, 2009
#3128 comma operator not in reference docs parameter Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.40.0 Bugs Daniel Wallin new Jun 3, 2009
#3313 Excessive line length in vector200.hpp typeof Boost 1.38.0 Bugs Peder Holt new Aug 3, 2009
#4011 Strange bug may be associated with rounded_transc_opp policy interval Boost 1.38.0 To Be Determined Bugs Boris Gubenko new Mar 15, 2010
#4612 Boolean type restriction not working parameter Boost 1.38.0 To Be Determined Bugs Daniel Wallin new Aug 30, 2010
#4613 Default value for optional Boolean type not being created. parameter Boost 1.38.0 To Be Determined Bugs Daniel Wallin new Aug 30, 2010
#6746 Boost fails to build 64-bit on Solaris sparc with toolset=gcc build Boost 1.38.0 To Be Determined Bugs Vladimir Prus new Mar 29, 2012
#12444 build failure of boost::date_time::string_parse_tree on HP-UX 11i v3 date_time Boost 1.38.0 To Be Determined Bugs az_sw_dude new Sep 9, 2016
#1207 Method "from_julian_day_number" (class gregorian_calendar) not documented date_time Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.51.0 Feature Requests az_sw_dude assigned Aug 23, 2007
#2746 Please allow specifying the library SONAME in Jamroot build Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.39.0 Feature Requests Vladimir Prus assigned Feb 11, 2009
#2758 Move container_device right inside Iostreams library iostreams Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.39.0 Feature Requests Jonathan Turkanis new Feb 13, 2009
#2778 Request for forward declarations header asio Boost 1.38.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new Feb 18, 2009
#2806 Link to cross-compile instructions from Getting Started Getting Started Guide Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.39.0 Feature Requests Dave Abrahams new Feb 27, 2009
#2811 date_time iostream dependencies date_time Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.39.0 Feature Requests az_sw_dude new Feb 27, 2009
#2836 Request boost::optional<T>::optional_assign_to, optional_move_to, optional_swap optional Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.39.0 Feature Requests niels_dekker assigned Mar 7, 2009
#2875 Windows: ip::tcp::acceptor::local_endpoint() cannot be used in socket connect asio Boost 1.38.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff assigned Mar 20, 2009
#2911 shared_from_this free function smart_ptr Boost 1.38.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Frank Mori Hess new Apr 3, 2009
#2914 Support for cumulative parameters in a doxyfile build Boost 1.38.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests René Rivera new Apr 5, 2009
#2915 Request for allowing ParameterSpec to be defined by an MPL sequence parameter Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.39.0 Feature Requests Daniel Wallin new Apr 5, 2009
#2968 Add a BOOST_BUILD_DIR Environment variable build Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.39.0 Feature Requests Vladimir Prus new Apr 25, 2009
#3040 add ability to reset an accumulator_set accumulator Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.40.0 Feature Requests Eric Niebler new May 15, 2009
#3049 libs/mpl/preprocessed need README on purpose and howto mpl Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.40.0 Feature Requests Aleksey Gurtovoy new May 19, 2009
#3053 asio::placeholders not compatible with std::tr1::bind asio Boost 1.38.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new May 20, 2009
#3114 Modified interface to allow even lazier return types for defaults parameter Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.42.0 Feature Requests Jeremiah Willcock new May 30, 2009
#2781 Add python exception info extractor python USE GITHUB Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.39.0 Patches Dave Abrahams new Feb 19, 2009
#2956 vxWorks POSIX quirks for date_time date_time Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.39.0 Patches az_sw_dude new Apr 18, 2009
#2958 [patch] changes to make asio compile on vxWorks asio Boost 1.38.0 Boost 1.39.0 Patches chris_kohlhoff new Apr 18, 2009

Boost 1.39.0 (28 matches)

#3165 wrong project-config.jam generated for intel-linux build Boost 1.39.0 Boost 1.42.0 Bugs Vladimir Prus new Jun 11, 2009
#3194 compiler warnings in VC9 crc Boost 1.39.0 Boost 1.40.0 Bugs Daryle Walker new Jun 20, 2009
#3196 compiler warnings in VC9 concept_check Boost 1.39.0 Boost 1.40.0 Bugs jsiek new Jun 20, 2009
#3217 inconsistent from_xxx_string() name for date and ptime date_time Boost 1.39.0 Boost 1.40.0 Bugs az_sw_dude new Jun 25, 2009
#3219 restrict1 or mutable_restrict1 uBLAS Boost 1.39.0 To Be Determined Bugs Gunter new Jun 26, 2009
#3221 Collection concept documentation missing reverse_iterator utility Boost 1.39.0 Boost 1.40.0 Bugs jsiek new Jun 26, 2009
#3222 const-correctness and documentation bugs multi_array Boost 1.39.0 Boost 1.40.0 Bugs Ronald Garcia new Jun 26, 2009
#3239 duplicate case value in error_code.cpp on mipsel system Boost 1.39.0 Boost 1.40.0 Bugs markus_werle new Jul 2, 2009
#3240 Boostbook documentation is built under the current working directory. build Boost 1.39.0 To Be Determined Bugs Vladimir Prus new Jul 3, 2009
#3247 Multicast join group does not honor interface specification asio Boost 1.39.0 Boost 1.40.0 Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Jul 6, 2009
#3248 xlc warnings in MPL mpl Boost 1.39.0 Boost 1.40.0 Bugs Aleksey Gurtovoy new Jul 7, 2009
#3301 Problem building boost with ICU (since version 1.39.0) Building Boost Boost 1.39.0 To Be Determined Bugs Vladimir Prus new Jul 30, 2009
#3318 boost/python/detail/caller.hpp doesn't compile (no member named 'get_pytype') python USE GITHUB Boost 1.39.0 Boost 1.40.0 Bugs troy d. straszheim new Aug 6, 2009
#3340 boost.python.numeric docs out-of-date python USE GITHUB Boost 1.39.0 Boost 1.40.0 Bugs Dave Abrahams new Aug 13, 2009
#3342 vector_c should use maximum integral constant type mpl Boost 1.39.0 Boost 1.40.0 Bugs Aleksey Gurtovoy new Aug 14, 2009
#3353 warning C4244: Py_ssize_t to unsigned int python USE GITHUB Boost 1.39.0 Boost 1.40.0 Bugs Dave Abrahams new Aug 18, 2009
#3363 linking 2 files compiled with different NDEBUG causes segfault date_time Boost 1.39.0 Boost 1.40.0 Bugs az_sw_dude new Aug 25, 2009
#3447 After destruction binary_iarchive seeks to the end of file serialization Boost 1.39.0 Bugs Robert Ramey new Sep 14, 2009
#3484 [Test] documentation and thread safety test Boost 1.39.0 Boost 1.41.0 Bugs Gennadiy Rozental new Sep 23, 2009
#4913 file_descriptor_impl::read doesn't handle EINTR iostreams Boost 1.39.0 To Be Determined Bugs Jonathan Turkanis new Nov 30, 2010
#5545 ptr_container: unused parameter warnings if exceptions and asserts disabled ptr_container Boost 1.39.0 To Be Determined Bugs Thorsten Ottosen new May 16, 2011
#8861 boost 1.39 io_service_pool accept hangs asio Boost 1.39.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Jul 19, 2013
#373 LEDA graph adaptors for undirected graphs graph Boost 1.39.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Jeremiah Willcock reopened Mar 22, 2005
#3129 Return types of Parameter ArgumentPack creation functions should be documented parameter Boost 1.39.0 Boost 1.40.0 Feature Requests Daniel Wallin new Jun 3, 2009
#3131 DCCP protocol support in Boost.Asio asio Boost 1.39.0 Boost 1.40.0 Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new Jun 4, 2009
#3132 Provide conversions to time_t date_time Boost 1.39.0 Feature Requests az_sw_dude assigned Jun 4, 2009
#3144 Support unicode punctuation quickbook Boost 1.39.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests Daniel James new Jun 6, 2009
#3150 boost.asio: async_copy(in, out, ...) for POSIX sendfile() support asio Boost 1.39.0 To Be Determined Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new Jun 8, 2009
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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