{3} Active Tickets by Milestone (3355 matches)

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Results (1801 - 1900 of 3355)

To Be Determined Release (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#11813 Microseconds get cut off in ISO string representation if all zero (posix_time::to_iso_string) date_time Boost 1.55.0 Bugs az_sw_dude new Nov 21, 2015
#11816 can not move asio socket on vs2010 asio Boost 1.55.0 Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Nov 23, 2015
#11823 Exception safety problems in the epoll based implementation of async_accept asio Boost 1.59.0 Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Nov 26, 2015
#11824 [spirit][qi] skip_flag::dont_postskip not working as expected spirit Boost 1.59.0 Bugs Joel de Guzman new Nov 28, 2015
#11834 Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: system Boost 1.59.0 Bugs Beman Dawes new Dec 8, 2015
#11836 cannot build filesystem, utility/enable_if has been moved to core filesystem Boost Development Trunk Bugs Beman Dawes new Dec 9, 2015
#11837 Failed to build Boost.Build engine build Boost 1.59.0 Bugs Vladimir Prus new Dec 10, 2015
#11839 JSON parser does not work with "boost::any" as value type property_tree Boost 1.59.0 Bugs Sebastian Redl new Dec 10, 2015
#11843 shared_ptr hash support doesn't work for shared_ptr<T[]> or shared_ptr<T[N]> smart_ptr Boost 1.59.0 Bugs Peter Dimov new Dec 13, 2015
#11846 to_iso[_extended]_string documentation date_time Boost 1.56.0 Bugs az_sw_dude new Dec 15, 2015
#11847 reference typedef no longer available in parent class of iterator_facade iterator Boost 1.57.0 Bugs jeffrey.hellrung new Dec 15, 2015
#11848 Win32 backend bug when do wide char convert to multi byte in boost::locale locale Boost 1.59.0 Bugs Artyom Beilis assigned Dec 16, 2015
#11849 -DBOOST_TYPEOF_EMULATION is not needed for scope_exit/run-vaseq test with Oracle studio 12.5 scope_exit Boost 1.59.0 Bugs Lorenzo Caminiti new Dec 17, 2015
#11851 epoll_reactor::deregister_descriptor() release descriptor_data asio Boost 1.58.0 Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Dec 17, 2015
#11860 Using iostreams causes lots of messages about deprecated header template_arity_spec.hpp iostreams Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis new Dec 22, 2015
#11861 windows - Using boost thread crash winrt store app on start on Windows 10 Phone devices thread Boost 1.60.0 Bugs viboes new Dec 22, 2015
#11863 Compilation failure when trying to use Boost Test mpl Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Aleksey Gurtovoy new Dec 23, 2015
#11868 cannot build Boost using PGI compilers Building Boost Boost 1.60.0 Bugs new Dec 23, 2015
#11871 json_parser missing return statement in standard callback property_tree Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Sebastian Redl new Dec 23, 2015
#11873 boost::filesystem does not work on windows when multiple processes access the same junction (directory) filesystem Boost 1.64.0 Bugs Beman Dawes new Dec 26, 2015
#11874 Compilation error with GCC4.6 in C++11 mode exception Boost 1.64.0 Bugs Emil Dotchevski reopened Dec 27, 2015
#11876 Boost.Graph conflicts with Qt's foreach macro graph Boost 1.54.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock new Dec 28, 2015
#11879 Incorrect use of reset cause unexpected impact on previous code segment smart_ptr Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Peter Dimov new Dec 30, 2015
#11880 BGL adjacency_matrix_traits compiling failure graph Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock new Dec 31, 2015
#11881 b2 returns code 256 exit code instead zero Building Boost Boost 1.61.0 Bugs new Jan 1, 2016
#11886 Deprecated header template_arity_spec.hpp included in several places function_types Boost 1.61.0 Bugs t_schwinger new Jan 5, 2016
#11891 boost::program_options::validation_error throws std::out_of_range when original_token argument is empty program_options Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Vladimir Prus new Jan 6, 2016
#11895 Strand service scheduling is hurting ASIO scalability asio Boost 1.60.0 Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Jan 8, 2016
#11898 Input stream operator of a filesystem::path can't handle spaces filesystem Boost 1.58.0 Bugs Beman Dawes new Jan 9, 2016
#11902 bind placeholder _1 is not defined bind Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Peter Dimov new Jan 11, 2016
#11905 Exception "character conversion failed" when omitting argument program_options Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Vladimir Prus new Jan 12, 2016
#11908 mpi_process_group.cpp uses undefined class 'std::list' graph Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock new Jan 13, 2016
#11909 Bjam loses trailing dash sign in Cxxflags command line parameter Building Boost Boost 1.60.0 Bugs new Jan 13, 2016
#11910 recursive_directory_iterator doesn't set end iterator properly when exception is thrown in increment() filesystem Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Beman Dawes new Jan 13, 2016
#11914 abort is called while boost::filesystem::copy tries to throw and exception filesystem Boost 1.65.0 Bugs Beman Dawes new Jan 15, 2016
#11916 Problem with iterating foreach on in_edges of reverse_graph graph Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock new Jan 16, 2016
#11920 MSVC warning C4505 when po::bool_switch(&flag) is being used program_options Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Vladimir Prus new Jan 18, 2016
#11921 Bootstrap fails to run on windows 8.1 vc12 due to environment variable Building Boost Boost 1.60.0 Bugs new Jan 18, 2016
#11926 b2 returns an error code of 1 on Windows when using the --show-libraries option Building Boost Boost 1.58.0 Bugs new Jan 20, 2016
#11927 optional_test_swap.cpp: In C++11 mode, std::swap should have a noexcept specification optional Boost Development Trunk Bugs Fernando Cacciola new Jan 20, 2016
#11929 haversine method is inaccurate geometry Boost 1.58.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels new Jan 21, 2016
#11933 warnings in 1.60 when compiling with nvcc smart_ptr Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Peter Dimov new Jan 22, 2016
#11934 Various warnings in 1.60 MPL when compiling with nvcc mpl Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Aleksey Gurtovoy new Jan 22, 2016
#11935 boost::program_options::error_with_option_name.what() throws std::out_of_range when an empty option is used in the command input program_options Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Vladimir Prus new Jan 22, 2016
#11937 the bootstrap Building Boost Boost 1.61.0 Bugs new Jan 24, 2016
#11939 Issues with boost::interprocess::shared_ptr's move constructor and move assignment operator. interprocess Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga new Jan 26, 2016
#11943 std::vector does not have a member data() in c++03 mode program_options Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Vladimir Prus new Jan 27, 2016
#11944 lexically_relative() documentation incorrect filesystem Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Beman Dawes new Jan 28, 2016
#11948 undefined reference to boost::gregorian::greg_month::get_month_map_ptr() date_time Boost 1.60.0 Bugs az_sw_dude new Jan 30, 2016
#11954 NOTE: Use of this header (bool_trait_def.hpp) is deprecated iostreams Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis new Feb 4, 2016
#11955 boost/graph/adjacency_matrix.hpp triggers deprecated code graph Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock new Feb 4, 2016
#11958 boost::gregorian is not thread safe date_time Boost 1.54.0 Bugs az_sw_dude new Feb 5, 2016
#11960 boost::transitive_closure dies on small graph with only 100,000 vertices graph Boost 1.58.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock new Feb 6, 2016
#11963 Boost function "boost::property_tree::ini_parser::read_ini" causing "EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=EXC_I386_GPFLT)" property_tree Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Sebastian Redl new Feb 8, 2016
#11964 asio async_resolve cannot be cancelled asio Boost 1.59.0 Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Feb 8, 2016
#11968 Undefined behavior in `boost::lockfree::queue`: nodes are always misaligned lockfree Boost Development Trunk Bugs timblechmann new Feb 9, 2016
#11971 polygon_set_data<int32_t> has problems near INT_MAX polygon Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Lucanus Simonson new Feb 9, 2016
#11975 Null pointer dereference in boost::filesystem::copy filesystem Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Beman Dawes new Feb 10, 2016
#11976 compile error when BOOST_UBLAS_SCALED_NORM is defined uBLAS Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Gunter new Feb 11, 2016
#11978 Bootstrap generates errors Building Boost Boost 1.60.0 Bugs new Feb 11, 2016
#11979 Wiki page has broken link to building Python Documentation Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Matias Capeletto new Feb 11, 2016
#11980 Windows Phone Build Error locale Boost Release Branch Bugs Artyom Beilis new Feb 11, 2016
#11981 boost::archive::xml_woarchive with locale dosen't work serialization Boost 1.65.0 Bugs Robert Ramey reopened Feb 12, 2016
#11982 distance between point and linestring on spherical_equatorial ignores radius when using haversine. geometry Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels new Feb 12, 2016
#11985 range: compiler-error sub_range copy-constructor workaround for MSVC range Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Neil Groves new Feb 15, 2016
#11986 TTI: has_static_member_function doesn't like function local classes with GCC tti Boost 1.59.0 Bugs Edward Diener new Feb 15, 2016
#11989 gcc 5.3 optimizer mangles non_blocking_recvfrom asio Boost 1.58.0 Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Feb 16, 2016
#11990 interprocess_condition on OSX with processes in different address spaces interprocess Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga new Feb 16, 2016
#11991 Application crashes when yield/resume an coroutine after handing an exception asio Boost 1.61.0 Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Feb 16, 2016
#12004 Boost 1.60 fails to build with VC14 Building Boost Boost 1.60.0 Bugs new Feb 19, 2016
#12005 Install boost_context on CentOS 6 build Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Vladimir Prus new Feb 19, 2016
#12006 Compile error on Windows of boost/functional/hash/extensions.hpp hash Boost 1.58.0 Bugs Daniel James new Feb 19, 2016
#12011 Boost.Regex always links against dynamic DLLs of ICU with MSVC regex Boost 1.61.0 Bugs John Maddock new Feb 21, 2016
#12015 OperationalError: database is locked trac / subversion Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Douglas Gregor new Feb 23, 2016
#12017 Segfault with Boost program_options 1.60 debug libraries on OSX program_options Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Vladimir Prus new Feb 24, 2016
#12018 rounded_arith_opp doesn't work in Release configuration under msvc 14 interval Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Boris Gubenko new Feb 25, 2016
#12019 Conversion from unique_ptr to shared_ptr is too broad smart_ptr Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Peter Dimov new Feb 25, 2016
#12030 boost iostreams documentation misstates filtering_streambuf typedef iostreams Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Jonathan Turkanis new Feb 28, 2016
#12032 boost::system::error_code bug? asio Boost 1.60.0 Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Feb 29, 2016
#12034 missing qualifier for sprintf in numeric/odeint/integrate/max_step_checker.hpp odeint Boost Development Trunk Bugs karsten new Mar 1, 2016
#12037 boost::program_options tests cannot be built for both release and debug variants at the same time build Boost Development Trunk Bugs Vladimir Prus new Mar 1, 2016
#12038 Max-flow algorithms not working with named parameters. graph Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock new Mar 2, 2016
#12040 The result of compilation relies upon the inclusion order of grep_serialize.hpp and gregorian.hpp date_time Boost 1.58.0 Bugs az_sw_dude new Mar 3, 2016
#12045 Bug in condition_algorithm_8a<ConditionMembers>::wait when using timed wait interprocess Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga new Mar 7, 2016
#12048 Deprecated libstdc++ header used in adjacency_list.hpp graph Boost 1.59.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock new Mar 9, 2016
#12051 offset_ptr<void , boost::int32_t, boost::uint64_t> is saved incorrectly on win32 interprocess Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga new Mar 11, 2016
#12054 boost include directives use double quotes incorrectly date_time Boost 1.61.0 Bugs az_sw_dude new Mar 12, 2016
#12055 boost include directives use double quotes incorrectly dynamic_bitset Boost 1.61.0 Bugs jsiek new Mar 12, 2016
#12056 boost include directives use double quotes incorrectly multi_array Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Ronald Garcia new Mar 12, 2016
#12058 boost include directives use double quotes incorrectly core Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Peter Dimov new Mar 12, 2016
#12060 boost include directives use double quotes incorrectly lambda Boost 1.61.0 Bugs No-Maintainer new Mar 12, 2016
#12061 boost include directives use double quotes incorrectly numeric Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Douglas Gregor new Mar 12, 2016
#12062 boost include directives use double quotes incorrectly property_tree Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Sebastian Redl new Mar 12, 2016
#12063 boost include directives use double quotes incorrectly range Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Neil Groves new Mar 12, 2016
#12065 Boost program options throws an exception program_options Boost 1.59.0 Bugs Vladimir Prus new Mar 12, 2016
#12067 polygon/voronoi missing edges polygon Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Lucanus Simonson new Mar 14, 2016
#12069 hexfloat not respected for float128 multiprecision Boost 1.60.0 Bugs John Maddock new Mar 16, 2016
#12071 Using iterator_facade with range-v3 fails to compile iterator Boost 1.61.0 Bugs jeffrey.hellrung new Mar 16, 2016
#12073 Why read callback not call asio Boost 1.48.0 Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Mar 17, 2016
#12077 gcc: error: CreateProcess: No such file or directory Building Boost Boost 1.60.0 Bugs new Mar 19, 2016
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.