{3} Active Tickets by Milestone (3355 matches)

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Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Results (2801 - 2900 of 3355)

To Be Determined Release (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#7742 tie like functionality for ranges range Boost 1.52.0 Feature Requests Neil Groves assigned Nov 27, 2012
#7759 Support ; as comment character in config file program_options Boost 1.47.0 Feature Requests Vladimir Prus new Dec 3, 2012
#7777 at() member function required for program_options::variables_map program_options Boost 1.52.0 Feature Requests Vladimir Prus new Dec 9, 2012
#7786 Add support for RTTI-disabled environments iostreams Boost 1.52.0 Feature Requests Jonathan Turkanis new Dec 11, 2012
#7838 Exposing hander sizes of each call as constants. asio Boost 1.52.0 Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new Dec 29, 2012
#7848 [enhancement] supply download tarballs as tar.xz instead of .bz2 Building Boost Boost 1.52.0 Feature Requests new Jan 4, 2013
#7879 Optimize equality comparison multiprecision Boost 1.53.0 Feature Requests John Maddock new Jan 10, 2013
#7897 Add timeout parameter to all Boost::ASIO socket operations asio Boost Development Trunk Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new Jan 16, 2013
#7933 Enable population of a map with options described using "*" wildcard program_options Boost 1.52.0 Feature Requests Vladimir Prus new Jan 27, 2013
#7968 swap: Add noexcept to conform with C++11 on compilers supporting it. swap Boost 1.53.0 Feature Requests joseph.gauterin new Feb 3, 2013
#8064 Comment handling in <boost/property_tree/ini_parser.hpp> property_tree Boost 1.53.0 Feature Requests Sebastian Redl new Feb 14, 2013
#8094 hierarchical_mutex for lock hierarchies (to avoid deadlocks) thread Boost 1.53.0 Feature Requests viboes assigned Feb 17, 2013
#8174 Add serialization support to Boost.Container container Boost 1.52.0 Feature Requests Ion Gaztañaga new Feb 25, 2013
#8324 Add treap to Boost.Container container Boost 1.53.0 Feature Requests Ion Gaztañaga new Mar 22, 2013
#8356 Add move semantic push operations to lockfree data structures lockfree Boost 1.53.0 Feature Requests timblechmann new Mar 31, 2013
#8357 Add noexcept to lockfree operations lockfree Boost 1.53.0 Feature Requests timblechmann new Mar 31, 2013
#8382 Add a C++11 conforming make_exception_ptr exception Boost 1.53.0 Feature Requests Emil Dotchevski new Apr 4, 2013
#8383 Add noexcept to current_exception() function exception Boost 1.53.0 Feature Requests Emil Dotchevski new Apr 4, 2013
#8430 Positional arguments help output program_options Boost 1.53.0 Feature Requests Vladimir Prus new Apr 11, 2013
#8433 Algorithm for finding all the elementary circuits in a directed (multi)graph graph Boost 1.53.0 Feature Requests Jeremiah Willcock reopened Apr 12, 2013
#8436 POSIX cksum CRC crc Boost 1.53.0 Feature Requests Daryle Walker new Apr 13, 2013
#8441 Custom allocation and copying of distance values in dijkstra graph Boost 1.53.0 Feature Requests Jeremiah Willcock new Apr 15, 2013
#8442 Match std::reference_wrapper functionality bind Boost Development Trunk Feature Requests Peter Dimov new Apr 15, 2013
#8506 Add a C++11 conforming noexcept to function<> class function Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests Douglas Gregor new Apr 27, 2013
#8514 Async: Add a thread_pool executor with work stealing. thread Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests viboes assigned Apr 28, 2013
#8517 Async: Add a variadic shared_future::then thread Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests viboes assigned Apr 28, 2013
#8539 Windows Extended Path Prefix Suggestion filesystem Boost 1.53.0 Feature Requests Beman Dawes new May 2, 2013
#8545 Can quickbook support parts and chapters as well as sections? quickbook Boost Development Trunk Feature Requests Daniel James assigned May 3, 2013
#8566 Enable writing of CDATA property_tree Feature Requests Sebastian Redl new May 13, 2013
#8582 Improve string algorithm Stacking string_algo Boost 1.55.0 Feature Requests Marshall Clow new May 17, 2013
#8597 Add single precision float support for spirit and/or utree spirit Boost 1.53.0 Feature Requests Joel de Guzman new May 20, 2013
#8599 enable_shared_from_this -- no throw alternative smart_ptr Boost 1.52.0 Feature Requests Peter Dimov new May 21, 2013
#8646 vector_indirect: broader support for vector of indices uBLAS Boost 1.53.0 Feature Requests Gunter new Jun 4, 2013
#8666 boost::lockfree::spsc_queue::emplace_push lockfree Boost 1.53.0 Feature Requests timblechmann new Jun 6, 2013
#8684 Provide a map-like container with key derivable from value container Boost 1.53.0 Feature Requests Ion Gaztañaga new Jun 10, 2013
#8714 Allow move-only handlers asio Boost 1.53.0 Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new Jun 20, 2013
#8771 Constructor of polymorphic archives serialization Boost 1.53.0 Feature Requests Robert Ramey new Jul 3, 2013
#8777 layout=system is always creating symbolic links Building Boost Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests new Jul 4, 2013
#8807 set_union adapter range Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests Neil Groves new Jul 10, 2013
#8831 Reuse capacity from user containers in order to prevent superfluous allocations string_algo Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests Marshall Clow new Jul 16, 2013
#8867 Provide socket options for TCP keepalive configuring asio Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new Jul 21, 2013
#8964 operator>> missing units Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests Matthias Schabel new Aug 4, 2013
#8972 Doxygen \sa see also links are not passed to Quickbook C++ reference section. quickbook Boost Development Trunk Feature Requests Steven Watanabe new Aug 6, 2013
#8989 asio::ip namespace issues, and proposed solution asio Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new Aug 9, 2013
#9013 Create enum to make sign result more readable. math Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests John Maddock new Aug 18, 2013
#9015 Ptree should have add_or_get property_tree Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests Sebastian Redl new Aug 19, 2013
#9052 Support of Stateful Allocators in spirit spirit Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests Joel de Guzman new Aug 27, 2013
#9074 Performance inefficiencies in boost::libs::filesystem::src::operations.cpp filesystem Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests Beman Dawes new Sep 2, 2013
#9178 Use type deduction instead of boost::function to store lambda scope_exit Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests Lorenzo Caminiti new Sep 29, 2013
#9211 fstream types don't have move semantics filesystem Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests Beman Dawes new Oct 8, 2013
#9222 iostreams documentation hard to read iostreams Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests Jonathan Turkanis new Oct 10, 2013
#9253 Support for serializing std::u16string serialization Boost 1.55.0 Feature Requests Robert Ramey new Oct 15, 2013
#9287 Additional string_ref constructors utility Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests Marshall Clow assigned Oct 22, 2013
#9296 synchronous non-blocking support for boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::connect() asio Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new Oct 23, 2013
#9299 Feature Requests: circular_buffer::emplace(...) circular_buffer Boost Development Trunk Feature Requests No-Maintainer new Oct 24, 2013
#9314 boost shared_ptr should use C++11 atomics when available smart_ptr Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests Peter Dimov new Oct 28, 2013
#9318 Improve performance of boost string algorithms when converting case string_algo Boost 1.53.0 Feature Requests Marshall Clow new Oct 29, 2013
#9326 io_service.get_unfinished_work_count() asio Boost Development Trunk Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new Oct 30, 2013
#9330 Add initializer_list constructor to ptr_container ptr_container Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests Thorsten Ottosen new Oct 31, 2013
#9382 flat_stable associative containers. container Boost 1.55.0 Feature Requests Ion Gaztañaga new Nov 13, 2013
#9393 quantile for hypergeometric distribution - precision/rounding issue math Boost Development Trunk Feature Requests John Maddock new Nov 14, 2013
#9436 Add predefined concept for contextual conversion to bool type_erasure Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests Steven Watanabe new Nov 26, 2013
#9557 BOOST_FOREACH with iterators? foreach Boost 1.55.0 Feature Requests Eric Niebler new Jan 9, 2014
#9576 read_until for string_ref algorithm Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests Marshall Clow assigned Jan 15, 2014
#9577 trim_copy doesn't support string_ref algorithm Boost 1.55.0 Feature Requests Marshall Clow assigned Jan 15, 2014
#9582 Boost.Units: conversion to double with prefixed unit units Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests Matthias Schabel new Jan 16, 2014
#9583 Support of wide character filenames in boost::interprocess::file_lock interprocess Boost 1.55.0 Feature Requests Ion Gaztañaga new Jan 16, 2014
#9588 Add a parallel_invoke algorithm. thread Boost 1.55.0 Feature Requests viboes assigned Jan 18, 2014
#9589 Add a parallel_sort algorithm. thread Boost 1.55.0 Feature Requests viboes assigned Jan 18, 2014
#9590 Add a parallel_reduce algorithm. thread Boost 1.55.0 Feature Requests viboes assigned Jan 18, 2014
#9591 Add a parallel_for algorithm. thread Boost 1.55.0 Feature Requests viboes assigned Jan 18, 2014
#9592 Add a parallel_for_each algorithm thread Boost 1.55.0 Feature Requests viboes assigned Jan 18, 2014
#9599 Add a parallel_transform algorithm thread Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests viboes assigned Jan 22, 2014
#9608 Reset on Report and Custom String timer Boost 1.55.0 Feature Requests Beman Dawes new Jan 26, 2014
#9614 Optional File Creation for boost::interprocess::file_lock interprocess Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests Ion Gaztañaga new Jan 28, 2014
#9622 Add function time created file. filesystem Boost Release Branch Feature Requests Beman Dawes new Jan 31, 2014
#9685 Boost.Locale does not link against static ICU on Windows locale Boost 1.55.0 Feature Requests Artyom Beilis assigned Feb 19, 2014
#9686 Provide cmd file for building both 32-bit and 64-bit libraries on Windows with Microsoft Visual C++ Building Boost Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests new Feb 20, 2014
#9692 Add operator[](graph_bundle_t) to compressed_sparse_row_graph<bidirectionalS> graph Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests Jeremiah Willcock new Feb 20, 2014
#9715 Converting std:exception_ptr to boost:exception_ptr exception Boost 1.55.0 Feature Requests Emil Dotchevski new Feb 26, 2014
#9724 Add move semantics for ssl::stream<> asio Boost 1.55.0 Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new Feb 28, 2014
#9755 Simple way to get hash. hash Boost 1.55.0 Feature Requests Daniel James new Mar 7, 2014
#9758 boost::geometry::index::rtree does not compile with CoordinateSystem geographic< geometry Boost 1.55.0 Feature Requests Barend Gehrels new Mar 8, 2014
#9764 posix_time::time_duration::operator/(int) can trigger division by zero error date_time Boost Release Branch Feature Requests az_sw_dude new Mar 10, 2014
#9769 Add conversion from boost::exception_ptr to std::exception_ptr when available exception Boost 1.55.0 Feature Requests Emil Dotchevski new Mar 11, 2014
#9789 Consistent comment support for INI files program_options Boost 1.53.0 Feature Requests Vladimir Prus new Mar 18, 2014
#9810 boost serialization: deserialization from boost txt archive fails on -nan for double serialization Boost 1.55.0 Feature Requests Robert Ramey reopened Mar 27, 2014
#9935 Support edge multiplicity in brandes_betweenness_centrality graph Boost Development Trunk Feature Requests Jeremiah Willcock new Apr 22, 2014
#9953 lazy_enable_if is not sfinae friendly core Boost 1.55.0 Feature Requests Peter Dimov new Apr 25, 2014
#10009 Boost Asio should provide also thread-safe sockets asio Boost 1.55.0 Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new May 6, 2014
#10022 json_parser_write inconditionally converts CP1252 to escaped unicode property_tree Boost 1.55.0 Feature Requests Sebastian Redl new May 8, 2014
#10027 Allow template parameters with types rather than hardcode typename in BOOST_FUSION_DEFINE_TPL_STRUCT_INLINE (and friends) fusion Boost 1.55.0 Feature Requests Joel de Guzman new May 8, 2014
#10047 Using Boost:Interprocess on Android interprocess Boost 1.53.0 Feature Requests Ion Gaztañaga new May 12, 2014
#10052 Runtime check of IEEE-754 rounding modes support interval Boost Development Trunk Feature Requests Boris Gubenko new May 15, 2014
#10078 Incomplete API with respect to file related dates (cration, modification, access) filesystem Boost 1.55.0 Feature Requests Beman Dawes assigned May 29, 2014
#10089 constexpr support in units units Boost Development Trunk Feature Requests Jürgen Hunold new Jun 3, 2014
#10112 improved shared_ptr visualizer and weak_ptr smart_ptr Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests fkonvick new Jun 11, 2014
#10162 ASIO's spawn should accept a stack allocator parameter asio Boost 1.55.0 Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new Jun 30, 2014
#10170 adding keys to context without file asio Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new Jul 2, 2014
#10175 Integrating build asio as a library into the boost build system asio Boost 1.55.0 Feature Requests chris_kohlhoff new Jul 3, 2014
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