Active Regressions (104 matches)

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Results (1 - 100 of 104)

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Ticket Summary Status Type Milestone Component Modified
#5785 regression in parsing a list of lists new Bugs To Be Determined spirit 11 years
#3318 boost/python/detail/caller.hpp doesn't compile (no member named 'get_pytype') new Bugs Boost 1.40.0 python USE GITHUB 11 years
#6155 VS2010 compile error in lambda, if posix_time.hpp is included. new Bugs To Be Determined date_time 11 years
#6444 qi::lit(<char>) parses into a '\0' in 1.47 and 1.48 reopened Bugs To Be Determined spirit 11 years
#5640 serialization vector backward compatibility problem new Bugs To Be Determined serialization 11 years
#6719 Interprocess shared_memory 1.48 files deleted by prior versions... new Bugs To Be Determined interprocess 11 years
#6391 New reverse_graph edge descriptor type breaks shared property maps new Bugs To Be Determined graph 11 years
#6439 convert.cpp does not compile when defining BOOST_NO_STD_LOCALE new Bugs To Be Determined program_options 11 years
#7612 Compile fails when including <boost/units/systems/si/codata_constants.hpp> new Bugs To Be Determined units 10 years
#7763 Boost.Parameter functions no longer accept non-moveable types as arguments new Bugs To Be Determined parameter 10 years
#5538 boost.mpi miscompiles with gcc4.6 and option -std=c++0x new Bugs To Be Determined mpi 10 years
#6997 Bug in specifying alternate build toolset in gcc.jam new Bugs To Be Determined build 10 years
#6686 Boost does not build with Xcode 4.3 new Bugs To Be Determined build 10 years
#8150 gzip_compressor produces corrupt data when used with filtering_ostream new Bugs To Be Determined iostreams 10 years
#6816 Using transcendental functions with intervals doesn't work new Bugs To Be Determined numeric 10 years
#8311 progress.hpp incompatible with timer/timer.hpp new Bugs To Be Determined timer 10 years
#9097 directory_iterator crash with intel release builds on windows new Bugs To Be Determined filesystem 9 years
#8962 adjacency_list doesn't work with hash_setS new Bugs To Be Determined graph 9 years
#8822 issues compiling regex on SunOS 5.9 sparc new Bugs To Be Determined hash 9 years
#9383 augmented_crc example fails new Bugs To Be Determined crc 9 years
#9396 circular_buffer + gil compiler error new Bugs To Be Determined circular_buffer 9 years
#9555 signals - libs/signals/test/swap_test.cpp compilation error on Debian squeeze new Bugs To Be Determined signals 9 years
#9508 1.54 regression: boost/thread/once.hpp includes boost/placeholders.hpp new Bugs To Be Determined bind 9 years
#9626 streams: ambiguous call to overloaded function when combining bufferstream and iostreams::filtering_streambuf new Bugs To Be Determined interprocess 9 years
#9295 PHOENIX_LIMIT macro clash: property_tree -- log/sink new Bugs To Be Determined phoenix 9 years
#9675 qt5: moc invocation broken for Qt 5.2 new Bugs To Be Determined build 9 years
#4969 transform_iterator won't work with non-const operator() call for function object new Bugs To Be Determined iterator 9 years
#6764 rbtree_best_fit breaks if allocation alignment doesn't match the segment manager alignment new Bugs To Be Determined interprocess 9 years
#9560 operations_test_static unit test crashes during static initialization phase on Mac/10.7/32-bit/darwin-4.2.1 new Bugs To Be Determined filesystem 9 years
#10086 Backwards compatibility to 1.42 adjacency list serialisation is broken new Bugs To Be Determined graph 8 years
#10444 MPI archive failure new Bugs To Be Determined mpi 8 years
#10567 <boost/asio/spawn.hpp> is not inside <boost/asio.hpp> new Bugs To Be Determined asio 8 years
#10627 Regression in xmldoc/ex_month_add.xml new Bugs To Be Determined date_time 8 years
#6398 intermodule_singleton crash in Windows reopened Bugs To Be Determined interprocess 8 years
#10744 wrong error code when doing async_connect and the connection is refused new Bugs To Be Determined asio 8 years
#10864 Boost 1.57 + Xcode 6: function/lamba incompatibility new Bugs To Be Determined lambda 8 years
#10817 missing argument global-setup new Bugs To Be Determined Building Boost 8 years
#10514 Cannot copy const sub_range to non-const new Bugs To Be Determined range 8 years
#11060 any_range cannot be used at all new Bugs To Be Determined range 8 years
#10314 Update 59fd3b6 on May 17 to cray.jam breaks cray build new Bugs To Be Determined Building Boost 8 years
#6659 Filesystem compilation broken on Solaris 9 and 10 reopened Bugs To Be Determined filesystem 8 years
#11224 Pre-processing / Pre-generating MPL-containers stopped working new Bugs To Be Determined mpl 8 years
#11225 failed to compile with msvc8, variadics used wrong new Bugs To Be Determined fusion 8 years
#11240 tons of warnings about unused local typedefs with clang++ reopened Bugs To Be Determined range 7 years
#11702 boost::bind universal reference handling regression new Bugs To Be Determined bind 7 years
#11749 mpi::broadcast problem new Bugs mpi 7 years
#11757 ptr_list no longer compiles in msvc2013 new Bugs To Be Determined ptr_container 7 years
#10364 Release 1.56 broke random::uniform_real_distribution new Bugs To Be Determined random 7 years
#11348 Problem constructing boost::iterator_range objects from arrays new Bugs To Be Determined range 7 years
#11529 regression: boost::archive::archive_exception exception during serialization non latin1 strings to xml reopened Bugs To Be Determined serialization 7 years
#12109 C4100 warning (unreferenced formal parameter) in json_parser new Bugs To Be Determined property_tree 7 years
#4346 Boost pool's not comaptible with Microsoft memory leak detection reopened Bugs Boost 1.61.0 pool 7 years
#12113 ./boost/mpi/communicator.hpp:1260:3: error: 'array' is not a member of 'boost::serialization' new Bugs To Be Determined mpi 7 years
#12397 static_assert in arg.hpp failing when using boost::placeholder with std::bind new Bugs To Be Determined bind 6 years
#12621 property_tree::read_json does not work with BOOST_BIND_NO_PLACEHOLDERS new Bugs To Be Determined property_tree 6 years
#12629 temp_directory_path does not conform to GetTempPath on Windows new Bugs To Be Determined filesystem 6 years
#12711 Cross-compiling with GCC on windows will hang due cygwin path resolution new Bugs To Be Determined build 6 years
#12783 Make some existing solaris-specific flags only be used with the solaris studio toolset new Bugs Boost 1.65.0 Building Boost 6 years
#9156 1.54 broke NO_ZLIB=1 and NO_COMPRESSION=1 new Bugs Boost 1.55.0 iostreams 6 years
#12802 optional<recursive_wrapper> is broken in 1.63 new Bugs To Be Determined optional 6 years
#12582 Error catching specific "regex_error" new Bugs To Be Determined regex 6 years
#12917 string_ref not constructible from rvalue strings anymore new Bugs To Be Determined utility 6 years
#12732 Karma problem converting a char vector to string new Bugs To Be Determined fusion 5 years
#13004 Cannot build boost 1.64 with Visual Studio 2015 command prompt when Visual Studio 2017 is installed new Bugs To Be Determined Building Boost 5 years
#12755 serialization/map.hpp tests for the wrong thing to figure out whether emplace_hint() exists new Bugs To Be Determined serialization 5 years
#12516 Missing boost::serialization::array_wrapper in built serialization binary reopened Bugs To Be Determined serialization 5 years
#10906 async_connect can't be stopped on boost 1.57, win 7 64bit new Bugs Boost 1.58.0 asio 5 years
#12576 Segmentation fault when use bcp for asio lin in Mac Clang6.0 new Feature Requests To Be Determined asio 5 years
#13131 move_if_not_lvalue_reference undefined under BOOST_MOVE_USE_STANDARD_LIBRARY_MOVE new Bugs To Be Determined move 5 years
#8795 async_connect incorrectly reports success on failure reopened Bugs To Be Determined asio 5 years
#12723 ./boost/mpi/detail/mpi_datatype_primitive.hpp:28:51: fatal error: boost/serialization/detail/get_data.hpp: No such file or directory new Bugs To Be Determined mpi 5 years
#11743 json parser cannot be compiled with -DNDEBUG new Bugs To Be Determined property_tree 5 years
#13161 Optional vector assignment regression new Bugs To Be Determined optional 5 years
#11874 Compilation error with GCC4.6 in C++11 mode reopened Bugs To Be Determined exception 5 years
#12450 oost/serialization/singleton.hpp:131: undefined reference to `boost::serialization::singleton_module::is_locked()' new Bugs Boost 1.63.0 serialization 5 years
#12710 Asio with OpenSSL 1.1.0 compiles but does not work new Bugs To Be Determined asio 5 years
#11981 boost::archive::xml_woarchive with locale dosen't work reopened Bugs To Be Determined serialization 5 years
#13270 BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT(some_template<>) fails to load pointers new Bugs To Be Determined serialization 5 years
#12141 XML serialization broken reopened Bugs To Be Determined serialization 5 years
#12205 FTBFS boost.serialization 1.61: undefined reference to boost::archive::codecvt_null<wchar_t> new Bugs To Be Determined serialization 5 years
#13318 key_of_value now changes the type in the priority comparison for intrusive::treap_set new Bugs To Be Determined intrusive 5 years
#13339 boost::filesystem segfaults under simple use... new Bugs To Be Determined filesystem 5 years
#13360 std::numeric_limits<multiprecision::float128> methods fail to compile in C++11 mode new Bugs To Be Determined multiprecision 5 years
#13419 Dinkum STL requires std::sprintf() with <cstdio> new Bugs To Be Determined asio 5 years
#13427 Boost::binomial_heap - decrease bug new Bugs To Be Determined heap 5 years
#13430 boost::optional C++98 and C++11 compatability breaks in boost 1.66.0 new Bugs To Be Determined optional 5 years
#11437 rolling_mean returns incorrect result when using unsigned int new Bugs To Be Determined accumulator 5 years
#13446 \R does not match \v and \n when combined with flag no_escape_in_lists new Bugs To Be Determined regex 5 years
#13440 Paths to boost libraries contain colons on OS X 10.13 (xcode 9) with Intel's compiler new Bugs Boost 1.66.0 Building Boost 5 years
#13460 broken shared build. new Bugs To Be Determined program_options 5 years
#13464 Boost failed to compile test in graph lib due to the error C2499. new Bugs To Be Determined graph 5 years
#13473 asio::basic_repeating_timer broken by 1.66.0 new Bugs Boost 1.66.0 asio 5 years
#13493 boost::regex doesn't accept a regular expression anymore new Bugs To Be Determined regex 5 years
#13497 ‘next’ is not a member of ‘boost’ in spsc_queue.hpp in 1.67 new Bugs To Be Determined lockfree 5 years
#13510 Boost::intersection giving wrong results when intersection is calculated between 2 polygons in Boost-1.61, where as Boost-1.55 is giving correct results. new Bugs Boost 1.61.0 geometry 5 years
#13539 Boost Polygon - MSVC 2017 - Ambiguous call to size() function new Bugs To Be Determined polygon 4 years
#13551 m_storage may be used uninitialized in this function new Bugs To Be Determined optional 4 years
#13368 consuming_buffers.hpp: parse error in template argument list new Bugs To Be Determined asio 4 years
#11154 Constructing boost::interprocess::interprocess_semaphore throws in MacOS 10.9.5 new Bugs To Be Determined interprocess 4 years
#11873 boost::filesystem does not work on windows when multiple processes access the same junction (directory) new Bugs To Be Determined filesystem 4 years
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