
Adding Regression Tests with CMake

This page describes how to add regression tests for a Boost library in the CMake-based build system. Before adding regression tests, make sure you have already followed the directions for adding a library to CMake, so that the CMake system recognizes your Boost library, and (if necessary) adding a compiled library to CMake. We also assume that you have already configured your build tree for regression testing, by enabling the BUILD_TESTING option described in the section Testing Boost with CMake.

In this page, we will assume that your library resides in the subdirectory libs/libname, and that tests for this library are stored in libs/libname/test. The test directory should be listed via TESTDIRS in the use of the boost_library_project macro, as described in an earlier section, Adding a Library to CMake. Follow these steps to add this new library into Boost's build system. If your library has multiple testing directories listed after TESTDIRS, follow these steps for each one.

  1. Create a new file libs/libname/test/CMakeLists.txt file with your favorite text editor. This file will contain instructions for building and running each of the regression tests for your library.

1a. If your regression test depends on any other part of boost then you will need to inform the build system of such with the following line:

  boost_additional_test_dependencies(libname BOOST_DEPENDS test fusion)

where 'libname' is the name of your library that you are testing.

  1. For each test that only needs to be compiled (but not executed), add a compile or compile_fail test using the boost_test_compile or boost_test_compile_fail macros, respectively. The most basic usage of these macros provides only the test name, e.g.,

This code will create two regression tests. The first, compile_test, will try to compile the source file compile_test.cpp in the current source directory. If the compile is successful, the regression test passes. If the compile fails, the regression test fails. The second regression test works the opposite way: it will try to compile compile_fail_test.cpp: if the compilation is successful, the regression test fails. When you run the regression tests (e.g., by calling ctest from the build directory), the regression tests will execute and produce output like the following:

Running tests...
Start processing tests
Test project /Users/dgregor/Projects/boost-darwin
  1/  2 Testing libname::compile_test            Passed
  2/  2 Testing libname::compile_fail_test     ***Failed - supposed to fail

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 2
  1. For any tests that need to be built and executed, use the boost_test_run or boost_test_run_fail macros. Both tests will build, link and execute a regression test. The boost_test_run macro expects that executable to return an exit code of zero, while the boost_test_run_fail macro expects that executable to return a non-zero exit code. For example, we might build a simple test simple_test from the source file simple_test.cpp:
  1. Often, we'll want to link against our own Boost library, which we do using the DEPENDS argument to boost_test_run:
    boost_test_run(big_test big_test1.cpp big_test2.cpp
      DEPENDS boost_libname-static

Here, we have created a test big_test, built from the source files big_test1.cpp and big_test2.cpp, which will link against the static library for boost_libname. We could create a similar test that links against the shared library for boost_libname, passing along compilation flags specific to the shared library:

boost_test_run(big_test_dll big_test1.cpp big_test2.cpp
  DEPENDS boost_libname-shared
  1. Some tests require command-line arguments. For example, say we want to pass -loop 1000 to a randomized test. We can do so using the ARGS argument to boost_test_run (or boost_test_run_fail):
    boost_test_run(random_test ARGS "-loop" "1000" DEPENDS boost_libname-static)

Once you have finished describing your regression tests to the CMake system, you're done! Your library will now build, test, and install with CMake and this behavior should be portable across many different platforms.

Last modified 14 years ago Last modified on Nov 6, 2008, 4:32:21 PM
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