{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (12960 matches)

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Results (3001 - 3100 of 12960)

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Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#7937 local_time_types.hpp tries to typedef local_microsec_clock on system without BOOST_DATE_TIME_HAS_HIGH_PRECISION_CLOCK date_time new Boost 1.52.0 Bugs az_sw_dude Jan 28, 2013
#7303 XML Serialization - Skip/Ignore unexpected data. serialization new Boost 1.51.0 Feature Requests Robert Ramey Feb 19, 2013
#11336 units: base_unit_info name and symbol unavailable for absolute units units new Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Matthias Schabel May 26, 2015
#10849 Dereferencing null pointer in Point<>::dimension_checker::apply() geometry new Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels Dec 15, 2014
#6736 boost::ptr_unordered_map and some other ptr container's classes aren't listen in library reference ptr_container new Boost 1.49.0 Bugs Thorsten Ottosen Mar 27, 2012
#11787 fusion for_each turns array reference const on msvc fusion new Boost Development Trunk Bugs Joel de Guzman Mar 9, 2016
#5524 Ptree walk_path can fail to locate desired path property_tree new Boost 1.46.1 Bugs Sebastian Redl May 6, 2011
#10845 Generic comparison operators variant closed duplicate Boost 1.57.0 Feature Requests Antony Polukhin Sep 20, 2021
#8721 Boost.Variant and Boost.Fusion incompatibility variant closed worksforme Boost 1.53.0 Bugs ebf Sep 20, 2021
#8261 lexical_cast<unsigned> returns unexpected result when using with split_iterator<std::wstring::iterator> lexical_cast closed duplicate Boost 1.52.0 Bugs Antony Polukhin May 2, 2021
#13366 lexical_cast throws std::bad_cast lexical_cast closed duplicate Boost 1.64.0 Bugs Antony Polukhin May 2, 2021
#11045 Boost.Any allocator support RFC any closed obsolete Boost 1.57.0 Feature Requests nasonov Apr 24, 2021
#7785 karma real generator limits precision to digits10 no matter exponent spirit closed fixed Boost 1.52.0 Bugs Hartmut Kaiser Mar 14, 2021
#11056 karma real generator does not produce enough digits to guarantee round trip through spirit spirit closed fixed Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Joel de Guzman Mar 14, 2021
#11726 boost/spirit/home/support/detail/endian/endian.hpp:76:57: runtime error: left shift of negative value -1 spirit closed fixed Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Joel de Guzman Mar 14, 2021
#10266 link for and predicate on boost spirit karma generator operators quick reference page points to wrong page spirit closed fixed Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Hartmut Kaiser Mar 14, 2021
#9705 Boost spirit fails to build with -DBOOST_NO_INTRINSIC_WCHAR_T spirit closed wontfix Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Joel de Guzman Mar 14, 2021
#8778 Building boost.log fails due to failure in date_time_format_parser spirit closed wontfix Boost 1.54.0 Bugs Hartmut Kaiser Mar 14, 2021
#8699 Issue with alternative forms of nan/inf spirit closed fixed Boost 1.52.0 Patches Joel de Guzman Mar 14, 2021
#7539 including spirit multi_pass and info header files caused compile error spirit closed worksforme Boost 1.52.0 Bugs Joel de Guzman Mar 14, 2021
#6050 Make spirit::transform_attribute::post return bool instead of void spirit closed invalid Boost 1.47.0 Patches Joel de Guzman Mar 14, 2021
#1112 reference_wrapper<T> should convert to reference_wrapper<U> when T& is convertible to U& variant closed duplicate Feature Requests ebf Nov 18, 2020
#5768 any_cast any closed wontfix Boost 1.47.0 Bugs Antony Polukhin Nov 18, 2020
#13290 Ability to detect boost unit test in an executable test closed wontfix Boost 1.65.0 Feature Requests Gennadiy Rozental Apr 2, 2020
#7434 Lock used in flyweight causes erroneous "unused variable" warning when compiling with clang flyweight closed wontfix Boost 1.51.0 Bugs Joaquín M López Muñoz Jan 29, 2020
#13060 GCC 4.2.1 internal compiler error test closed wontfix Boost 1.64.0 Bugs Raffi Enficiaud Dec 18, 2019
#12072 Lots of C4265 warnings in test when using Visual Studio 2015 test closed duplicate Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Raffi Enficiaud Dec 18, 2019
#11941 Use of overloaded operator== in BOOST_TEST() is ambiguous test closed wontfix Boost 1.59.0 Bugs Gennadiy Rozental Dec 15, 2019
#9768 difference of multi-polygon and box returns multi-polygon with redundant points geometry closed duplicate Boost 1.56.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels Jun 26, 2019
#10661 difference algorithm returning invalid geometry geometry closed duplicate Boost 1.56.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels Jun 26, 2019
#11674 difference algorithm returning invalid geometry geometry closed duplicate Boost 1.66.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels Jun 26, 2019
#13604 Clang warning: Implicit conversion loses integer precision geometry closed duplicate Boost 1.67.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels Jun 26, 2019
#13377 VC++ 14 error C4458: declaration of 'debug_phase' hides class member geometry closed duplicate Boost 1.66.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels Jun 26, 2019
#13598 VC++ 15 compiler warning C4456: declaration of 'cur' hides previous local declaration geometry closed duplicate Boost 1.67.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels Jun 26, 2019
#13596 VC++ 15 compiler warning C4127: conditional expression is constant geometry closed duplicate Boost 1.67.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels Jun 26, 2019
#12082 x3::forward_ast ambiguous call spirit closed wontfix Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Joel de Guzman Apr 25, 2019
#11608 boost::spirit::double_ fails with large numbers spirit closed fixed Boost 1.59.0 Bugs Joel de Guzman Apr 25, 2019
#9400 Boost spirit double_ parser crashes (array out of bounds) on values over 1e308 spirit closed fixed Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Joel de Guzman Apr 24, 2019
#13106 libs/test/tools/console_test_runner does not compile. test closed fixed Boost 1.64.0 Bugs Raffi Enficiaud Feb 4, 2019
#12915 Buffer overflow in boost::container::vector (affects flat_set) container closed fixed Boost Development Trunk Bugs Ion Gaztañaga Dec 31, 2018
#12311 boost::filesystem::directory_iterator(const path& p) iteration to cause a std::terminate() filesystem closed fixed Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Beman Dawes Nov 24, 2018
#12759 filesystem::path::{separator,preferred_separator,dot} should have definitions filesystem closed fixed Boost 1.63.0 Bugs Beman Dawes Nov 24, 2018
#8007 Possible memory leak in filesystem::copy() filesystem closed worksforme Boost 1.52.0 Bugs Beman Dawes Nov 24, 2018
#7299 Spirit Karma static assert with unicode enabled on Win32 and Win64 spirit closed fixed Boost 1.50.0 Bugs Hartmut Kaiser Nov 24, 2018
#8440 Incorrect comment in test/karma/real.hpp spirit closed fixed Boost Development Trunk Bugs Hartmut Kaiser Nov 24, 2018
#8578 <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp> does not include qi::match spirit closed invalid Boost 1.53.0 Bugs Joel de Guzman Nov 24, 2018
#11514 Thread-unsafe (or non-optimal in C++11) static initialization in boost/spirit/home/qi/numeric/detail/numeric_utils.hpp spirit closed fixed Boost 1.58.0 Bugs Joel de Guzman Nov 24, 2018
#9737 [spirit][classic] returning reference to temporary when using position_iterator with istreambuf_iterator<char> spirit closed fixed Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Joel de Guzman Nov 24, 2018
#5935 ambiguios loaded operator spirit closed invalid Boost Release Branch Bugs Joel de Guzman Nov 24, 2018
#12427 Boost Spirit: call of 'swap' is ambiguous spirit closed fixed Boost 1.58.0 Bugs Joel de Guzman Nov 24, 2018
#12860 Small inconsistency in documentation spirit closed fixed Boost 1.63.0 Bugs Joel de Guzman Nov 22, 2018
#13370 Qi: Stack Smash with BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG defined spirit closed fixed Boost 1.65.0 Bugs Joel de Guzman Nov 22, 2018
#6126 Signed integer members of Boost.Fusion adapted ADTs are not output correctly with Boost.Spirit.Karma rules spirit closed fixed Boost 1.48.0 Bugs Hartmut Kaiser Nov 22, 2018
#13531 Facing build failure on PowerPC due to boost/spirit/home/x3/support/numeric_utils/sign.hpp spirit closed fixed Boost 1.63.0 Bugs Joel de Guzman Nov 22, 2018
#12138 Lex plain token range is always 1 token only spirit closed fixed Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Joel de Guzman Nov 22, 2018
#13615 Could the performance of spirit::qi::parse() be much worse than std::stod()? spirit closed invalid Boost 1.67.0 Bugs Joel de Guzman Nov 22, 2018
#7460 owi_mt_tests.cpp:89: error: 'TIME_UTC' is not a member of 'boost' spirit closed fixed Boost 1.50.0 Bugs Joel de Guzman Nov 22, 2018
#13476 Linker error when using Spirit Classic spirit closed fixed Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Joel de Guzman Nov 22, 2018
#13255 mingw build on appveyor uses undefined vsnprintf test closed fixed Boost Development Trunk Bugs Gennadiy Rozental Nov 7, 2018
#13266 boost.test fails to compile under Visual Studio 2015 with flag /std:c++latest test closed worksforme Boost 1.65.0 Bugs Gennadiy Rozental Nov 6, 2018
#9363 Reference forwarding in phoenix::bind does not work in C++11 phoenix closed fixed Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Thomas Heller Nov 3, 2018
#13574 Unable to compile boost/test for C++17 test closed worksforme Boost Release Branch Tasks Gennadiy Rozental Nov 3, 2018
#12282 Library requirements errors. disjoint_sets closed obsolete Boost Development Trunk Bugs James E. King, III Nov 3, 2018
#11739 operator / for point2 is hard coded to operate on type double gil USE GITHUB closed duplicate Boost 1.59.0 Bugs Stefan Seefeld Oct 13, 2018
#7189 [gil] conflict between boost range and boost gil gil USE GITHUB closed duplicate Boost 1.51.0 Bugs Stefan Seefeld Oct 13, 2018
#12538 Compiler error when assigning result of list_of to std::list on GCC assign closed duplicate Boost 1.61.0 Bugs James E. King, III Oct 13, 2018
#8238 Assign support for std::array assign closed duplicate Boost 1.52.0 Bugs James E. King, III Oct 13, 2018
#9561 tribool documentation suggestion logic closed wontfix Boost 1.55.0 Tasks James E. King, III Oct 13, 2018
#5510 The truth table in the documention makes no sense to me logic closed wontfix Boost 1.46.1 Bugs James E. King, III Oct 13, 2018
#11977 tribool missing from modular boost repositories logic closed invalid Boost 1.61.0 Bugs James E. King, III Oct 13, 2018
#7659 sizeof(tribool) > sizeof(bool) * 2 logic closed wontfix Boost 1.52.0 Bugs James E. King, III Oct 13, 2018
#13341 Inconsistent line endings in 911 files in Boost 1.65.1 tar package None closed invalid Boost 1.65.0 Bugs Oct 12, 2018
#11869 Boost should consistently use BOOST_ for all #defines and standardize header guards None closed invalid Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Oct 12, 2018
#13331 Coverity Status Analysis defects found None closed obsolete Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Oct 12, 2018
#9020 kth_channel_view fails when used with virtual views gil USE GITHUB closed duplicate Boost 1.52.0 Bugs Stefan Seefeld Oct 8, 2018
#2229 Provide a 'base()' member for adapted views or locators. gil USE GITHUB closed duplicate Boost 1.36.0 Feature Requests Stefan Seefeld Oct 8, 2018
#6744 [Assign][GIL] Boost Assign and GIL incompatibility in gcc 4.3.2 assign closed wontfix Boost 1.49.0 Bugs James E. King, III Oct 8, 2018
#13595 Compiling Boost with VS2017 (15.7.1) generates the Warning C5032. None closed duplicate Boost 1.67.0 Bugs Sep 21, 2018
#13572 typo in hana manual "generic lifting process" None closed duplicate Boost 1.67.0 Bugs Sep 21, 2018
#13609 Support Microsoft Windows Core OS None closed invalid Boost 1.63.0 Support Requests Sep 21, 2018
#13643 where i can find the source code for filesystem Getting Started Guide closed obsolete Boost Release Branch Support Requests Dave Abrahams Sep 21, 2018
#13213 Relative path to submodules should point to boostorg instead of parent repo. None closed duplicate Boost 1.63.0 Bugs Sep 21, 2018
#7085 Boost pool library it not header only as claimed in documentation pool closed fixed Boost 1.50.0 Bugs Chris Newbold Sep 19, 2018
#13221 multiple 'undefined reference to boost::detail::get_tss_data(void const*)' during mingw-w64 compilation. thread closed duplicate Boost 1.65.0 Bugs Anthony Williams Sep 11, 2018
#13541 Duration not initialized by default chrono closed worksforme Boost 1.66.0 Bugs viboes Sep 11, 2018
#12136 Propose lexical_cast type traits lexical_cast closed wontfix Boost 1.61.0 Feature Requests Antony Polukhin Sep 9, 2018
#6430 Optimized code for `boost::iterator_range<std::string::iterator>` lexical_cast closed wontfix Boost Development Trunk Feature Requests Antony Polukhin Sep 9, 2018
#12265 Request to use standard objects if available None closed duplicate Boost 1.61.0 Feature Requests Antony Polukhin Sep 9, 2018
#11046 Boost.Any allocator support RFC any closed duplicate Boost 1.57.0 Feature Requests nasonov Sep 9, 2018
#7601 Does not use Boost.Move variant closed obsolete Boost 1.52.0 Bugs ebf Sep 9, 2018
#7960 Optimization for move_assign and assign variant closed obsolete Boost 1.53.0 Feature Requests ebf Sep 9, 2018
#2222 Make images & views model Collection concept. gil USE GITHUB closed duplicate Boost 1.36.0 Feature Requests Stefan Seefeld Aug 30, 2018
#8144 Document locator and cached_location_t gil USE GITHUB closed duplicate Boost Development Trunk Patches chhenning Aug 25, 2018
#6681 Boost::GIL with MSVC Warning Level 4 gives some warnings. gil USE GITHUB closed obsolete Boost 1.48.0 Bugs chhenning Aug 25, 2018
#5795 is_rvalue_reference returns wrong result when rvalue reference to a function is passed type_traits closed duplicate Boost 1.47.0 Bugs John Maddock Aug 2, 2018
#13602 Compiling has_plus_assign.hpp with VS2017 (15.7.1) generates the Warning C5032. type_traits closed fixed Boost 1.67.0 Bugs John Maddock Aug 2, 2018
#11422 is_base<T, T> is broken on MSVC10 when T is not defined type_traits closed duplicate Boost 1.57.0 Bugs John Maddock Aug 2, 2018
#10934 is_function return false for cv-qualified function types type_traits closed duplicate Boost 1.57.0 Bugs John Maddock Aug 2, 2018
#9913 boost::has_complement of enum class does not compile type_traits closed obsolete Boost 1.55.0 Bugs bronf Aug 2, 2018
#13552 boost::process doesn't compile with MinGW if BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED is defined process closed duplicate Boost 1.67.0 Bugs Aug 2, 2018
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