{8} Active Tickets, Mine first (3355 matches)

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Results (3201 - 3300 of 3355)

Active Tickets (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#9971 Use constexpr for boost::mpl::c_str::value when possible. mpl Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Aleksey Gurtovoy new May 1, 2014
#10037 process_jam_log can't open output file when using library_test_all.sh Regression Testing USE GITHUB Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Patches René Rivera new May 10, 2014
#10042 anonymous enum problem (gcc4.4.7) in asio/completion_condition.hpp asio To Be Determined Patches chris_kohlhoff new May 11, 2014
#10122 Recent Python versions trigger compiler error on AIX when compiling modules/regex.c: conflicting types for 'fgetpos64' build Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Patches Vladimir Prus new Jun 13, 2014
#10212 Don't protect calls to SSL_accept by a static mutex asio Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Patches chris_kohlhoff new Jul 17, 2014
#10347 Boost.ProgramOptions without RTTI program_options Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Patches Vladimir Prus new Aug 12, 2014
#10513 Use operator | and |= for set addition if | and |= are called ICL Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Patches Joachim Faulhaber new Sep 17, 2014
#10704 [property_tree] Readablilty improvement ini_parser::write_ini result. property_tree Boost 1.50.0 To Be Determined Patches Sebastian Redl new Oct 28, 2014
#10708 Property support in add_vertex() method for subgraph graph Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Jeremiah Willcock new Oct 28, 2014
#10709 Graph bundled property support in subgraph graph Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Jeremiah Willcock new Oct 28, 2014
#10781 Minor typo in regex_actions.hpp xpressive Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Eric Niebler new Nov 11, 2014
#10850 gcc-x86-implementation of "atomic_exchange_and_add" triggers intel's "unitialized variable" runtime check smart_ptr Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Peter Dimov new Dec 4, 2014
#10859 Minor typo in Boost.Interprocess interprocess Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Ion Gaztañaga new Dec 9, 2014
#10907 Fix for mingw interprocess Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Patches Ion Gaztañaga new Dec 29, 2014
#10910 arm64 value for <instruction-set> feature support build Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Patches Vladimir Prus new Dec 30, 2014
#10974 dynamic_bitset.hpp should not use "using namespace std" dynamic_bitset Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Patches jsiek new Jan 27, 2015
#11003 Pointless use of using namespace std asio Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Patches chris_kohlhoff new Feb 9, 2015
#11212 "type qualifiers ignored on function return type" in ptr_container's map_iterator's operator-> ptr_container Boost 1.49.0 To Be Determined Patches Thorsten Ottosen new Apr 20, 2015
#11289 Filter test crashes if other "compose" function is defined iostreams Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Patches Jonathan Turkanis new May 12, 2015
#11335 units: [patch] Improve precision of mmHg conversion to Pascal units Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Patches Matthias Schabel new May 22, 2015
#11654 Updated VxWorks support for asio asio Boost 1.59.0 To Be Determined Patches chris_kohlhoff new Sep 16, 2015
#11656 Updated VxWorks support for iostreams iostreams Boost 1.59.0 To Be Determined Patches Jonathan Turkanis new Sep 16, 2015
#11657 Add VxWorks support for program options program_options Boost 1.59.0 To Be Determined Patches Vladimir Prus new Sep 16, 2015
#11730 Extend interprocess::message_queue to be lazy initializable interprocess Boost 1.59.0 To Be Determined Patches Ion Gaztañaga new Oct 15, 2015
#11810 privilege __sun over sun for strict ISO compilers build Boost 1.59.0 To Be Determined Patches Vladimir Prus new Nov 21, 2015
#11947 filesystem: getting file_type from a directory_entry without causing a system call on linux filesystem Boost 1.61.0 To Be Determined Patches Beman Dawes new Jan 29, 2016
#12009 Fix for Visual C++ C4267 'conditional expression is constant' warning ptr_container Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Thorsten Ottosen new Feb 19, 2016
#12099 Ziggurat implementation of boost::random::exponential_distribution random Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches No-Maintainer new Mar 25, 2016
#12164 Build filesystem for Windows Runtime filesystem Boost 1.61.0 To Be Determined Patches Beman Dawes new Apr 27, 2016
#12165 Build filesystem for Windows Runtime filesystem Boost 1.61.0 To Be Determined Patches Beman Dawes new Apr 27, 2016
#12259 improved version of boost::property_tree::ini_parser, which handles comments in INI-files property_tree Boost Release Branch To Be Determined Patches Sebastian Redl new Jun 9, 2016
#12351 boost::make_shared doesn't use constructor forwarding through move emulation smart_ptr Boost 1.59.0 To Be Determined Patches Peter Dimov new Jul 26, 2016
#12375 Patch fixing use of boost::icl w/ MSVC CL.exe /P ICL Boost 1.61.0 To Be Determined Patches Joachim Faulhaber new Aug 3, 2016
#12418 boost.smart_ptr: mips assembly doesn't compile in mips16e mode smart_ptr Boost 1.61.0 To Be Determined Patches Peter Dimov new Aug 29, 2016
#12419 use POSIX poll.h instead of glibc-specific sys/poll.h asio Boost 1.61.0 To Be Determined Patches chris_kohlhoff new Aug 29, 2016
#12575 fix compilation of software using libressl and boost asio asio Boost 1.62.0 To Be Determined Patches chris_kohlhoff new Nov 2, 2016
#12826 Disabled SSL compression results in compile failure asio Boost 1.62.0 To Be Determined Patches chris_kohlhoff new Feb 9, 2017
#12832 add a static histogram type accumulator Boost 1.61.0 To Be Determined Patches Eric Niebler new Feb 12, 2017
#12933 Improve Calculation of Cartesian Point Distances geometry Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Patches Barend Gehrels new Mar 25, 2017
#13015 Several "declaration hides member" warnings in Boost random random Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Patches No-Maintainer new May 8, 2017
#13188 VS2017 reports typecast error in two_bit_color_map.hpp graph Boost 1.65.0 To Be Determined Patches Jeremiah Willcock new Sep 1, 2017
#13278 interprocess_sharable_mutex::unlock_sharable() bug when counter is already equal to 0 interprocess Boost 1.66.0 To Be Determined Patches Ion Gaztañaga new Oct 27, 2017
#13417 ASIO should support VxWorks asio Boost 1.66.0 To Be Determined Patches chris_kohlhoff new Jan 23, 2018
#13429 Typo in Boost.Regex error message regex Boost 1.66.0 To Be Determined Patches John Maddock new Jan 30, 2018
#13545 Missing SAL-Präfixes for windows-function-imports. winapi Boost 1.67.0 To Be Determined Patches Andrey Semashev new Apr 27, 2018
#13547 "warning C6386: Buffer overrun while writing to 'mem': the writable size is 'size+1' bytes, but 'size' bytes might be written..."...->"https://svn.boost.org/trac10/attachment/ticket/13547/#ticket". asio Boost 1.67.0 To Be Determined Patches chris_kohlhoff new Apr 27, 2018
#13550 Boost foreach library trigger warning in Qt foreach Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Patches Eric Niebler new Apr 30, 2018
#13563 Error deserializing empty forward_list serialization Boost 1.67.0 To Be Determined Patches Robert Ramey new May 11, 2018
#13569 Broken build on newer versions of LLVM atomic Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Patches timblechmann new May 18, 2018
#1915 Nested matrix products with transposes causes compiler to complain error: invalid application of ‘sizeof’ uBLAS Boost 1.34.1 To Be Determined Support Requests Gunter assigned May 14, 2008
#5443 Building multithreading (-mt) libs on Mac OS X 10.6 Getting Started Guide Boost 1.47.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Dave Abrahams new Apr 8, 2011
#5766 Uninitialized variable warnings with GCC 4.4.5-6 geometry Boost 1.47.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Barend Gehrels new Aug 9, 2011
#6325 InterlockedExchangeAdd improperly identified as managed code. asio Boost 1.48.0 To Be Determined Support Requests chris_kohlhoff new Dec 27, 2011
#6348 unresolved symbols when kinking with gcc-3.4.6 date_time Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Support Requests az_sw_dude new Jan 2, 2012
#6353 memory layout specifiers doc clarification multi_array Boost 1.48.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Ronald Garcia new Jan 3, 2012
#6797 Undefined references for program_options library with mingw64. program_options Boost 1.49.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Vladimir Prus new Apr 16, 2012
#7361 Forbid compilation of leaking mistake. program_options Boost 1.51.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Vladimir Prus new Sep 10, 2012
#7483 Exception 'T' is not a legal base class exception Boost 1.52.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Emil Dotchevski new Oct 8, 2012
#7723 prune include directives spirit Boost 1.52.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Joel de Guzman new Nov 22, 2012
#7736 Boost.Units io.hpp always includes Boost.serialization and an unwanted Clang warning units Boost 1.52.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Steven Watanabe new Nov 26, 2012
#8054 Where is the PageRank algorithm? graph Boost 1.52.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Jeremiah Willcock new Feb 13, 2013
#8362 Move ctor or assignment for boost::geometry::model::ring? geometry Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Mateusz Loskot new Apr 2, 2013
#8404 VC++ 2012 compiler warning C4244: 'initializing' : conversion from '__int64' to 'const double' geometry Boost 1.52.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Barend Gehrels new Apr 5, 2013
#8631 property_three - use user std::locale property_tree Boost 1.53.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Sebastian Redl new May 30, 2013
#8945 managed_shared_memory::find assertion interprocess Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Ion Gaztañaga new Jul 31, 2013
#9598 no operator found which takes a left-hand operand of type 'boost::filesystem::directory_iterator' filesystem Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Beman Dawes new Jan 22, 2014
#10248 Understanding generated files / targets. build Boost 1.51.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Vladimir Prus new Jul 27, 2014
#10448 MSVC bug with default argument passing - a workaround is required filesystem Boost 1.56.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Beman Dawes new Sep 3, 2014
#10568 It would be better to improve naming mechanism of the latest log file log Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Andrey Semashev new Sep 30, 2014
#10667 VC++ 2013 compiler warning C4244: 'initializing' : conversion from 'double' to 'const coordinate_type', possible loss of data geometry Boost 1.66.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Barend Gehrels new Oct 16, 2014
#10800 boost::iostreams seems to be unmaintained iostreams Boost 1.57.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Jonathan Turkanis new Nov 18, 2014
#10998 Error: Boost_MPI send(): explicit specialization must precede its first use mpi Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Matthias Troyer new Feb 6, 2015
#11537 named_recursive_mutex deadlock problem interprocess Boost 1.49.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Ion Gaztañaga new Aug 13, 2015
#11619 Chrono V2 IO - format tags 'unsupported'? chrono Boost 1.59.0 To Be Determined Support Requests viboes assigned Sep 4, 2015
#11633 chrono IO V1 may throw bad_cast chrono Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Support Requests viboes assigned Sep 9, 2015
#11639 document std's vs boost's chrono::steady_clock system-wideness discrepancy chrono Boost 1.59.0 To Be Determined Support Requests viboes assigned Sep 10, 2015
#11919 ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE != boost::system::errc::broken_pipe system Boost 1.59.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Beman Dawes new Jan 18, 2016
#11949 request for information filesystem Boost 1.61.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Beman Dawes new Feb 2, 2016
#11973 Can't work with date_time library date_time Boost 1.60.0 To Be Determined Support Requests az_sw_dude new Feb 10, 2016
#11997 website multiple headers sent trac / subversion Boost 1.61.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Douglas Gregor new Feb 17, 2016
#12218 Compilation error using input_seekable with gzip_decompressor() iostreams Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Jonathan Turkanis new May 22, 2016
#12219 Compilation error using input_seekable with gzip_decompressor() iostreams Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Jonathan Turkanis new May 22, 2016
#12483 signals2 bind to member function by value fail to signal when using trackable signals Boost 1.61.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Douglas Gregor new Sep 26, 2016
#12647 Support for arm instruction-set for arm64-v8a build Boost 1.62.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Vladimir Prus new Dec 4, 2016
#12663 geometry::equals fails when points differ by small value geometry Boost 1.61.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Barend Gehrels new Dec 8, 2016
#12793 Boost.ICL document exclusive_less_than ICL Boost 1.61.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Joachim Faulhaber new Jan 26, 2017
#12816 error using with WinRT typeof Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Peder Holt new Feb 5, 2017
#12903 division by 0 polygon Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Lucanus Simonson new Mar 14, 2017
#13086 Exception Throw -> { boost::asio::ip::tcp::aceptor * acceptor->open(); } asio Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Support Requests chris_kohlhoff new Jun 20, 2017
#13123 So confused on building boost. build Boost 1.64.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Vladimir Prus new Jul 16, 2017
#13180 Loop vectorisation using boost multi_array multi_array Boost 1.65.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Ronald Garcia new Aug 28, 2017
#13408 Boost Library Possible memory Leak thread Boost 1.63.0 To Be Determined Support Requests viboes assigned Jan 19, 2018
#13469 Getting lot of warnings for simple code which is using boost::Intersection polygon Boost 1.61.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Lucanus Simonson new Mar 6, 2018
#13538 Issue in addressof.hpp? smart_ptr Boost 1.67.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Peter Dimov new Apr 25, 2018
#13578 Why boost.context export make_x86_64_sysv_elf_gas.o context Boost 1.67.0 To Be Determined Support Requests olli new May 29, 2018
#13582 what does $(>) mean? build Boost 1.67.0 To Be Determined Support Requests Vladimir Prus new May 30, 2018
#13589 boost_1_55_0 bootstrap mingw failed Building Boost Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Support Requests James E. King, III new Jun 11, 2018
#13599 condition_variable::timed_wait never returns thread Boost 1.65.0 To Be Determined Support Requests viboes assigned Jun 14, 2018
#1088 Docs for template escape feature. quickbook To Be Determined Tasks René Rivera new Jul 12, 2007
#1175 Document quickbook's (lack of) unicode support. quickbook Boost 1.34.1 To Be Determined Tasks Daniel James assigned Aug 13, 2007
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